The words Student Accessibility Support surround objects, all outlined in different colorsStudents with disabilities make up an important part of our Brandeis community. Our diverse community includes students with a range of physical, sensory, psychological, medical and learning disabilities.

While appreciating the strengths and needs of all students, Student Accessibility Support seeks to promote the growth of undergraduate and graduate students through individual connections, campus-wide initiatives and collaboration with others in the Brandeis community.

Accommodations at Brandeis

A reasonable accommodation can be an added support, the removal of a barrier, an adjustment to a policy, or other modification of materials, practices, and spaces.

Accommodations are designed to support equal access for people with disabilities/medical conditions. Requests for accommodations that would fundamentally alter the nature of a course, assignment, experience, etc., or would result in an "undue hardship" as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act may not be considered reasonable and may not be approved.

Depending on the nature of the disability and the particular needs of the student, students may utilize a variety of supports. These can include, but are not limited to:

Please Note: Essential programmatic requirements cannot be altered and are determined by faculty and departments. As a student at Brandeis, you are expected to meet all academic and behavioral expectations of both the courses you are taking and of the broader campus community.

Learn more about academic accommodations and our non-academic accommodations including housing accommodations, Accessible Transportation Service and parking accommodations, and medical dietary accommodations.

Pregnancy Accommodations

Pregnancy accommodation requests may go through Student Accessibility Support or the Office of Equal Opportunity, or both offices may be involved, depending on the nature of the request. Please contact [email protected] or [email protected] to start a conversation.

Religious Accommodations

For religious accommodations, please email the Office of Equal Opportunity.