Petition the Harris County Democratic Party to Admonish Kim Ogg

Petition the Harris County Democratic Party to Admonish Kim Ogg

October 30, 2023
This petition made change with 183 supporters!

Why this petition matters

Started by Daniel Cohen





When District Attorney Kim Ogg first entered office, she claimed to be a reformer who would be just and fair.

Instead, she has dangerously abused the power of her office to go after political opposition within the party based on unfounded allegations and double standards.

In addition, she has broken key campaign promises, including her promise to support misdemeanor bail reform and to refuse to ask judges for high bail for misdemeanor crimes.

Kim Ogg is out of step with the values of the party, and dangerous to the public.

Currently, there is a resolution signed by 80 precinct chairs, including three senate district chairs, that has been presented to the Harris County Democratic Party resolutions committee calling to admonish District Attorney Kim Ogg.

The party needs to hear that Democratic voters like you support that resolution.

Sign the petition to make your voice loud and clear as a Harris County Democrat that the body of precinct chairs should admonish Kim Ogg.

See the text below and sign on!

Support a more just Harris County!



WHEREAS, the primary mission of the Harris County Democratic Party is to elect Democrats who support the U.S. Constitution, share our values, and are willing to stand up against extremist Republicans and policies threatening the county and its residents and;

WHEREAS, the DA reneged on her campaign promises to oppose high misdemeanor bail by asking for high cash bail for minor crimes in December of 2017, and;

WHEREAS, in 2019, the DA openly declared her opposition to efforts to fix the broken cash-bail system, and;

WHEREAS, the DA has openly attacked Democratic judges who did not agree with her politics during the 2020 election cycle, and;

WHEREAS, Kimbra Kathryn 'Kim' Ogg, the Harris County District Attorney  released a 56 page report in September of 2021 with the express intent of  undermining the efforts of elected members of the Democratic Party’s historic efforts on bail reform, and;

WHEREAS the DA enabled a partisan investigation into local elections in November of 2022, and; 

WHEREAS, Kim Ogg launched this criminal investigation on the very same day Governor Abbott and the Harris County Republican Party publicly attacked our November 2022 election, and; 

WHEREAS, the DA openly undermined gun violence prevention programs forwarded by local city, county, state and congressional Democrats in 2022, and;  

WHEREAS, new investigative reporting from the Houston Chronicle in an article in September of 2023 revealed that Kim Ogg also abused the power of her position as the top law enforcement official in the county to bully and intimidate elected officials, judges, and public servants she disagrees with by threatening them with criminal prosecution, draining their bank accounts, damaging their reputations, and intentionally creating a paralyzing culture of fear across local government, and; 

WHEREAS, the DA openly stated that she would determine whether or not to prosecute the most extreme abortion ban in the nation on behalf of Governor Greg Abbott on a “case by case basis,” and;

WHEREAS the DA has amplified demonstrably false claims from Republican officials that local democrats are “defunding law enforcement” despite consistent increases each year in funding for justice and safety led and passed by Democrats on Commissioners Court, and;

WHEREAS, Kim Ogg, has broken the promise she made to voters to support decriminalizing low-level drug offenses, which disproportionately impact people of color by reversing her own policy in August of 2023, and;

WHEREAS, Kim Ogg sided with prominent state Republicans including Governor Greg Abbott and Lt. Governor Dan Patrick to promote and lobby for draconian crime laws that disproportionately impact people of color, including an expansion of mandatory minimums laws that fuel our mass incarceration crisis, statewide legislation designed to undermine the work of local Democratic judges who are restoring fairness to our judicial system in August of 2023,, and;  

WHEREAS, Kim Ogg has enabled Republican attacks on free and fair elections by opening a criminal investigation led by the Texas Rangers against innocent election workers based on debunked conspiracy theories, innuendo, and outright lies invented and promoted by Republican party officials, and; 

WHEREAS, Kim Ogg has also stood silent on Republican efforts to enact SB1 and other voter suppression laws targeting only Harris County, even going so far as to bring additional criminal charges against Hervis Rogers, a local 64-year-old black man Attorney General Ken Paxton already jailed and prosecuted in 2021 for voting, and;  

WHEREAS, the DA has accepted thousands of dollars from some of the same notorious bail bondsmen in the country, the same bail bondsmen who have enabled the criminals she has failed to prosecute to be released; 

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Harris County Democratic Party formally admonishes District Attorney Kim Ogg for actions and positions that are contrary to the values and principles of the Democratic Party and the interests of the people of Harris County;

And BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Harris County Democratic Party confirms its commitment to justice, equality, freedom from corruption or overreach, and democracy.

This resolution shall be effective upon its adoption by the Harris County Democratic Party.



This petition made change with 183 supporters!

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