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Business Insider Is Hiring A Full-Time Copy Editor

Business Insider is hiring a copy editor to join our newsroom. This person will work full time in BI's NYC headquarters, monitoring content that goes up on the site and correcting for spelling and grammar errors, as well as other glaring copy issues.


We're looking for someone who can spot errors and work incredibly quickly to correct them. Attention to detail is necessary, but so is speed and efficiency.

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Daniel Goodman/Business Insider


  • At least 2 years of copy editing experience (preferably for an online news site).

  • Familiarity with Content Management Systems.

  • Great attitude; team player.

If interested, please send your resume to [email protected].


In addition, please complete this quick assignment and include it in the email:

Choose an article on Business Insider that is in need of further copy editing. Send along an annotated version of the article with your edits.

Competitive compensation and benefits packages offered. Salary and title are dependent upon level of experience.

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