Virginia's Judicial System

Guardians Ad Litem for Incapacitated Persons
Pursuant to Chapter 20 of Title 64.2

Über uns

Standards for Guardians Ad Litem

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) � Guardian Ad Litem Program for Incapacitated Persons Pursuant to Chapter 20 of Title 64.2


These forms are available as Adobe Acrobat PDF documents. The Adobe Acrobat Viewer (free from Adobe) allows you to view and print PDF documents.

Continuing Education

Guardian Ad Litem Information System (GALIS)
Guardians ad litem: Log-in to the Virginia State Bar’s Member’s Area to access the Guardian Ad Litem Information System for purposes of checking your guardian ad litem qualification status and continuing education history, certifying attendance at approved continuing education courses, and updating your contact information made available on the list of qualified guardians ad litem. (Note: Google Chrome is recommended when accessing the Guardian Ad Litem Information System.) For instructions on its use, please access the GALIS Quick Guide.  

Directory of Qualified GALs for Incapacitated Persons
For the complete alphabetical listing of all qualified Guardians Ad Litem for Incapacitated Persons in Virginia:

  1. Click on a Circuit from the map.

  2. From the search criteria section, remove the pre-populated Circuit number in the "Circuit" field.
  3. Click Search.