Sponsored Legislation

Bill # Bill Description Updated
S.1123 Cosponsored  — USA FREEDOM Act of 2015
S.1102 Cosponsored  — Protect Student Borrowers Act of 2015
S.1070 Sponsored  — GI Education Benefit Fairness Act of 2015
S.Res. 148 Cosponsored  — A resolution condemning the Government of Iran’s state-sponsored persecution of its Baha’i minority and its continued violation of the International Covenants on Human Rights.
S.Res. 149 Cosponsored  — A resolution recognizing the importance and inspiration of the Hubble Space Telescope.
S.1083 Cosponsored  — Medicare Drug Savings Act of 2015
S.1072 Cosponsored  — Supreme Court Ethics Act of 2015
S.1059 Cosponsored  — College Options for DREAMers Act
S.1049 Cosponsored  — Agricultural Export Expansion Act of 2015
S.1051 Sponsored  — National Health Service Corps Expansion Act of 2015
S.1056 Cosponsored  — End Racial Profiling Act of 2015
S.1022 Sponsored  — Wounded Warrior Research Enhancement Act
S.1021 Sponsored  — Wounded Warrior Workforce Enhancement Act
S.1012 Cosponsored  — Working Families Tax Relief Act of 2015
S.Res. 140 Cosponsored  — A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate regarding the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide.
S.988 Sponsored  — Protecting Student Athletes from Concussions Act of 2015
S.Res. 137 Cosponsored  — A resolution congratulating the administration, staff, students, and alumni of Roosevelt University on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the University.
S.974 Sponsored  — A bill to amend the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 to prohibit employment of children in tobacco-related agriculture by deeming such employment as oppressive child labor.
S.975 Sponsored  — American Business for American Companies Act of 2015
S.925 Cosponsored  — Women on the Twenty Act
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