Local News

Bullets strike multi-family home in Roslindale neighborhood

The shooting occurred at 11 Pinedale Road Monday morning.


Bullets struck a home on an otherwise quiet morning in Roslindale on Monday. 

Neighbors woke up to the sound of gunfire around around 6:47 a.m., according to a Boston Police spokesperson.

The shooting occurred at 11 Pinedale Road on a neighborhood street with a dead end. The street was closed off as four police cars investigated the scene, according to WHDH.

According to a report by the news station, the neighborhood is typically quiet and safe, with one resident describing it as a “really nice neighborhood.”

Nobody was injured during the shooting, but police say they found ballistic damage on the multi-family home that was struck. 


Police say there are no suspects at this time, and the investigation remains ongoing.


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