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Media releases

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2024 Media releases

2023 Media releases

2022 Media releases






  • We’re calling for added sugar labelling 21 Nov 2017
    Consumer NZ and the New Zealand Dental Association (NZDA) are asking the government to back new rules for the labelling of added sugars in food and drinks.

  • Rest home ordered to pay $10,000 for law breaches 08 Nov 2017
    Major rest home provider Bupa Care Services has been ordered to pay $10,000 by the Disputes Tribunal after failing to deliver reasonable standards of care to a 92-year-old woman who resided at its St Kilda Care Home in Cambridge.

  • Time for clampdown on ticket resellers 30 Aug 2017
    Inflated prices, hidden fees and misleading sales tactics have been identified as major problems in the ticket resale market, in a joint investigation by Consumer NZ and Australian consumer group Choice.

  • No vitamin benefits from light-proof milk 11 Aug 2017
    Despite claims light-proofed containers protect the vitamins in milk, Consumer NZ testing reveals there’s little difference in nutrient content between major milk brands.

  • Consumer investigating ticket resellers 20 Apr 2017
    Consumer NZ is joining forces with consumer groups in Australia and the UK to investigate complaints about ticket reselling sites such as Viagogo and Ticketmaster Resale.

  • Country of origin labelling a step closer 13 Apr 2017
    Kiwis are one step closer to being able to identify where their fruit and veges come from after the Consumers’ Right to Know (Country of Origin of Food) Bill passed its first reading in Parliament yesterday.

  • Gourmet salt claims may mislead 05 Apr 2017
    High-priced rock and sea salts promoted as healthier choices risk misleading consumers about their benefits, our report has found.