perpetual virginity


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application to Mary

  • Virgin Mary
    In Mariology

    …tradition that she remained a virgin though she gave birth to Jesus was generally accepted in the early church. A further appreciation of her holiness led to the doctrine that she was so favoured by God’s grace that she could not have sinned and, in the view of some theologians,…

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  • Fra Filippo Lippi: Madonna and Child
    In Mary: Dogmatic titles

    …Mary conceived Jesus with her virginity unimpaired, a teaching enshrined in the early Christian creeds and concurred in by the 16th-century reformers as well as by most Protestant churches and believers since the Reformation.

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  • Giotto: The Nativity
    In Virgin Birth

    …is the doctrine of her perpetual virginity, not only in conception but in the birth of the child (i.e., she was exempt from the pain of childbirth) and throughout her life. This doctrine is found in the writings of the Church Fathers and was accepted by the Council of Chalcedon…

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