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Strategy review

The new strategy is a strong foundation that will help guide us in the conduct of monetary policy in the years to come

The aim of the ECB’s strategy review was to make sure our monetary policy strategy is fit for purpose, both today and in the future.

The strategy review covered all aspects of our monetary policy within the framework of our mandate, which is to maintain price stability.

We listened to opinions from across Europe, including those from citizens, academics, Members of the European Parliament and civil society organisations.

The outcome of our strategy review

Monetary policy strategy statement

Read our new monetary policy strategy statement.

Monetary policy strategy statement
Overview of the monetary policy strategy

Find more details about the ECB's new monetary policy strategy.

Overview note
Opening remarks with Q&A

President Christine Lagarde and Vice-President Luis de Guindos presented the outcome of the strategy review.

Opening remarks with Q&A
ECB approves its new monetary policy strategy

Here is what the Governing Council decided about its new monetary policy strategy.

Press release
ECB presents climate change action plan

We have decided on an action plan to incorporate climate change considerations into our policy framework.

Press release

Background material

We have published several occasional papers which provided input for our recently concluded strategy review. Our occasional papers cover work on subjects related to our main tasks and functions and are aimed at a broad audience.

Read the occasional papers

How did we carry out the review?

What aspects did we look at in our strategy review and why? Explore our cartoons on the different work streams and read more on why these aspects matter for monetary policy.

Strategy review key topics

Climate change in our new strategy

We at the ECB are doing our part to tackle climate change within our mandate. We have decided on an action plan with an ambitious roadmap to incorporate climate change considerations into our monetary policy framework.

Climate change and the ECB

Press conference on strategy review outcome

President Christine Lagarde and Vice-President Luis de Guindos presented the outcome of the strategy review and answered questions from journalists.

Press conference: watch again and read more

Listening activities across Europe

The ECB and national central banks across the euro area hosted various listening activities with the general public, civil society organisations and academia. Ideas and perspectives shared at these events fed into the strategy review.

Overview of all listening events

We asked for your views – and we heard you!

We gathered your views, suggestions and concerns on a range of topics via the ECB Listens Portal to better understand your perspectives on the economy, and what you expect from your central bank.

ECB Listens Portal

Möchten Sie mehr erfahren?

Why did we review our strategy? What did the review look at? How were citizens able to have their say? Find the answers to these questions and more.
