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MY CIA: A Memoir
MY CIA: A Memoir
MY CIA: A Memoir
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MY CIA: A Memoir

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In her third book, a memoir, McCord uses the lens of the present to delve into the past: McCord was born in Monrovia, Liberia, Africa, the daughter of a CIA Officer and a beautiful, sheltered, young mother of Irish catholic descent, ten months after the birth of her sister. After a brief stay in Florida, McCord's father would take on his next mission in Katmandu, Nepal. There McCord's mother has a nervous breakdown and the family is secretly flown back to the states where McCord and her sister, fiercely close, would grow up in a "normal" Midwest environment but under and within a shroud of secrecy and propelled by disjointed memories, borrowed histories, and confusing recounts of the past. In My CIA, McCord looks at her life, so far lived with the eyes of a poet, one who knows not how to report and "tell everything" but knows only to tell the truth--of her sorrow, of her hope, of her love and how it finds itself through lyric. In other words, she gives us everything she has to give and finds that the answers are hard won and sometimes in the asking.

Release dateJun 28, 2012
MY CIA: A Memoir

Katherine McCord

About the Author Katherine McCord was born in Monrovia, Liberia, Africa. She has an MA in English/Creative Writing/Poetry and an MFA in Poetry. Her first two books are Island and Living Room (prose poems). She has been published widely in literary reviews and journals, such as American Poetry Review, Margie, Caketrain and Paragraph. She has been a recipient of numerous awards, including, in 2011, a Maryland Individual Artist Award. Telling Our Stories Press Showcasing the Art of Literary Personal Narratives Published by Telling Our Stories Press The independent literary imprint with a focus on publishing personal narratives of various forms; and examining the journal-memoir connection.

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    MY CIA - Katherine McCord

    My CIA

    A Memoir

    By Katherine McCord

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright ©2011 by Katherine McCord

    All rights reserved.

    Smashwords Edition License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Also from Telling Our Stories Press

    IMPACT: An Anthology of Short Memoirs

    ROLL: A Collection of Personal Narratives

    SURVIVE: A Collection of Short Memoirs

    TURNS: A Collection of Memoir Chapbooks

    SO LONG: Short Memoirs of Loss and Remembrance

    THE BRIDGE: A Companion Journal for Unearthing

    Personal Narratives and Memoir

    RESURRECTING PROUST: Unearthing Personal

    Narratives through Journaling

    More Praise for McCord:

    The pared inscription, as well as the delicacy and discretion, of Katherine McCord’s debut collection, Island, are always deeply compelling and often breathtaking. The honorable simplicity of this work rewards us time and time again with both wisdom and delight. Quietly elegant, and as intimate as a whisper, this is a book to hold close in the silence of night.

    ~David St. John, author of The Auroras

    McCord’s is a searching poetry, asking questions that have answers too hard to bear.

    ~Sheila Cowing, author of Jackrabbit Highways and Stronger in the Broken Places

    Katherine McCord explodes triumphantly onto the poetry scene with her newest collection of prose poems…She writes with fevered delicacy. . .and offers us an astounding package. This is the work of a mature, talented writer who integrates her personal amazement at the details of daily life with the inescapable act of being an artist…It is deeply compelling work that speaks to the artist’s method and madness with delicious effect…McCord gives us a year of her life and it is a privilege to experience it through her passionate language.

    ~Jeanie C. Williams, co-editor of Saludos! Poemas

    Sometimes from dry ground some of the most important and exciting poetry springs. From the saturated reds and greens of New Mexico comes the moving lyric of a life told in poems. Katherine McCord’s poems captured me from the first line. . . and carried me through their autobiography in poems. I knew it was a book I had to pay attention to and it’s a collection I am proud to have had some small part in bringing to the public. It’s the big emptiness of the desert sky crying out to be filled that pulls these lines from the poet’s heart. It’s a cool cloth on the dying man’s brow, the only comfort for miles and the only comfort needed.

    ~Robert Bixby, author of Come Along

    MY CIA

    A Memoir

    Katherine McCord

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright © 2012 by Katherine McCord

    Published by

    Showcasing the Art of Literary Personal Narratives

    Published by Telling Our Stories Press

    The independent literary imprint with a focus on publishing

    personal narratives of various forms; and examining

    the journal-memoir connection.

    No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without written permission from the author, except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review.

    Excerpts from parts I and II appear in South Loop Review, Volume 11 and is used by permission from the author.

    Excerpts from Blowback appear in Fogged Clarity, December 2009 and is used by permission from the author.

    Requests for information should be forwarded to:

    Telling Our Stories Press


    Cover Design: Chris Schramm

    Typeset and book layout by Chris Schramm

    eBook ISBN: 9781452403670

    For Tom, Greta and Adi

    again and again and again…

    and for my mother and my father

    and my sister and my brothers

    and my brother-in-law and my nieces…

    Table of Contents

    I. Blowback

    II. My Cia

    The Truth About 1975

    About the Author

    O, my god, Sylvia said, "O, my god, what am I / That these late mouths should cry open / In a forest of frost, in a dawn of cornflowers." —my italics.

    It seemed there was a room for playing house—

    a kitchen, dolls.

    And then indecipherable things.

    Finally, a heart I made with glue.

    The boy across. His head on his folded arms.

    Until I can’t take it anymore. And everything,

    Everything is a dare. Becomes love.

    Explodes into words.

    Day by day my father flies backwards.

    And the pure black dog who was true.

    The inside light of winter

    and the last few leaves shine through.

    Like the book I read with its anguish.

    I say, to anyone, it is true.

    I tell my students, read it.

    It will change you through.

    I. Blowback

    And where were her people? Spun tight? Deep?

    (for Greta and Adi)

    ‘Blowback’ is a CIA term first used in March 1954…It is a metaphor for the unintended consequences of the US government’s international activities that have been kept secret from the American people.

    —Chalmers Johnson

    I write a book for her. Then my sister and I dredge up the past. And after the last kid is sealed inside, we ride to the sound of phones. The house and life before me. The fan fires. The light flickers. An explosion behind the jets in the sky. We call it Sun. From a friend’s we go on a walk.

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