Jobs 徵才
大學畢,熟電腦文書作業,有相關媒體經驗佳,應徵者須具備合法工作身分。請傳送履歷到[email protected]

Project Coordinator:
College graduated, fluent in both English and Mandarin, excellent MS Office skill, related Media experience a plus. Legal working status is required. Please send resumes to [email protected]

身為新聞小尖兵的你,無論你是對新聞影像或是對生活時事有興趣的新手,還是你已經在新聞傳播相關行業從事很多年的業界老手,都誠摯邀請你加入東森美洲的行列! (擁有新聞傳播相關科系背景加分)。應徵者須具備合法工作身分。
請傳送履歷到[email protected]

News Repoter:
Doesn't matter if you are seeking into or veteran in news industry, ETTV America highly want you.(Background in communication is a plus). Legal working status is required.
Please send resumes to [email protected]