Local News

Chelsea man drowns in Winchester lake

The incident occurred late Sunday afternoon.

A Chelsea man drowned in Upper Mystic Lake off Sandy Beach in Winchester late Sunday afternoon, state police said in a release.

Jose Garcia, 56, was located at approximately 5:30 p.m. by Stoneham Fire Department divers and removed from the lake, after emergency responders from several departments responded to a report of a possible drowning shortly after 4:30 p.m. A Winchester Fire ambulance transported Garcia to Winchester Hospital, where he was pronounced dead.

No foul play is suspected in the drowning. State police detectives and the state police crime scene services section determined that Garcia had been swimming at the lake with family members. Another beachgoer observed Garcia in the lake in distress, about 35 feet from shore and past the designated swimming area, and called 911, police said.


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