Job Doc

Is an employer required to post all jobs?

Ask the Job Doc.

Q: My company has a job posting policy, where they commit to posting most roles internally before they hire candidates from outside of the company.  Their posting process is inconsistent.  Sometimes there are many jobs posted, while other times there are very few.  Isn’t this a legal requirement to “hire from within” the company?  I hear that term a lot.

A: When an employer has a job posting system, it is a good sign.  I agree with you!  Typically, this type of policy indicates that the employer is looking to offer internal opportunities to existing employees.  However, “at-will” employers have a lot of discretion on how to post jobs, interview candidates and decide which jobs should be posted internally vs. which roles should not be posted.  There is no legal requirement in Massachusetts to post a job internally for most employers. If the company has a union, there may be a requirement to post the role internally first.
