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Resource Center

Helpful content to expand your safety knowledge.

Making Safety More Accessible

We've assembled our educational content to better assist organizations and safety professionals to learn more about the growing safety risks and solutions in our communities. You can find a variety of media to learn more about goals, challenges, and approaches to increasing safety for any organization. You can also find more information on our blog, seek assistance from our help center, or learn more about training opportunities with CrisisGo.


Read about the latest and greatest in safety innovation.


Need help with a CrisisGo-related issue? Connect with our support team.


Explore our training options for the CrisisGo platform.


Guides & eBooks

Get an in-depth crash course on critical safety topics.

How CrisisGo Connects Schools, First Responders & Communities

Come on a journey that you’d face when responding to a critical event, while giving you insight into everything you need to keep your school safe: emergency response, situational awareness, uniting stakeholders, reunification, and more!


School Safety & Security Decision Guide

Take a closer look at school safety with this guide that breaks down the critical elements of a school safety platform.



Student Threat Assessments: A Proactive & Supportive Approach to School Safety

Learn more about student threat assessments: what they are, why you need them, and how to get started.



8 Questions for Selecting a School Safety Alerting System

This guide shares the eight most important questions to ask when looking for a school safety alerting system and what to look for.



Planning for School Safety: Keeping All-Hazards in Mind

Learn what safety issues are most likely to affect your schools so you can keep them and their associated risk factors in mind as you create, evaluate, and expand your school safety plans and protocols.



How IoT Can Take School Safety to New Heights

Learn how internet of things (IoT) technology can be used to unite the smart devices and safety systems your district uses to maintain and improve school safety.



How Technology Helps with the Top 6 Pandemic Recovery Roadblocks

Learn how technology can help your district and schools address six of the top pandemic recovery roadblocks. 



How CrisisGo Streamlines Safety Drill Management

Learn how our digital safety and crisis response platform can streamline the safety drill management process at your district and schools with our automated drill scheduling, monitoring, and reporting.





These checklists provide a quick-check tool to make sure your safety protocols are up to par, and they help identify pain points for further improvement.

Student Threat Assessment Checklist

Compare what threat assessment protocols and resources you have in place to successfully conduct and manage student threat assessments.



School Safety Improvements for All Budgets

Learn about safety improvements for different budget tiers and assess the strengths and weaknesses of your approach to school safety.



Return from Pandemic Checklist

When the pandemic has passed and social distancing is relaxed, you'll be faced with the challenge of re-opening schools to staff and students. Use our checklist to help guide you through the re-opening process.




Here's a visually inspired breakdown of important safety concepts and information.

Safety 7

Learn about seven critical pillars to cover the full scope of safety success.



School Safety is Everyone's Job

Safety is a shared responsibility. Learn how everyone can play their role.



8 Questions to Ask when Selecting a School Safety Alerting System

See what the top eight questions are for choosing a school safety alerting system are.



How Communication Streamlines Crisis Response

Discover five real-life use cases that Bemidji Area Schools has faced and overcome thanks to their streamlined communication methods.




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