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Inside the highly competitive training program that puts MBAs into a CEO role right after graduation — and is harder to get into than Harvard

Photo illustration of a man wearing suit and an MBA grad.
PM Images/Getty Images; Jenny Chang-Rodriguez/BI
  • Alpine Investors runs a program that places MBA students into the CEO role right after graduation.
  • It's one of the most applied-to jobs among MBAs at top schools like Harvard and Wharton.
  • Harvard Business School graduate, David Wurtzbacher, called it "turbocharged entrepreneurship."

What's the most sought-after job opportunity for graduating students of top business schools like Harvard Business School, Wharton at UPenn, and Stanford's Graduate School of Business?

A seasoned professional might guess McKinsey, known for its fleet of business consultants, or an investment giant like Blackstone, which buys and runs companies.

Few would guess a $17 billion private-equity firm, but data reviewed by Business Insider suggests San Francisco-based Alpine Investors is quickly becoming one of the most sought-after places to work for graduates of top business schools. Driving the demand is Alpine's CEO-In-Training program, which places MBAs in leading positions at companies within just a few weeks and promises to turn them into actual CEOs in a few years.

For ambitious MBA students, the program offers the chance of a lifetime, although getting in is not easy. For the 2024 CIT program, which starts this summer, Alpine received 750 applications for just 12 slots, giving it an acceptance rate of 1.6%. Harvard, by contrast, has an acceptance rate of about 3.6%.

Making it from CEO-in-training to actual CEO, meanwhile, can take years. Just over 55% of CITs have made it through the program to a full-time CEO role so far — in part because many of them are still in training. Of the 120 people who have been admitted into the program since 2015, 67 are now CEOs, 39% are women, and a quarter identified as persons of color, Alpine said.

Success stories include David Wurtzbacher, who went from Harvard Business School to CFO of Alpine Investor's dental business to founding an Alpine-backed company that is rolling up local CPA firms in six years.

In an interview with BI, Wurtzbacher described the program as "turbocharged entrepreneurship." He said he received hands-on leadership training, but with the backbone of guaranteed funding, a large support network, and lessons on how to lead a business.

"I don't think this opportunity exists anywhere else," Wurtzbacher said.


BI also spoke with Alpine's chief talent officer, Tal Lee Anderman, and the company's founder and CEO, Graham Weaver, to understand how the program works, what the firm looks for in candidates, and the path to a full-time CEO job.

How it all started

Weaver started Alpine in 2001 from his Stanford Business School dorm room. He said the firm struggled to find its way for its first eight or nine years before getting "flattened" by the Great Recession.

Frustrated, Weaver turned to an executive coach for help. He said he went into the meeting with JP Flaum of executive coaching firm Green Peak Partners with a good deal of skepticism. But the relationship ended up defining Alpine's future.

"He told me, 'Graham, you're not looking at your job as being a CEO. You're looking at your job as being an individual contributor going around and doing deals,'" Weaver recalled.


Weaver realized he was too focused on the deals side of the business and needed to concentrate more on managing people and empowering them to succeed. He started tapping his employees to run Alpine's portfolio companies and, soon the firm's three worst-performing became its three best-performing deals.

Now, Alpine puts its own leaders in executive positions for every acquisition and counts it as one of its main advantages as a firm.

However, to do this at scale, the firm needed to have a steady stream of leaders capable of running these companies, which led to the establishment of the CIT Program in 2015.

Who gets accepted

In just a few short years, Alpine's CIT program has become very popular among students of top business schools. School administrators at Wharton, Stanford, and Harvard told Alpine, via emails reviewed by BI, that it was the most applied-to job for their respective MBAs during the 2022/2023 academic year.

But the firm focuses on attributes rather than specific skills or knowledge because it believes attributes are a better indicator of who will succeed, says Anderman.


The firm assesses potential hires' intellectual curiosity, emotional intelligence, and, perhaps most importantly, their ability to handle adversity. It does this through a series of short interviews, followed by a day-long interview for those who make it past the first round.

Grit is prized above all because even with the "sexy" job title of CEO or CFO, these jobs aren't stereotypically sexy. Instead of power lunches at posh Manhattan steakhouses, Alpine's CEOs in training may be sent to small towns in rural America where they have to get their hands dirty.

"You're moving from Yale Law School and Harvard Business School to Jackson, Mississippi, to run a plumbing company," Anderman said as an example.

The firm begins recruiting during a student's first year of business school and kicks off the assessment process in August of the second year. It seeks to have all offers in hand by Thanksgiving of that year. With an acceptance rate below two percent, offer rejections are rare, said Anderman.


Next comes the "matching" process, whereby the CITs find out where they'll be working. The company is constrained by the operating roles it has open within its portfolio companies, though execs say it usually has more open roles than CIT associates. Some of the openings, Anderman said, are for CEO roles at smaller companies, while others are for CFO roles or other executive roles at larger companies. The firm also tries to match CITs by their preferred location and industry.

In August, the dozen or so students who made it into the program go to Alpine's San Francisco headquarters for a two-week crash course in executive leadership. The course covers everything from Alpine's people management strategy to financial nuts and bolts.

Then they're sent into the field in an executive role. While operating a real company, they're required to continue with further courses designed by Alpine.

Trainees tend to work in this apprenticeship style for anywhere from one to five years, said Anderman. There's no "one size fits all approach," Anderman said. Some CITs graduate from the program because Alpine has successfully exited from the company they are leading, while others operate a firm until Alpine decides they've created enough value to move on.


Graduating CITs can then return to Alpine's New York office to either present a pitch for a new Alpine investment or participate in a search for a new role at one of Alpine's portfolio companies.

"Success comes for people in the program by putting their heads down and just knocking it out of the park," Anderman said.

The path to CEO

Wurtzbacher said he learned firsthand how to grow a company from his perch as CFO-in-training at Alpine's LightWave dental company. When he joined, the company had roughly seven dental offices in the Carolinas and Virginia area. When he left, it had ballooned to nearly 80 offices in the same market, and Wurtzbacher was directly in charge of a 20-person finance team. He also helped the company raise both equity and debt from multiple sources.

"It was the thrill of my career at the time," he said, noting that his new role as founder and CEO of Alpine-backed Ascend has been an even bigger thrill.


A spokeswoman for the firm declined to comment on the pay for CITs but noted that they're paid as employees of the portfolio company they work for.

Wurtzbacher also got invaluable leadership training from Weaver, a longtime professor at Stanford's Business School and winner of the MBA Distinguished Teaching Award in 2024. Weaver's love of teaching can be seen on TikTok, where his self-improvement tips and hands-on leadership advice have racked up over one million followers.

When Wurtzbacher entered the CIT program, he knew he wanted to be a CEO. Even though it took him almost six years, he said that time was necessary to hone his skills and prepare himself for the responsibility.

So while the path to CEO is a main reason so many MBAs are applying to Alpine's CIT program, the most successful trainees are simply seeking to develop the best version of themselves, Anderman said.


"It's less about how many CEOs —  check the box — have we made, and much more about how are we getting the most impact out of these leaders on our businesses, and also helping them realize the biggest version of themselves," Anderman said.

Weaver says that his Stanford students are focused, above all else, on making a difference in the world. The CIT program is so attractive to them because it offers a clear path to doing this by leading a company.

"I always say the world does not need another private-equity analyst," Weaver said. "It doesn't need another investment banker, it doesn't need another consultant. It does need leadership. It desperately needs leaders."

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