Über uns

About DutchNews.nl

DutchNews.nl provides Dutch news and current affairs in English for an international audience.

Some 70,000 people read DutchNews.nl every day, either online, through our daily digital newsletter or via our social media channels.

Editorial policy

Our aim is to provide broad coverage of the main Dutch news so that non-Dutch speakers are kept up to date with events. This means we cover all sorts of news, from politics and economic developments to crime and sport as well as the quirks of Dutch culture.

We aim to tell the big news stories and report on important changes our readers need to know so they are aware of major events which may affect their lives.

Our news copy is based on our own research,  media coverage, press releases and Dutch newspaper articles and we try to credit and link to our sources as much as possible.

We see our job not only to inform but to explain current events in the Netherlands, so we try to include background where relevant.

Our photographs come from Hollandse Hoogte, ANP, from Wikimedia Commons, Depositphoto.com and other rights-free sources. We always credit photographs which require credits and we donate to Wikipedia and Creative Commons. If you feel we have wrongly used or attributed your work, please contact the editor via [email protected].

Comment and features

Our opinion section includes our own editorials, articles by third parties and translations of pieces published by other Dutch media. All our translations are made with the approval of the writer and copyright holder.

We also produce our own features and are open to relevant, news-based suggestions. Contact [email protected] for a copy of our guidelines for freelancers.

We do not accept ‘free’ copy on principle. Commercial organisations wishing to publish sponsored content or to provide information to our readers as a partner should contact [email protected].

Advertising and partners

DutchNews.nl publishes paid for content by third parties as one of its advertising options. Sponsored content is always clearly labelled as such and has to meet strict conditions on quality and relevance to our readership.

DutchNews.nl is grateful to all our partners and sponsors, without whom we would not be able to provide this service to the international community.

Dutch News BV

DutchNews.nl is published by Dutch News BV, an independent publishing company based in Amsterdam. DutchNews.nl was launched in 2006.

Dutch News BV publishes books. These include A Dictionary of Dutchness, which explains the jargon and acronyms used in everyday Dutch life and Ready, Steady, Go Dutch, a guide to settling in the Netherlands based on expat experiences.


For editorial matters, please contact Robin Pascoe
Phone: 06 45241999
Email: [email protected]

For information about advertising, please contact advertising@dutchnews.