
Leaves of Absence

Take charge of your time away. There may be times when you need to step away from work to care for your health, spend time with a new addition to your family, serve our country in the military or manage other personal matters. Employees can find more information on leaves on Inside Cox under Pay & Benefits then “Leaves of Absence”. 

To provide you with the most flexibility when you need it, Cox offers a variety of leave options. They include eight weeks of paid parental leave, and paid time off to vote, volunteer and fulfill jury duty. Members of the armed forces may take military leave with certain compensation for the required time off to serve. 

We also offer short- and long-term disability leave when you can’t work due to a non-work-related illness or injury. 

Flexible Time Off

Employees can take flexible, enhanced paid time off and paid wellness time when they need to recharge or take care of personal matters. All employees can also take unpaid personal leave when all other time-off options have been used.
