In 2016, the Commission endorsed the DER Action Plan to align the organization's vision and actions in shaping California's distributed energy resource future. The plan outlines a vision of DERs over the next several years, and serves as a roadmap in coordinating activities across multiple proceedings as California continues its commitment to greenhouse gas emission reduction and reform of utility distribution planning, investment, and operations. The plan serves as a guide for decision-makers, staff, and stakeholders as they facilitate proactive and forward-thinking DER policy.

DER Action Plan 2.0 Approved by CPUC April 21, 2022

The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC), in its ongoing efforts to help the State achieve a 100 percent clean energy future, adopted Version 2.0 of its Distributed Energy Resources (DER) Action Plan. The Plan helps the CPUC guide its utility infrastructure planning and improve coordination across proceedings related to grid planning, affordability, load flexibility, market integration, and customer programs in anticipation of a high-DER futureCalifornia leads the nation in the growth of distributed energy resources, which will continue due to groundbreaking policies such as Senate Bill 100, as well as strong consumer interest.  The DER Action Plan 2.0 will serve as a roadmap for CPUC decision-makers, staff, and stakeholders as they coordinate development and implementation of forward-thinking policy related to DERs.   The plan covers actions in the 2022-2026 time period.  Click here for Press Release details.

Process to Develop the Distributed Energy Resources Action Plan 2.0

This DER Action Plan 2.0 seeks to align the CPUC's vision and actions to maximize ratepayer and societal value of an anticipated high-DER future.  Energy Division (ED) staff hosted a workshop on August 26, 2021 to present the Draft DER Action Plan 2.0 for discussion and feed-back.

Distribution Planning Community Engagement Needs Assessment Workshop

The CPUC held a workshop on December 13th, 2022. The workshop objectives were to: (1) present information received through a series of informal outreach meetings; (2) discuss a draft Scope of Work for a Distribution Planning Community Engagement Needs Assessment study to inform Track 1 of the proceeding with additional scope to support Track 2 outreach; and (3) provide context about existing utility distribution planning processes and community outreach.

DER Action Plan 2.0 Workshop Notice

Energy Division (ED) invited stakeholders to attend the DER Action Plan 2.0 Workshop on August 26, 2021 to discuss  and provide constructive feedback on the draft DER Action Plan 2.0.   Written comments were received from stakeholders in October 2021.

  • Recording of the  August 26th workshop |  Password: FdCTXGb5
  • August 26th Workshop Presentation - available here

DER Action Plan 2.0 Tribal Consultation Notice

Commissioner Darcie L. Houck held a Tribal Consultation on the draft DER Action Plan 2.0 on September 16, 2021, from 9 am to 12 pm to seek Tribal input on the plan. 

  • Meeting Agenda for the Tribal Consultation on CPUC DER Action Plan 2.0 and “High DER” Rulemaking.

Original and Updated Versions

The Commission endorsed the DER Action Plan at the November 10, 2016 Voting Meeting. On May 3, 2017, the Commission made the following non-substantive changes to the plan in order to improve clarity: the “Continuing Elements” and “Action Elements” in each Track were consolidated into one set of “Action Elements” for each Track, elements were renumbered, and the text was modified to reflect these changes. No other modifications were made.



 Please contact Gabriel Petlin, at [email protected] with questions or requests for additional information about the DER Action Plan.