DRP Proceeding Overview

Public Utilities Code Section 769 was instituted by AB 327, Sec. 8 (Perea, 2013). This new code section requires the electrical corporations to file distribution resources plan proposals by July 1, 2015. According to the Code, these plan proposals will “identify optimal locations for the deployment of distributed resources.” It defines “distributed energy resources” as “distributed renewable generation resources, energy efficiency, energy storage, electric vehicles, and demand response technologies.”

The Code also requires the CPUC to “ review each distribution resources plan proposal submitted by an electrical corporation and approve, or modify and approve, a distribution resources plan for the corporation. The commission may modify any plan as appropriate to minimize overall system costs and maximize ratepayer benefit from investments in distributed resources.”

Pursuant to Section 769, the Commission instituted a rulemaking on August 13, 2014 (R. 14-08-013). This is a quasi-legislative rulemaking. Commissioner Michael Picker is the Assigned Commissioner on this rulemaking. This web page will be regularly updated, and will provide information about the status of the rulemaking, as well as workshop information, presentations, and other resources. Comments that have been filed during various phases of the rulemaking will also be accessible from this page.

Energy Division Lead Analyst: Marc Monbouquette email: [email protected]; phone: 415-355-5504 

Distribution Resources Plan Applications (Filed July 1, 2015)

Deep-Dive Webinars

These webinars are being hosted by the three major IOUs to enable stakeholders to get a detailed introduction to the Distribution Resource Plan filings.

  • SDG&E webinar presentation slide deck (presented August 5, 2015)
  • PG&E webinar presentation slide deck (presented August 3, 2015)
  • SCE webinar Presentation slide deck  (presented July 24, 2015)


ICA and LNBA Working Groups

The Commission has directed the IOUs to convene two Working Groups: the ICA Working Group and the LNBA Working Group.

The ICA and LNBA working groups, modeled on the Smart Inverter Working Group and the More Than Smart working group, are established to monitor and provide consultation to the IOUs on the execution of Demonstration Project A and B and further refinements to ICA methods. The working groups shall be open to the public and informal in nature. Energy Division staff will have oversight responsibility of the working group, but they shall be managed by the utilities and interested stakeholders on an interim basis. The Energy Division may at its discretion assume direct management of the working group or appoint a working group manager. The working groups serve the following purposes:

ICA Working Group

  1. Monitor and Support Demonstration Project A
  2. Continue to improve and refine the ICA methodology

LNBA Working Group

  1. Monitor and Support Demonstration Project B
  2. Continue to improve and refine the LNBA methodology
  3. Coordinate with IDER system-level valuation activities of the IDER cost-effectiveness working group
  4. Coordinate with the IDER solicitation framework working group where objectives may overlap (e.g., the definition and description of grid deficiencies vs. DER performance requirements and contractual terms needed to ensure DERs meet the identified grid deficiencies)

All information on the ICA and LNBA working group activities can be found here:


  • DRP workshop materials can be found here.

Reference Library  

Order Instituting Rulemaking document 

DeMartini, Paul, “More Than Smart: A Framework to Make this Distribution Grid More Open, Efficient and Resilient.” Greentech Leadership Group

Elliott, Robert, The Integration of Distribution Level Generation & Storage into the Grid - Problems and Solutions - Grid Planning and Reliability - Policy Paper

Villarreal, Christopher; Erickson, J. David; Zafar, Marzia, Microgrids: A Regulatory Perspective - CPUC Whitepaper

IREC’s Integrated Distribution Planning Concept Paper 

21st Century Electric Distribution System Operations

Lorenzo Kristov, California Independent System Operator

Paul De Martini, Caltech Resnick Institute

NY REV Staff Proposal

California Energy Commission – Distributed Generation Integration Cost Study

CPUC – Biennial Report on Impacts of Distributed Generation

AEE Institute – Benefit-Cost Analysis for Distributed Energy Resources