Can She Get Him Back?


Two weeks ago my boyfriend broke up with me. We were dating for more than three years and he broke up with me because we were fighting too much. The next day we returned all of our stuff and I tried not to contact him but I cracked after a week. I asked to see him and he agreed, so I went to his house and we talked like we normally would about things going on in our lives. I said I missed him and he also said he missed me. We ended up having sex and he told me that it looked hopeful for our relationship, and he promised that at the end of the month I could take him on a date. I think that was just the sex talking but I took it to heart.

I went another week without talking to him, and yesterday I ended up seeing him yet again at his house. I begged and pleaded even though I know I shouldn’t have. He told me that he was very happy and that he no longer missed me or thought about me. He also said he does not want to go on a date with me at the end of the month. I guess I’m just wondering whether there is anything I can still do to get my ex back. I have told myself that I will fully commit to the no-contact rule, but I’m not even sure if that will help. I guess I never gave my ex enough time to miss me. I just don’t know if I ruined all of my chances at getting him back.

– No contact


Don’t beat yourself up for contacting him after that initial conversation. Breakups are messy, and you needed to play this one out until you were sure you had a final answer.

I know (all too well) that at the start of a horrible breakup, it’s natural to want to get someone back. It seems like the best idea – certainly much easier than letting go and moving on. It’s a tough instinct to fight, which is why you have to surround yourself with other people right now. Friends, family, coworkers – anyone you can round up for distractions. Whenever you get in a rut thinking about how much you miss him, turn on the TV or force yourself to think about one of those fights.

Week two will feel different than week four and week eight, so please give yourself some time to heal. The goal for right now should be to follow the no-contact rule – not because you think it’ll win him back, but because it’s what’s best for you. And really, it is.

Readers? How can she get through the next few weeks?

– Meredith

Love Letters

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