Board of Adjustment Case Records

Find Zoning Appeal Records

You can view the upcoming hearing schedule for the next week, as well as recently filed appeals and recent decisions for the past two months.  Additionally, you can search for previous case records by case number, address, subject matter, or case outcome.

Records Research and Review

The Board’s staff will pull individual files of upcoming cases for review prior to hearings by Appellants and other concerned parties and assist in preparation for upcoming hearings upon request, subject to the demands of office duties.

Except for identifying and pulling requested cases, research of the Board’s public records by the staff is not available due to time constraints.  Members of the public who wish to research archival files (pre-2000) or to review substantial numbers of recent files (i.e., more than three individual case files on one day) are advised to make a written request to the Board and allow at least three working days for the appropriate files to be pulled.

To prevent undue interference with the regular operations of the office, and to preserve the records themselves, the Board reserves the right to limit the number of files pulled and reviewed at one time and to schedule appointments to review such records.

Photocopy fees for copies of the Board’s records may be raised from $0.50 to $1.00 per page if more than 20 pages are copied for one individual on one day, due to the additional demands placed on the office staff’s time.

Due to our hearing schedule, the Board’s staff and office space have limited availability on Tuesdays for research purposes.

Note : The Board of Adjustment's archival case records between 1925 and 1956 will be moving to the Western History division of the Denver Public Library.  They will be catalogued, processed, and made available to the public at a future date.  Any questions can be directed to the Western History division of the Denver Public Library.