Religious Studies Program

Minor Requirements

Students may elect to fulfill the Religious Studies minor requirements that were listed in the Bulletin when they entered the University or may, with approval from the Undergraduate Advising Head, fulfill the minor requirements with the following requirements that went into effect for Fall 2018.

Students wishing to minor in Religious Studies must complete a total of five semester courses in Religious Studies from among the REL-designated courses and cross-listed offerings, as well as the following requirements:

A. At least one core course: REL 107a (Introduction to World Religions), ANTH 80a (Anthropology of Religion), or SOC 129a (Sociology of Religion). Ideally, the student should take the core course early in their career, but not necessarily as the first course in the program.

B. The remaining four courses must cover at least two different religious traditions. One course must focus on just one tradition, while a second may include up to two different religious traditions within the course content, other than the tradition of the first course. Additionally, the remaining four courses must be offered from at least two different departments or programs. A list of approved electives is below.

C. A senior essay (REL 97a or 97b) may replace one course with the approval of the Program Chair.

D. Students must obtain at least a C in each course. Pass/fail courses are not allowed.

E. The Undergraduate Advising Head may approve up to two courses transferred from study elsewhere.

The following courses focus on just one tradition:

  • Ancient Near Eastern Religion: NEJS 116a
  • Buddhism: FA 171b, REL 151a
  • Christianity: ENG 154b, FA 42b, FA 145a, HIST 123b, HIST 206b, NEJS 128a, NEJS 130a
  • Greek and Roman Religion: CLAS 170a
  • Hinduism: REL/SAS 152a 
  • Islam: FA 33b, IMES 104a, NEJS 186a, NEJS 186b, NEJS 190b, NEJS 194b
  • Judaism: NEJS 5a, NEJS 111a, NEJS 112a, NEJS 114b, NEJS 115b, NEJS 124b, NEJS 127b, NEJS 153a, NEJS 155b, NEJS 159a, NEJS 162a, NEJS 164a, NEJS 164b, NEJS 166b, NEJS 191b

The following courses focus on two traditions: 

  • Christianity and Judaism: AMST 50b, NEJS 148b
  • Confucianism and Daoism: REL 161a
  • Islam and Judaism: NEJS 144a

To declare a Religious Studies minor, please complete the Major/Minor Declaration Form and meet with Kristen Lucken, the Religious Studies Undergraduate Advising Head, who will sign and submit the form. 

Transfer Credit Policy

No more than two courses from another institution may count toward the five courses required for the minor. The program's Undergraduate Advising Head (UAH) must approve each course transferred from another institution. Students are encouraged to seek approval, prior to taking a course, from the program's UAH for any course intended for transfer credit.

Faculty Research

Wendy Cadge

Professor Wendy Cadge is shining a light on the chapels and prayer rooms tucked away in the corners of the city, from Peddocks Island to Logan Airport and the Prudential Center.

Read about Cadge's research on Brandeis Now