Über uns

Provides specialized project planning services for state agencies.

Specialized services include:

  • Site Investigation and Monitoring
  • Infrastructure Studies
  • Budget Package Preparation
  • Estimating.

To begin with any of our services, please submit a Global CRUISE Request.

Specialized Services

Provides a full range of hazardous material investigation and remediation design services. We have completed environmental site assessments (i.e., Phase I/II), hazardous materials inventory, asbestos and lead based paint assessments, remediation plans and specifications, and abatement and groundwater monitoring. Has access to a network to multidisciplinary engineering and scientific consultants experienced in the full range of required services from environmental due diligence to remedy implementation, and a proven record in closing underground storage tank sites for state agencies.
Budget Packages are procured by PMDB by administering a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) process and negotiating project specific and/or retainer contracts with the most qualified firms. They are provided to deliver projects that are on time and within budget, and satisfy the program requirements and legal authorizations.
Cost Estimating provides cost information to RESD management, project managers, and customers to enable responsible individuals to make timely, mission critical business decisions. These services include estimating project construction cost, change order estimates, value engineering, and estimates of project design and management fees.


Submit your request for real estate services through Global CRUISE (Customer Requests: Upgraded Information Sharing Environment).