Red Sox

These Red Sox don’t deserve your time

AP Photo/Gail Burton


All is lost.

Whatever lingering hope that the 2015 Boston Red Sox might be able to drag themselves out of the morass that has infected the franchise since raising that grand outlier touting the 2013 World Series title vanished into the jet fumes somewhere between Arlington, Texas and a homecoming of apathy.

This is a not a team worthy of your attention. It’s not one worth your time or your dollars.

We may only be at the dawn of June, but don’t tell me it’s still early. Not with this excusatory band with no justification. The Red Sox have been bad — not underperformed, bad — for eight straight months of play now, and what little placating you may hear from outside of Yawkey Way seemingly disappeared on Sunday, when Boston finished off its 1-6 road trip through Minnesota and Texas with a loss that delivered a blow to even the most optimistic psyches.
