Sexual Misconduct and Support Services

If you are in immediate danger, call 911. For after hours and weekend support, please contact the YWCA of Greater Los Angeles 24-hour sexual assault crisis hotline at 877.943.5778.

All sexual activity between members of the CSU community must be based on Affirmative Consent. Engaging in any sexual activity without first obtaining Affirmative Consent to the specific activity constitutes Sexual Misconduct and is a violation of this policy, whether or not the conduct violates any civil or criminal crime.

Sexual activity includes, but is not limited to kissing, touching intimate body parts, fondling, intercourse, penetration of any body part and oral sex. Women ages 18-24 who are college students are 3 times more likely than women in general to experience sexual violence. Females of the same age who are not enrolled in college are 4 times more likely (U.S. Department of Justice, 2014).

The Student Health Service staff always tells the victim/survivor, "It was never your fault. We commend you for coming in for support."

Medical Services at Student Health Services

Please be aware that in California, some medical providers may need to contact local law enforcement if they suspect that injuries are a result of dating/domestic violence or sexual assault.

  • Clinicians may provide treatment within their scope of practice for a college campus. They will provide testing for sexually transmitted infections, such as: Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, HIV and Syphilis.
  • Clinicians cannot perform a forensic medical examination for evidence collection. However, the Campus Confidential Advocates can help facilitate a request for a forensic medical exam and offer accompaniment, if desired. The forensic medical exam is provided free of charge.
  • A survivor can still have a forensic medical exam even if they do not wish to file a police report.
  • University Police will transport the survivor and a friend, if desired, to have the exam at an off-campus medical facility.

Services for Sexual Abuse/Assault, Dating and Domestic Violence, and/or Stalking

On-Campus Support Services



  • University Police Department: 562.985.4101
  • Office of Equity & Compliance, Larisa Hamada, Assistant Vice President of Equity & Compliance and Title IX Coordinator, Foundation Building 160: 562.985.8256 or [email protected]


Off-Campus Resources

Sexual Abuse/Assault

  • YWCA Greater Los Angeles, Sexual Assault Crisis Services, 24-hour crisis hotline 877.943.5778
  • National Sexual Assault Hotline: 800.656.4673

Dating and Domestic Violence

Additional Community Resources


Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice Statistics, Rape and Sexual Victimization among College-Aged Females, 1995-2013 (2014).