
50 Cent Vies for Worst First-Pitch Title

There are only two outcomes when a famous person throws out a first pitch at a baseball game (and only one of them ever makes it into the news), so you probably already know what happened here. Curtis “50 Cent’’ Jackson went to the Mets game with the chance to throw out the first pitch and it did not go well.

Maybe it’s because it was the Mets and he was just trying to fit in, but his throw came closer to hitting those photographers than the catcher’s mitt.

The worst part is that this is one of those moments where literally everyone knows how bad it is. There was probably a 3-year-old infant in the crowd wincing after Jackson tossed that duck. Heck, even the players can’t help but laugh at him, including catcher Anthony Recker, who might need to get treated for whiplash. Yeesh.