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The Shipwreck Rose: The Cruelest Cut

One of the indignities of getting older is having hair that will no longer express your personality in a way that adequately represents who you think you are, deep down. Our hair betrays us with age.

Sep 12, 2024
The Mast-Head: Still Ashore

As the recreational boating season hurries to a close here in the Northeast, my ideas of a summer spent at least part of the time afloat on Cerberus slip away.

Sep 12, 2024
Gristmill: Minden Man

Someone who grew up in Bridgehampton (this columnist, for one) might think all there was to Leonard Riggio was Minden, his vast and venerable Ocean Road estate. But his passing calls up more.

Sep 12, 2024
Gristmill: So Long, Pops

When a county investigator instantly “gets,” and appreciates, a just-deceased family member.

Sep 5, 2024
The Mast-Head: Questions and Answers

We get a lot of questions from readers here. It is, after all, a local newspaper.

Sep 5, 2024
The Shipwreck Rose: Ballet Slippers

My ballet teacher was Gordon Peavy, who had his studio in the Odd Fellows Hall on Newtown Lane, above what is now the Chanel store.

Aug 29, 2024
The Mast-Head: Boomer Not Boomer

If she becomes president, Kamala Harris could be the last of the baby boom generation to occupy the Oval Office.

Aug 29, 2024
Gristmill: Mets to the Rescue

Good times on the jumbotron as the New York Metropolitans get the ballpark rocking on $5 Tuesday.

Aug 29, 2024
The Shipwreck Rose: Mouse Trap

The addicting thing about Disney World is that it is as complex and elaborate an alternate reality as a video-game artificial universe like World of Warcraft or Legend of Zelda.

Aug 22, 2024
The Mast-Head: Like Fish in a Bowl

From where I sit with a view of Main Street, two things about this summer strike me: the numerous westbound traffic backups and the people peering in The Star’s front windows.

Aug 22, 2024
Gristmill: A Reprieve Too Brief

Happy happy joy joy! It’s hard to shake the Games of Paris.

Aug 22, 2024
The Shipwreck Rose: The Big Tent

Notes from the East Hampton Library’s Authors Night.

Aug 15, 2024