Aims & scope

EGU Letters (EL) is a virtual scientific highlight magazine for articles reporting exceptionally important results and major advances in geoscientific research that are of high general interest to the entire geoscientific community and/or to the broader public & media.

Articles included in EL are written in a concise and engaging style. They undergo full peer review and publication as a letter style article in one of the EGU interactive open-access journals. Their inclusion in EL depends upon recommendation by the chief/executive editors of the interactive journal and approval by the interdisciplinary editorial board of the virtual magazine.

Read more about EGU Letters, the characteristics, and the editorial handling.

Participating EGU journals

  • Atmospheric Chemistry & Physics (ACP)
  • Biogeosciences (BG)
  • Earth Surface Dynamics (ESurf)
  • Earth System Dynamics (ESD)
  • Geoscience Communication (GC)
  • Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics (NPG)
  • Ocean Science (OS)
  • SOIL

Recent EGU Letters

12 Sep 2024
| ESD Letters
Climatology and trends of concurrent temperature extremes in the global extratropics
Gabriele Messori, Antonio Segalini, and Alexandre M. Ramos
Earth Syst. Dynam., 15, 1207–1225,,, 2024
Short summary Chief editor
06 Aug 2024
| ESD Letters
| Highlight paper
Absence of causality between seismic activity and global warming
Mikhail Y. Verbitsky, Michael E. Mann, and Dmitry Volobuev
Earth Syst. Dynam., 15, 1015–1017,,, 2024
Short summary Chief editor
07 Jun 2024
| NPG Letters
Quantum data assimilation: a new approach to solving data assimilation on quantum annealers
Shunji Kotsuki, Fumitoshi Kawasaki, and Masanao Ohashi
Nonlin. Processes Geophys., 31, 237–245,,, 2024
Short summary
30 May 2024
| ACP Letters
| Highlight paper
Direct observational evidence from space of the effect of CO2 increase on longwave spectral radiances: the unique role of high-spectral-resolution measurements
João Teixeira, R. Chris Wilson, and Heidar Th. Thrastarson
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 24, 6375–6383,,, 2024
Short summary Executive editor
15 Apr 2024
| SOIL Letters
| Highlight paper
The six rights of how and when to test for soil C saturation
Johan Six, Sebastian Doetterl, Moritz Laub, Claude R. Müller, and Marijn Van de Broek
SOIL, 10, 275–279,,, 2024
Short summary Executive editor