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series: Epistemic Studies
Published by De Gruyter

Epistemic Studies

Philosophy of Science, Cognition and Mind

  • Edited by: Michael Esfeld, Stephan Hartmann and Albert Newen
  • Scientific consultation: Katalin Balog, Claus Beisbart, Craig Callender, Tim Crane, Katja Crone, Ophelia Deroy, Mauro Dorato, Alison Fernandes, Jens Harbecke, Vera Hoffmann-Kolss, Max Kistler, Beate Krickel, Anna Marmodoro, Alyssa Ney, Hans Rott, Wolfgang Spohn and Gottfried Vosgerau
ISSN: 2512-5168
Formerly up to volume 34 under the title "Epistemische Studien / Epistemic Studies"
e-ISSN 2512-5575
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