
Top 10 C++ Courses, Tutorials & Certifications Online in 2024

Interested in learning C++? One of these C++ certification courses will help you build a solid grasp of the language and advance you for best C++ jobs in the industry.

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C++ is an extension of the C language and the most powerful object-oriented programming language. C++ powers the world, it is used almost everywhere for doing low level stuff. Whether it is operating systems (like Windows, Mac, Android, iOS), web browsers (like Chrome, Firefox), programming languages compilers and interpreters, gaming engines and apps, graphics applications, banking applications, databases (like Postgres, MySQL), embedded systems, cloud storage systems and other distributed systems, all use C++ programming language.

According to PYPL (Popularity of Programming Language) Index and TIOBE Index for 2019, C++ continues to remain the language of choice after Java, C and Python. It is not going to get redundant for decades to come, in fact given the popularity of embedded systems like IoT devices and smartwatches, the demand for C++ skills is only going to increase. If you want to break into any of these technology areas, learning C++ is the best place to start. Just look for a C++ course that best suits your style and requirement. We have compiled below a list of 10 Best C++ tutorials, courses, trainings and certifications available online for 2024. If you are starting with programming or you have some experience in coding but are not familiar with C++, these courses will aid you to build solid foundation and even gain expert level practical knowledge.

1. C++ Nanodegree Certification for Programmers (Udacity)

Udacity Online Courses This Nanodegree Certification program in C++ by Udacity is for intermediate level programmers who are familiar with basic concepts of functions and classes, and wish to become C++ developers. Students learn the fundamentals and advanced skills in fields like object-oriented programming, memory management, and concurrency. This program uses project driven educational approach, so students build a portfolio of 5 real world C++ projects to prove that they are ready for jobs as C++ engineers. Each project is reviewed by the Udacity reviewer network and feedback provided. Learners also get to code their own C++ application using the skills learnt in the program.

This C++ certification program is composed of five courses, each lasting around one month:

  1. C++ Foundations
  2. Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
  3. Memory Management
  4. Concurrency
  5. Capstone Project

Intermediate knowledge of any programming language is listed as a prerequisite to this Nanodegree program. After completing this program, learners can pursue a career in robotics software, Internet of Things, networking, AI, video game development, embedded systems, mobile communications etc.

Key Highlights

  • Get an opportunity to be taught by Bjarne Stroustrup, the creator of C++
  • Variety of immersive activities like programming exercises, videos, and quizzes
  • Learn industry best practices and tips from experts
  • Access to a number of support services, including project reviews from Udacity’s reviewer network, help from Udacity mentors, career services and a student networking community
  • Self-paced projects that can be completed in any order at your own schedule and convenience

Duration : 4 months, 10 hours per week
Rating : 4.8
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2. Beginning C++ Programming – From Beginner to Beyond (Udemy)

Udemy Online Courses This C++ course is one of the most comprehensive and detailed courses on C++ for beginners. It puts learners on a fast track to success by helping them master Modern C++ programming skills within a short time. The course format includes theory and concepts which are then reinforced with live code examples.

It takes you from C++ basics to advanced topics like inheritance and polymorphic functions. You’ll also learn several important concepts along the way like how to manage memory, how to use functions and pointers, classes, constructors and a lot more.
The course has been created by Tim Buchalka’s Learn Programming Academy. Frank Mitropolous, the instructor on this course is a C++ expert with over 2 decades of industry experience and has also taught at university level for many years.

No previous programming experience is required to enrol for this course. This is arguably the best C++ course online for those looking to get their first or a better programming job or even work as a freelance C++ developer.

Key Highlights

  • Learn Modern C++ rather than an obsolete version of C++ (specifically C++ 11 and C++ 14)
  • Learn C++ using a proven curriculum that covers more material than most C++ university courses
  • Includes quizzes, live coding exercises, challenge coding exercises and assignments
  • Get lifetime access to 40 hours of video lectures, articles, downloadable resources and coding exercises

Duration : 39.5 hours on-demand video
Rating : 4.4
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3. C++ Courses & Tutorials Online – Learning Path (Pluralsight)

PluralSight Online Courses If you want to start with learning the basics of C++ and build your skills from ground up, the C++ learning path on Pluralsight can be very helpful. It is very beginner friendly and offers multiple C++ courses and tutorials categorized into 3 levels:

  • Beginner – These courses equip learners with fundamental concepts and features of C++, so they are able to code basic applications using C++.
  • Intermediate – These courses introduce learners to data structures, design patterns and algorithms. After completing these, you will be able to design and write efficient and functional Modern C++ code using design patterns and the C++ standard library.
  • Advanced – These courses will impart a deeper understanding of threading and synchronization to learners and teach them how to achieve maximum code performance.

So, in this C++ path, you start with basics and go on to learn the complex topics used in real world industry projects. This C++ learning path on Pluralsight is very comprehensive and covers every topic in detail. By the end of this path, learners realize the true potential of C++ and how to use it to their maximum advantage.

Key Highlights

  • Take a skill assessment test to understand any knowledge gaps you may have
  • Variety of Hands-on lectures and coding examples
  • Exercises and assessment tests to reinforce the knowledge gained and skills learnt
  • Access to a plethora of courses at a minimal subscription fee

Duration : Approx. 43 hours
Rating : 4.6
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4. C++ Tutorial: From Beginner to Expert (Udemy)

Udemy Online Courses This is a beginner C++ course and is designed for those who do not have any knowledge of programming. In this course you will learn how to program in C++ in a fast, easy and efficient manner. Not only will you learn theory, but also gain lots of practice in over 51 video lessons that span around 15 hours. After completing this course, you will know the semantics of C++, have solid basics allowing you to create whatever you want and be able to use advanced components of C++ language.

The instructor of this course is Arkadiusz Włodarczyk, an expert teacher and programmer and author of 27 popular courses about programming and web development.

Key Highlights

  • Very instructional and straight forward teaching methodology
  • Learn to read C++ standard libraries and use them to build anything
  • Be able to understand everything that you code
  • All topics from basics to advanced, covered in an elaborate way with coding examples
  • Over 100 different downloadable exercises to practise knowledge of C++ concepts
  • Certificate of Completion at the end of the course

Duration : 15 hours on-demand video
Rating : 4.4
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5. C++ Essential Training – (LinkedIn Learning – Lynda)

Online Courses by LinkedIn Lynda This course on LinkedIn Learning – Lynda platform is a great choice for learning C++ programming, starting with the basics. It starts with fundamental concepts of C++ and then progresses to more complex and advanced topics, making the course apt for not just beginners but also experienced programmers.

The instructor of this course Bill Weinman is a tech advocate and expert in programming languages. He is author of several books and online courses and has the reputation for his ability to explain complex topics in clear, concise terms.
The course is structured into 10 sections with quizzes and exercises included in each section. At the beginning of the course, students are taught how to set up environment (XCode and Visual Studio) for coding purpose. The initial sections deal with the essentials – statements and expressions, variables, conditionals, operators, loops, and functions and later chapters delve into more complex topics, such as data structures, classes and objects, and templates. Along the way, students are taught concepts such as recursion, type casting, operator overloads and STL.

Key Highlights

  • Learn powerful container classes and algorithms in Standard Template Library (STL)
  • Learn how to use data structures and create your own functions
  • Understand basics of the object and template systems so you can create useful classes and objects
  • Master C++ Standard Library
  • Ability to download and view course offline
  • Access the course material for free during the first month of subscribing

Duration : 5 hours 32 minutes video
Rating : 4.5
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6. C++ For C Programmers by University of California (Coursera)

Online Courses by University of California, Santa Cruz This course has been designed for experienced C programmers who want to learn to program in C++. It is also suitable for those who want to upgrade their skills to the new C++ version V11. The examples and exercises require a basic understanding of algorithms and object-oriented software.

This course is comprised of 4 modules followed by a final exam to test the skills acquired and learners’ grasp on the subject.

  • Module 1 – Covers how to convert an existing C program to C++, usage of type safe input and/or output
  • Module 2 – Covers review of Dijkstra’s shortest path algorithm, C++ Functions and Generics, C++ classes and OO
  • Module 3 – Covers default constructor and initializing syntax, list and dynamic memory allocation, and deep copy
  • Module 4 – Covers use of basic Container Classes, Tripod-Container, Iterator and Algorithms

Key Highlights

  • Learn Prim’s and Kruskal’s algorithms
  • Learn about Conversion Constructors and Copy Constructor
  • Tons of quizzes and programming assignments to solidify learning
  • Explore complex concepts related to memory allocation and algorithms etc. in great depth with examples
  • Enrol for free to get access to all course material and pay a small fee for Certificate of Completion

Duration : 17 hours
Rating : 4.4
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7. Learn Advanced C++ Programming (Udemy)

Udemy Online Courses This is an intermediate to advanced C++ course. It is a great choice for those who know the basics of C++ and want to advance their knowledge to the next level. Also it is very handy for those who know the older versions of C++ (like C++ 98 or before) and want to explore the new features introduced in C++ 11. This course starts with relatively basic topics like exception handling, reading and writing files, and then moves to exploring STL, operator overloading, creating template classes, passing functions to functions, and many new features of C++11 like move constructors, lambda expressions, difference between lvalue and rvalue and more.

At the end of the course, learners will create a project to write a fractal image to a bitmap file using C++ features learnt in the course.
Since this is an intermediate to advanced level course, it is assumed that learners have a grasp of basic C++, together with a C++ compiler.

Key Highlights

  • Learn all the new features introduced in C++ 11
  • Learn to develop complex C++ applications
  • Tons of exercises covering each topic and practice assignments at the end of the course
  • Source code of the final project included
  • Lifetime access to over 105 video lectures, articles and downloadable resources
  • Gather necessary skills and knowledge to be industry ready for C++ jobs

Duration : 15 hours on-demand video
Rating : 4.4
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8. Unreal Engine C++ Developer: Learn C++ and Make Video Games (Udemy)

Udemy Online Courses Unreal is a free-to-use game development engine used by AAA studios and indie developers worldwide. It can be complex to understand, but this course breaks it down step-by-step. This is definitely one of the best Unreal Engine tutorials on the web. It has recently been fully updated and remastered to Unreal Engine 4.22+. It uses project-based learning approach, so students learn mostly by doing. It focuses on programming patterns and best practices. This Unreal course includes around 50 hours of content with 300+ lectures, 23 articles and 11 downloadable resources.

This Unreal certification can be taken by anyone with no prior experience of Unreal or even coding. For complete beginners, the course teaches all the coding and game design principles that are needed. This course is also suited for existing developers and programmers who want to re-skill to game development.

Key Highlights

  • Learn to create games for Windows, consoles, MacOS, iOS, Android and Web from a single source
  • Learn Sound effects and audio to add depth to your games
  • Learn modern game development technologies and techniques
  • Learn Artificial Intelligence behaviour programming, Blackboard and Behaviour Tree for customizable AI
  • Explore Unreal’s Terrain Editor to create epic landscapes
  • Get access to thriving discussion forum that will help you learn and share ideas with other students
  • Get world-class support from both other students and the instructors
  • Go on to build several games including a tank game, and a First Person Shooter

Duration : 43 hours on-demand video
Rating : 4.5
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9. C++ Certification by Microsoft: Introduction, Intermediate, Advanced (edX)

Microsoft Online Courses Microsoft offers a series of C++ courses on edX platform that help you learn C++ programming from start to finish. These courses are very well structured with easy to follow C++ tutorials. They have been designed and are instructed by senior professionals and experts at Microsoft. The complete course series is available for free on edX, you can get a verified certificate for each course by paying a small fee.

The complete C++ specialization is split into following 3 courses:

  1. Course 1 (Introduction to C++) – This course consists of four modules that provide an introduction to the C++ programming language. You will learn fundamentals of C++, language syntax and how to create functions in C++. This course basically lays the foundation for intermediate and advanced C++ topics in follow-up courses. It can be completed in approximately 4 weeks with 3-5 hours of effort per week.
  2. Course 2 (Intermediate C++) – This course comprises of four modules that help expand your C++ knowledge with low level control and high level OOP features and concepts. This part covers how C++ interacts with memory, concepts like pointers/memory addresses, heap memory management, and writing/reading files. It requires around 4 weeks to complete with 5-7 hours of effort per week.
  3. Course 3 (Advanced C++) – This is final course in Microsoft’s Learning C++ series and delves into complex, high level C++ software development techniques. It covers concepts like Exceptions, C++ templates, object iterators and advanced Class mechanics, and design patterns. Microsoft recommends that learners complete both the introductory and intermediate C++ courses before taking this one, however if you have a good understanding of OOP concepts, pointers, memory allocation, file processing etc., you can directly attempt this advanced C++ course. This course will require around 4 weeks of 2-4 hours per week effort.

Key Highlights

  • Most comprehensive course series to learn C++ from ground up
  • No prior experience in programming is needed to enrol for this course series
  • Get trained by the best professionals and experts at tech giant Microsoft
  • Get access to all course material for free

Duration : 12 weeks
Rating : 4.5
Sign up Here – Introduction Course, Intermediate Course, Advanced Course

10. Learn C++ Programming – Beginner to Advance – Deep Dive in C++ (Udemy)

Udemy Online Courses This C++ Course covers all concepts of C++ in a very structured, thorough and detailed manner. You will learn how to perfectly utilize all features of C++ to develop any type of application. Features of Modern C++ 11 are also covered in great detail. Since this program takes learners from very basic to more advanced topics progressively, no previous programming experience is needed to enrol.

The instructor Abdul Bari places huge emphasis on real world examples and writing & testing out code yourself, so he follows whiteboard lecture style with tons of practical demos. He has been highly reviewed by students for being quick and responsive to questions and doubts throughout the course.

The course material consists of over 200 lectures (around 30 hours of video) spread across 20 modules with 88 downloadable resources and 48 coding exercises.

Key Highlights

  • Learn Object-Oriented programming and design concepts in C++ with examples
  • Learn how to develop an application in C++
  • Quizzes and Practice Exercises at the end of each section to solidify the learning
  • Learn exception handling and STL
  • Every topic is covered on whiteboard with engaging practical sessions
  • Student Project at the end of the course
  • Programs and Bullet points are provided as resource

Duration : 27.5 hours on-demand video
Rating : 4.6
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