Über uns

Respectful and respected news since 1908

The Christian Science Monitor is an international news organization offering calm, thoughtful, award-winning coverage for independent thinkers. We tackle difficult conversations and divisive issues – we don’t shy away from hard problems. But you’ll find in each Monitor news story qualities that can lead to solutions and unite us – qualities such as respect, resilience, hope, and fairness.

Monitor reporters and photographers have been covering the world for more than 100 years.

Our perspective

The Monitor's global, value-based approach is reflected in how Mary Baker Eddy, who founded this newspaper in 1908, described its purpose: "To injure no man, but to bless all mankind." Our aim is to embrace the human family. We prize honesty and largeness of heart. We seek practical solutions, not just page views.

Also, by focusing on the values behind the news, we offer a deeper view – a read more about solutions that unite rather than divide. That’s why many of our stories clearly identify the values driving the news – whether it’s respect, compassion, responsibility, freedom, or so on.

Doing this tells why the story itself really matters – it gets to the heart of what people and societies are wrestling with. But it also better explains why the story matters to you – showing how all news, local or not, has a universal relevance. 

Our voice

We are an independent voice, without the corporate allegiances and pressures that too often skew today's media. We offer readers the information they need to come to their own constructive conclusions. For more information, see our FAQ section below. 

"The Monitor is a trustworthy news source, based on a foundation of solid ethics and a public service mission," according to an audit by Trusting News

Our coverage

We deliver global news via our website and mobile site, daily edition, weekly print magazine, and free newsletters.


1. Is The Christian Science Monitor a religious newspaper?

When first published in 1908, the Monitor was described by its editor-in-chief as journalism “to appeal to good men and women everywhere who are interested in the betterment of all human conditions and the moral and spiritual advancement of the race.” For more than a century, our aim has been to cover the news of the day with honesty and integrity.

In addition to our daily news coverage, the Monitor publishes one religious article each weekday in the Christian Science Perspective column. These commentaries offer spiritual insights on contemporary issues, including the news.

2. Why is it called The Christian Science Monitor?

Our name is about honesty. The Monitor is owned by The Christian Science Church, and we’ve always been transparent about that.

The Church publishes the Monitor because it sees good journalism as vital to progress in the world. Since 1908, we’ve aimed “to injure no man, but to bless all mankind,” as our founder, Mary Baker Eddy, put it.

Here, you’ll find award-winning journalism not driven by commercial influences – a news organization that takes seriously its mission to uplift the world by seeking solutions and finding reasons for credible hope.

The Monitor aims to be a newspaper welcomed in any home. Its name clearly identifies it as providing journalism based on progress, integrity, impartiality, and unselfish love – all of which are fundamental values of Christian Science. Not all Monitor staff are Christian Scientists, but all are committed to these journalistic goals. 

3. What is the Monitor's bias?

The Monitor is committed to delivering news that is factual. Our bias is to present the world through a lens that is calm and measured, as well as characterized by honesty, fairness, compassion, and respect. We dare to see the world differently, but not by ignoring the challenges the world faces.

4. What is the Monitor’s relationship to the Christian Science Church, and how is the Monitor funded?

The Christian Science Monitor is one of five ongoing publications produced by The Christian Science Publishing Society, the publishing activity of The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston. 

The Monitor is funded by revenue from subscriptions, an endowment fund, donations, gifts, and profits from the Publishing Society. The Monitor also accepts outside grants to support general operations, special projects, and coverage of specific topics of interest to our readers, but we do this without giving up our editorial independence. Additional funding to cover operating costs is provided by The First Church of Christ, Scientist. The Monitor is a gift that offers evidence of humanity’s progress.