Pest Management Grants

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DPR’s Pest Management Grants Program has two grant opportunities: the Alliance Grants Program and the Research Grants Program. Submitted proposal applications are reviewed and ranked by DPR staff and the Pest Management Advisory Committee (PMAC), a stakeholder group that assists DPR in identifying and promoting integrated pest management (IPM) practices that reduce the risk of pesticide use to public health and the environment. Funding recommendations are provided to the department’s director, who determines which projects will be funded.

Alliance Grants Program

The California Department of Pesticide Regulation’s (DPR) Alliance Grants Program provides funding to projects that promote or increase the implementation, expansion, and/or adoption of effective, proven, and affordable integrated pest management (IPM) systems or practices that reduce risks to public health and the environment in agricultural, urban, or wildland settings. Successful applications will demonstrate strong partnerships, outreach, and/or an educational or training component to promote IPM and the broad application of the proposed IPM systems or practices. The most competitive Alliance Grant projects are those that can serve as a model for similar situations, have a high potential for wide adoption, and do not focus on conducting research (for projects conducting research, see our Research Grants Program).

The 2025 Alliance Grants solicitation period is now open. Proposal applications will be accepted through November 21, 2024, 11:59:59 PM Pacific Time (PT).

Proposal application materials can be found at this link: 2025 Alliance Grants proposal application materials.

Research Grants Program

The California Department of Pesticide Regulation's (DPR) Research Grants Program was established to promote the development of reduced-risk pesticide use practices by funding research that contributes to the advancement of integrated pest management (IPM) systems. Voluntary adoption of IPM systems reduces potential impacts without the need for regulation by reducing the use of pesticides of high regulatory interest. Once the performance of such IPM systems has been established through research, interested organizations may wish to apply for an Alliance Grant, which can be used to demonstrate and promote adoption of the IPM systems.

The 2025 Research Grants solicitation period is now open. Proposal applications will be accepted through September 19, 2024, 11:59:59 PM Pacific Time (PT).

Proposal application materials can be found at this link: 2025 Research Grants proposal application materials.

Pest Management Advisory Committee (PMAC)

The Pest Management Advisory Committee (PMAC) was established in 1992 to assist the California Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) in identifying and promoting integrated pest management (IPM) practices that reduce the risk of pesticide use to public health and the environment. Committee members review Research and Alliance Grant proposals, rank them based on the criteria stated in either the Research Grants Program 2025 Solicitation, PDF or the Alliance Grants Program 2025 Solicitation, PDF, and PMAC provides its funding recommendation to DPR’s director. PMAC consists of 30 members. For information about the current roster, please visit PMAC’s membership roster, PDF. PMAC typically meets up to four times per year virtually or at DPR’s headquarters in Sacramento. More information about PMAC meetings, including meeting schedules, agendas, and summaries, can be found at the Pest Management Advisory Committee webpage.

Other Funding Opportunities

In partnership with DPR and other state grant making agencies, the California State Library has launched the California Grants Portal, a central hub for grant seekers to find all state grant and loan opportunities. The Grants Portal provides another avenue for applicants to find additional information on DPR’s Grant programs, as well as other relevant state grant and loan opportunities.

California Grants Portal logo

For questions, please contact [email protected].