
Buddhist literature
Also known as: “Mahaparinirvana-sutra”

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Buddhist funeral observances

  • Buddha
    In Buddhism: Funeral rites

    …ashes are told in the Mahaparinibbana-sutta (“Sutta on the Great Final Deliverance”). Early Chinese travelers such as Faxian described cremations of venerable monks. After cremation the ashes and bones of the monk were collected and a stupa built over them. That this custom was widely observed is evident from the…

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Faxian’s study

  • In Faxian

    …the most important were the Mahaparinirvana-sutra, a text glorifying the eternal, personal, and pure nature of nirvana—on which the nirvana school in China then based its doctrines—and the Vinaya (rules of discipline for the monks) of the Mahasanghika school, which thus became available for the regulation of the numerous monastic…

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life of the Buddha

  • Buddha
    In Buddha: Sources of the life of the Buddha

    One Pali text, the Mahaparinibbana-sutta (“Discourse on the Final Nirvana”), describes the Buddha’s last days, his passage into nirvana, his funeral, and the distribution of his relics. Biographical accounts in the early sutras provide little detail about the Buddha’s birth and childhood, although some sutras contain a detailed account…

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place in “Sutta Pitaka”

  • In Sutta Pitaka

    The famous Mahaparinibbana Sutta (“Discourse on the Great Final Extinction”—i.e., the Buddha’s release from the round of rebirths), one of the oldest texts in the canon (though containing later interpolations), narrates the activities and teachings of the Buddha’s last year and describes his death. The Sigalovada Sutta

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relics of Buddha

  • Kandy
    In relic

    Tradition (Mahaparinibbana Sutta) states that the cremated remains of the Buddha (d. c. 483 bc) were distributed equally among eight Indian tribes in response to a demand for his relics. Commemorative mounds (stupas) were built over these relics, over the vessel from which the bones were…

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