Reporter Joey Hadden in an argyle sweater sits at a desk with light, wooden bookshelves behind her.

Joey Hadden

Lifestyle Reporter

Joey Hadden is a NYC-based travel reporter and photojournalist at Business Insider. She covers transportation modes, alternative lifestyles, and travel tips. Many of Joey's stories are visual features that give readers a front-row seat to her personal experiences at home and around the world.

Joey graduated from St. Edward's University in May 2019 with a BA in Photocommunications. 

Since joining BI, Joey has traveled by train in seven different countries, from day trips to overnight rides as long as 30 hours. Most recently, Joey spent one night on the Orient Express of the 21st century.  During her travels, she's slept in countless accommodations, from a converted wine barrel in Switzerland to a cabin on the largest cruise ship in the world.

She spends her free time shooting film and playing drums. You can follow Joey on Instagram or send her an email at [email protected].

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