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MILA 2.0: Renegade
MILA 2.0: Renegade
MILA 2.0: Renegade
Ebook377 pages5 hours

MILA 2.0: Renegade

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

This suspenseful, heart-wrenching follow-up to Debra Driza's MILA 2.0 will leave readers racing to turn the last page.

Mila is back on the run—this time with potential boyfriend Hunter by her side. As they search for a man who might know more about her mysterious past, Mila must rely on her android abilities to protect them from the people who want her dead. But embracing her identity as a machine leads her to question the state of her humanity, as well as Hunter's true intentions.

Fans of books filled with mystery and intrigue, like The Bourne Identity and I Am Number Four, will find everything they’re looking for in this exciting series, including several unexpected surprises.

Release dateMay 13, 2014

Debra Driza

Debra Driza is a member of the teen-lit blogging group the Bookanistas and a former practising physical therapist, who discovered tormenting her characters was infinitely more enjoyable. These days you can find her at home in California, adding random colours to her hair and wrangling one husband, two kids, and an assortment of Rhodesian Ridgebacks. Mila 2.0 is her first novel.

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    RENEGADE is clearly the middle book in a trilogy. Mila has escaped the lab run by the evil General Holland but she lost the woman she knew as her mother in her escape. She called her friend Hunter in a moment of weakness and spends the first quarter of the book feeling guilty for putting him in order and also feeling guilty for her desire to leave him despite the fact that that would be the safest thing to do for him.Mila and Hunter are tracking down some people that her mother told her about as she was dying. They are also trying to stay away from the Vita Obscura because her mother told her that they wanted her to experiment on. She said they wanted to take her apart to understand her technology and sell it to the highest bidder.This story tells what happens when she is captured by the Vita Oscura. It is filled with new discoveries and new problems. It also ends on a major cliffhanger. Had I known that, I would have waited for the third book to come out before I read this one. I face months of wondering what is going to happen next!Science fiction fans and romance fans will find things to enjoy in this series. Mila is a great character with lots of conflicts and issues but also with lots of character and heart. Hunter isn't a bad boyfriend either.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    “I was really excited for this book to be released, I LOVED the first book so much. However, I wan't impressed as much with the second book. It was action-packed and adventure-filled, which I enjoy, I just wanted some more romance in there. Mila and Hunter were just on the verge of a really good romance when we ended in Mila 2.0 and it kind of fizzled out in Mila 2.0 Renegade. I was just disappointed that Mila distrusted Hunter so much, it was sad to see that happen to them. It really affected their relationship in a bad way. There are some secrets revealed and I could understand the creation of Mila better. I felt sad for Mila, after loosing her mom she really didn't have anybody else and her relationship with Hunter didn't seem so promising anymore. The ending left us completely hanging so of course I will have to read/listen to the next book in this series. I'm hoping the romance will be kicked up a knotch in the third book.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    3.5 I wanted to read Renegade because I enjoyed the first book, and wanted to continue with the series. I don't remember much about Mila 2.0 except I liked Mila and her struggle with discovering she isn't human. I remember liking the action, plot as well as wishing she would pick a guy and really fall for him, and by synopsis of Renegade, it seems like it may be Hunter. Renegade starts out slowly and with Mila and Hunter on the road. Traveling aspects of books can sometimes be hard for me and I think that might play into it as well as not having time to reread the first. We get a decent recap without feeling like an info dump, but I still felt a little lost, and I was getting dejavu from Hunted by Kade because of the not completely human aspect, betrayals by parents and off to hide or find someone with a boy. I got through that though, and remembered why I liked Mila. She's strong and analytic, but she still has a lot of feelings. She ends up not telling the whole truth to Hunter because she is afraid and also trying to protect him, but she keeps doing little things to give him clues that something more is going on that he doesn't know about. He is a strong presence for her, giving her comfort, joking with her, and generally keeping her company, making her feel like someone is in her corner. They have a chemistry and a lot of tension because they are taking things slowly and every time they dated in the first book something went wrong and interrupted them and now she is on high alert. There were done unexpected twists and I was doubting someone that I never thought I would. There were also people involved that I never would have guessed. This made the last half really fly by because I had to see what surprises I would find next. Out is revealed more about Mila and how she works as well as how she was made and get purpose. Though part of the big reveal tho Mila herself I guessed pretty early on butt I don't know I'd that was the point. The ending raced to a dramatic conclusion and one he'll of a cliff hanger. It was one of those moments wee you are sure the author just left out about one hundred or so pages because you can't leave a reader in suspense like that. I will definitely be reading the next in the series tho find plot more about Mila, about Hunter and his reaction to dating an android as well as Lucas who made a last minute appearance. Bottom Line: good second book: surprises, romance and action.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Until she falls off the back of a pickup truck in book one of this series, leaking some kind of machine fluid instead of bleeding, Mila has no idea that the gaps in her memory and the overprotective tendencies of her mother are clues to her real nature. Which is android--and when she finds out she is just as horrified as she thinks everyone else will be. As this second book opens Mila has escaped from the military facility that wants to use her as a weapon, the place where she was tortured and forced to fight her evil look-a-like twin android sister, but the woman she knows as her mother is now dead and Mila is left with only cryptic clues about her past, the obviously false childhood memories that keep surfacing, and who she should go to for help. So Mila calls on Hunter, the guy she liked before she discovered she isn’t an average teenage girl and the guy she still gets heart palpitations around even though she knows she’s a machine, doesn’t have an actual heart, and what’s she doing with emotions anyway. Without updating Hunter about what she now knows about herself and her situation, Mila makes up a story that convinces him to road-trip with her so she stay one step ahead of the people trying to recapture her while trying to make contact with someone who can explain things. The fast action excitement of the plot and the exciting discoveries Mila keeps making about her useful android abilities get a little bogged down by Mila’s predictable and somewhat excessive internal agonizing about keeping her secret from Hunter, though generally I’m greatly enjoying the friction created between Mila’s human and machine sides. Author Debra Driza smoothly worked review information into the first chapters of Renegade, a big help for readers like me who have had a time gap since reading Mila 2.0. Along with Mila we learn more about who/what she is in this second book, and we meet some of the key people from her past--though it’s not always clear who can be trusted. There is still a lot of story left to tell, and I look forward to reading the next book.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This is going to be a quickie review because most of what I say would lead to spoilers.

    Renegade picks up right where Mila 2.0 leaves off. I love that Mila allows herself to take chances even when bad things can happen. Hunter is so freaking sweet, it’s unreal. He does everything he can ot be there for Mila, even after some of the events leave him mad. We also get to meet some new characters. Some of them were pretty great, but a few I wanted to smack around. I mean seriously, manipulating people is not cool.

    Renegade is action packed. There were a few plot twists that I saw coming since the first book, but overall there were some nice surprises in there. We see characters I never thought we’d get a chance to. The ending was the mother of all cliffhangers, and I’m excited to see where Driza takes it in the next book.

    Renegade is a great follow up to Mila 2.0. We finally get the answers to some things, but are definitely left with a few more questions.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Ugh, what a cliffhanger. Now I want to read the next book. Wish it was on here ☹️.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Review courtesy of Dark Faerie TalesQuick & Dirty: The action, suspense, and thrill of book number one continues in a fantastic continuation of the Mila 2.0 series.Opening Sentence: If I could record real-life moments in my head like a DVR, this afternoon would top the list as one of the most replayed.The Review:Note: since this is a review for a sequel, the first paragraph and possibly the others will contain minor or even major spoilers! In Mila 2.0, Mila learns she is a cyborg, loses her mother, and set off on the run with Hunter, a boy she’s hardly known but has a connection with. She goes off on the only lead she has, a name. In this story, all the action and excitement of the first book continues with some major plot twists and startling revelations.I enjoyed watching Mila start to embrace her android-ness. True, she is learning also the meaning of being a human, of having emotions, but by the end of the book she has become more comfortable in her own skin. The development was large, and Mila was a great character with all the fight and spunk of Katniss or Tris. She learns herself and who to trust. I loved her in Mila 2.0, but in Mila 2.0 Renegade I enjoyed her character even more. However, I can’t say the same for her main love interest: Hunter. In book number one we realize that Lucas is also a contender but it’s clear where Mila’s true feelings are, at least in the first two novels. At the beginning of this book, I didn’t trust Hunter. After all, why would he travel across the country to help some girl he barely knows? Their relationship felt false, as did Hunter’s motivations, and by the end of the book he hadn’t changed much at all.Lucas, on the other hand, is a whole different story. He starts out on the enemy side. He gradually sees the human in Mila. He makes risks and sacrifices but she still isn’t accepting him as anything more than a friend, but I can say she starts to feel butterflies and the like by the end of this one. If this is meant to be a love triangle than so far it is leaning in Hunter’s favor. The one thing lacking in both relationships is the humor aspect, which I was let down by slightly.I can’t argue with Mila’s awesome android functions or the many action-packed scenes. Not only does she have to fight in her romance but she has to fight to stay alive and discover her orgins. Every few chapters we’d have a good ‘ole fight scene or a deep heart to heart between characters, and as her character grew so did my interest in the story. At the end of the day, she actually finds out a lot, even if the amount of information dumped on us was a little daunting a few times. After processing I got it. The plot is engaging but complicated, but not to the point I didn’t eventually understand.Altogether, this novel lived up to my high expectations after Mila 2.0. I was pleased with the characters, the mystery aspect, but the only thing I wasn’t so excited about was the romance. The author did an amazing job of nitpicking all the science parts so we could understand and so the plot was reasonable and realistic. Mila is a fantastic heroine and I loved watching her grow. I would, again, like to see more of Lucas in book 3, and there are also still a few plot holes waiting to be patched up. Though I was very interested in the plotline, somehow I didn’t connect as thoroughly as I did with my other favorites, so that’s why it got four stars as opposed to five. If you loved Cinder by Marissa Meyer than you will be crazy for Mila 2.0! She isn’t a cyborg, but she’s an android. So close enough, right? Hopefully you pick up the first and second at your closest bookstore or library soon, as I’m positive you will not regret it.Notable Scene:“So, heres what’s going to happen,” Quinn continued, ignoring him completely. “Mila is going to execute the prisoners, as a little demonstration of my success. Of course, you can keep that from happening at any time by giving me access to the intel accounts.”FTC Advisory: Katherine Tegen Books/Harper Collins provided me with a copy of MILA 2.0: Renegade. No goody bags, sponsorships, “material connections,” or bribes were exchanged for my review.

Book preview

MILA 2.0 - Debra Driza


If I could record real-life moments in my head like a DVR, this afternoon would top the list as one of the most replayed. Far-fetched? Maybe for a normal girl. But normal wasn’t a word that applied to my life anymore. Though, at this precise moment, I was giving it my best shot. Focusing on the now—just me, salt, sand, and the blazing sun baking my skin and reflecting off the dark-haired boy’s head like a million tiny sparklers.

White froth lapped at the shore mere inches from my toes—6.15, to be exact—but my focus remained intent on his head, bobbing out past the breaking waves. He dove under them with the fluid ease of a sea creature, and even from here I could catch glimpses of the sheer bliss on his face. Hunter was completely in his element.

Enjoy it while you can, I silently urged him. We wouldn’t be staying long.

Or maybe we would. I had decisions to make yet, about my future.

Overhead, a seagull squawked before dive-bombing a leftover morsel on the sand. At the harsh cry, something rippled in the far recesses of my mind, then disappeared.

I shivered, like the sun had dipped beneath a cloud.

Hunter swam with sure strokes in my direction, water curling behind him in a huge arch. I held my breath. Compared to the wave, he looked so small and insignificant. The water swept him up, and in an explosion of white foam, he vanished.

I jumped to my feet, but then he rose from the water like an offering from the sea. My phantom heart returned to its regularly scheduled pumping cycle. I sank back onto my motel towel. Silly. Of course he was fine.

Not that I didn’t have reason for major anxiety issues.

He padded toward me, water beading on his bare skin, his shaggy hair clinging to his neck and causing rivulets to rain down his chest.

Sure you don’t want to come in? The water feels great.

No thanks. Too hard to be on alert when you were in the middle of the ocean. But of course, I hadn’t said that. My no-swimsuit excuse was much less of an eyebrow-raiser.

Hunter threw himself onto the sand beside me, flinging tiny droplets onto my bare arm. I watched them cling to my skin, and Hunter’s gaze followed mine.

It’s not because of that, right? His gaze skimmed my left shoulder, which was covered by the sleeve of my slightly rumpled T-shirt. Your arm’s okay in water?

Yeah, it’s fine. But his attention made me self-conscious. I folded both arms over my bent knees, making sure the right one ended up on top. Not because I was bashful about my prosthetic limb, like Hunter assumed when he saw wires protruding from it like busted bicycle spokes back in Clearwater, but because my arm wasn’t really prosthetic.

Not in the true sense of the word, anyway. Though, technically speaking, I guess you could consider all of me prosthetic. One of the many pitfalls of being an android.

My stomach twisted, making me sigh. Another pitfall? Finding a tactful way to tell the boy you liked the truth about your little issue with nonhumanness.

In my defense—I didn’t know him all that well. Not unless you considered a shared truck crash, a late-night interlude involving a barn, and a date gone wrong to be the cornerstones of a profound relationship. Yet from the moment I’d met him, something about him called to me. Maybe because we were both loners. Maybe that was what formed the basis for our instant connection. All I knew was that after my world had imploded two days ago, I’d made a panicked phone call and Hunter had answered and here we were, in Virginia Beach.

He trailed his fingers along the area between my sleeve and elbow. I could feel the individual granules of sand that clung to his skin, but I was more focused on the thrill generated by his touch.

I can’t get over how real it feels, he said. I had no idea they’d come so far in prosthetics.

It’s a prototype. I looked into his eyes. Experimental. Seems to be working okay.

He shook his head. I’m not sure I’d have the courage to be a test subject.

Test subject, ha. That was one way to describe it. Not that I’d really had a choice in the matter. The risks were low.

Still, you’re like on the frontier of science.

If only he knew . . .

Do you realize how many people will benefit because you were willing to take a chance?

Don’t make me sound like a hero. I’m not.

He grinned. Modest, too.

I flicked some sand at him, hoping to get us off this subject. His eyes narrowed. Then, he leaned over and shook his mass of dark hair. Water drops flew everywhere, catching me in the face. I threw up my hands and squealed.

I’m sorry, did I get you wet? he said, all false innocence and fluttering lashes.

Fiend, I said, but my smile faded after a few moments. Silence hung between us, filled with the repetitive roar of waves, voices of the scattered tourists enjoying the early October sun, and the expectant hush of things left unsaid. I’d yet to explain to Hunter the reasons behind the panic-struck phone call that had summoned him to my side.

He hadn’t pressured me, but it was only a matter of time. I couldn’t expect someone to drive across five states at the drop of a hat without rewarding him with some kind of feasible explanation. The problem was—in my case, the truth sounded less feasible than the most fantastical lie.

Are you sure your parents are okay with this? I swept my arms wide to indicate him, me, us, Virginia Beach. All of it.

I saw his broad shoulders stiffen, watched his toes shovel into the sand. He averted his gaze. So apparently I wasn’t the only one hiding something. That probably shouldn’t have made me feel better, but in a perverse way, it did. Do they not know you’re here?

A shadow passed over his expression, but it was chased away an instant later by his smile. Oh, they know. They told me that I should come help you. As a matter of fact—and don’t take this wrong—but when I told Mom about the first time I saw you at Dairy Queen, she encouraged me to get to know you, make new friends. His smile eased into a wide, off-center grin. Not that I needed any encouragement.

Warmth blossomed beneath my ribs. I remembered that day when he’d walked into the Dairy Queen while I’d been there with some other girls. Something about his easygoing demeanor and searching gaze had pulled me in instantly, but I’d never realized he’d felt the same.

I stood and skipped a few feet forward to where the sea lapped at the shore. Stooping down, I cupped my hands and scooped up a handful of frigid water, careful to keep my back to Hunter so he couldn’t spot my growing grin. The next instant, I whirled.

Catch! I said, flinging the water at Hunter.

He sputtered when the water unexpectedly hit his face, and the sight of his shock—open mouth, wide eyes—was so comical, I giggled. I backed up, skipping and dancing away.

Oh, you’re in for it now, he mock-growled, jumping to his feet with that same lithe grace I remembered. With his low-slung board shorts and his wet hair glistening in waves around his neck, he looked like a beach bum. My gaze skimmed his bare chest and I swallowed. Make that god. Beach god.

I backed away down the shore and he raced toward me, kicking up water at my legs. We exchanged splashes, laughing like toddlers, and then he grabbed my hand and pretended to drag me toward the oncoming waves. He stopped before we went too deep, and we stood there together, allowing the foamy white ocean to swirl over our ankles.

The water, the sun beating down, the drag of the tide. All of it flitted through my mind, reminding me of . . . something. Before I knew what I was doing, I was spinning in a circle, twirling with my arms outstretched. Feeling the wet sand squish between my toes.

Twirling, in the sand. Another niggle. A pinch, in a corner of my mind.

I remembered this joy, this gladness.

The next instant, it was gone.

I felt a tug at my hair, and opened my eyes. Hunter’s face was only a few inches away. I inhaled salt and sweat, sandalwood and a hint of sunscreen. Don’t worry about looking too cool or anything, he teased. But his wink suggested approval of my beach antics.

He stepped closer, until our toes touched beneath a tiny hill of sand. The instant shock of awareness intensified when he bent forward, his breath tickling my ear, triggering my heart to pound harder. A slow, steady warmth traveled through my body, from my head to my arms, all the way down to my tingling toes. I yearned for his nearness in a way that I longed for nothing else. Maybe that was the reason I’d called him. Grief and fear had nearly dragged me under, and in the past, Hunter had been one of my only sources of comfort.

Sorry, I said, struggling to keep my tone light.

Don’t be. You’re just . . . you.

I turned my head, gazing off into the distance. Just me? And who might that be?

In a stroke of irony that thankfully only I could see, red words blinked to life in my head, accompanied by an all-too-familiar digitized voice. My voice.

Apparently the universe’s way of reminding me of exactly who—no, what—I was.

Threat detected: 4.52 mi.

I froze. Four and a half miles? What the—

Two jets, due west.

I whirled, searching the air for a sign of them.

What are you looking at? Hunter asked, cupping a hand to his forehead to shield his eyes from the sun.



There’s a huge naval base in Virginia Beach, isn’t there? Cool.

Not cool. Not cool at all. My hands tightened as images from the past deluged me, with crystal-clear precision. Suburbans, men with guns. An airplane filled with soldiers, transporting Mom and me to a secret compound. Tiny, barren holding cells. The salt-and-pepper hair of General Holland, and the smug satisfaction that oozed from him when he issued the order to have me terminated.

Mom. Bleeding out after being shot on Holland’s command. By one of Holland’s men.

The gasp-clench of loss wrenched my chest and almost doubled me over, reminding me that Mom was gone. Dead. Murdered by a madman under the guise of defending his country.

I’d never see her smile at me again. Never hear her voice. Never tell her that I loved her.

I wonder what kind they are? he said, snapping me out of the dark place.

I didn’t answer, because just then, something moved within my eyes. I actually felt my pupils contract. A thin layer slid open, accompanied by a subtle clicking that only I could hear.

Zoom: Activated.

Another click, and the planes enlarged to fill my field of vision, like I’d fired up a pair of high-tech binoculars. The images grew and grew in size, until I could capture enough detail to place them.

F/A-18 military jets.

A 3-D schematic of the jets burst to life before me, rotating to show me all sides.

Red letters blinked behind my eyes:

Presently unarmed—drill mode likely

Not sure, I murmured, turning away in relief. But as the weight drained from my limbs, a heavy certainty filled my heart. The planes served as a forceful reminder that this carefree beach time with Hunter was coming to an end. No matter how hard I tried to push reality away, it kept sweeping back over me, as surely as the tide rolled in.

And like the rhythmic cycle of the tide, two names repeated themselves, over and over again.

Richard Grady. Sarah. Names that had slipped from Mom’s lips not long before she’d died. I was most confused by Sarah.

You always were so brave, Sarah. So brave, she’d said. But she’d been talking to me, looking at me. Why would she mistake me for this unknown Sarah?

Abruptly, I started in the direction of our motel. Let’s go.

I could tell Hunter was confused by my sudden urge to leave, but at the moment, I wasn’t up to explaining everything. I needed to get away, to return to the relative safety of the motel room.

As we walked, we passed an amusement park across the street, a motionless Ferris wheel towering in the sky. As if mocking me with all the normalcy I would never have. Hunter had once taken me to a carnival. In those brief moments, I’d caught a glimpse of a real life. What it might feel like to actually be human.

Maybe that was another reason why I’d called him. He always made me feel as though I was more than just some fancy gadget created in a lab.

After one last longing glance, I looked away. I couldn’t live in the past, but I also couldn’t have a future until I learned everything I needed to know about my past.

Richard Grady. This Sarah person. The other Milas.

Maybe once I knew everything, I would finally be free to create a real life. Maybe even one that included Hunter.

We continued down the boardwalk, though I could sense Hunter’s concern in the way he kept sneaking quick glances at my profile. To the east, the waves rumbled toward the sand, mingling with the excited squeals of the few scattered children. From Hunter’s brief conversation with the woman selling ice cream earlier, we knew the crowds had dwindled considerably since summer. But there were still plenty of tourists and locals out sightseeing and soaking up the sun.

My gaze caught on two men up ahead. I quickly dismissed them. Not fit enough. No weapons.

Too many people here for comfort. But at least we didn’t look conspicuous amid a sea of other pedestrians. Plus, Virginia Beach had seemed like the perfect spot—I had such great memories of this place.

Even if those memories were programmed rather than real.

So, is everything okay? You seem pretty tense.

I’m fine. Just a little headache, I said with a carefree wave of my hand, even though carefree had long ago fled my capabilities. A shriek jerked my head to the right, before I realized it was just a young girl, fleeing an older boy and his two handfuls of wet sand.

My hand closed around my emerald pendant while something flashed in the back of my head. A man, and a woman, dancing along the shoreline. Gulls shrieking overhead, the roar-crash of waves—

Memory banks compromised, defragment.

Image recall.

The flicker of memory, gone. No—more like, stolen.

I shuddered, and Hunter was there in a flash. He put his arm around my shoulders and pulled me close. Maybe we should go back to the room—it’s going to be dark soon anyway. And we still need to talk.

Talk. Right. I couldn’t tell you how much I was looking forward to that.

I mean, how did that conversation go, exactly? Thanks so much for coming and oh, by the way—I’m an android.

I must have stiffened, because Hunter sighed. I’m here for you, okay? You have to know that.

I allowed the unnecessary air to exit my nonhuman lungs in a huge exhalation. I peeked up at him, afraid of what I might find in his faded-denim eyes, but they were soft. Warm. Inviting.

Like he was just waiting for me to open up and let him in.

Thank you.

He lifted my hand and traced my knuckles with his thumb. Then he shrugged, a loose-limbed movement of his shoulders, and I was transported back to homeroom, where I’d seen him perform that motion for the first time.

Homeroom. I’d been in homeroom less than two weeks ago. Now, classrooms and blackboards and high school cafeterias seemed impossibly out of reach. Funny how torture and death could do that to you.

We rounded the final corner, to where the Sea Breeze Motel sat about half a block down. The lobby was tiny. Shabby, too, with faded green upholstered chairs and scarred wood floors. Rooms at the Sea Breeze came cheap for a reason—nothing looked to have been upgraded in decades. But at least it was clean.

The pulse of anxiety in my ears throbbed louder and louder the closer we came to the motel. Once we got to our room, I was supposed to magically conjure up a way to tell Hunter the truth. Right.

Why wasn’t there an android program to facilitate the important stuff?

The motel room mirror was still fogged with steam from my shower. I rubbed a small, blurry opening in the cloudy white and my face stared back at me. I lifted my hand, turned it this way and that, then traced my knuckles with my thumb. The way Hunter had earlier. I rubbed a bigger circle, my skin glistening under the harsh light. I looked up and down my figure, trying to see myself through Hunter’s eyes. I looked real enough—skin, muscle, curves—but would I feel real to him?

That thought made my face grow hot. My gaze floated upward and I was surprised to see a hint of pink blooming in my cheeks. We’d never even kissed. Why was I thinking of him touching me?

As I shoved the mortifying thoughts from my head and lifted the brush to my short, platinum blond hair—which I’d dyed from black just after Hunter arrived—my hand trembled. Another motel room, another mirror. My long, brown hair floating to the floor, while Mom stood behind me, her blue eyes worried.

I turned away and finished drying off with the skimpy motel towel. I slipped into a pair of navy sweatpants with a big I ♥ Virginia Beach on the butt—classy—and a plain white tank. Even less couture than my cozy flannel jammies from home, but hey, what could you expect for $8 on the clearance rack? I couldn’t afford to squander the money Lucas had given me on fancy clothes.

Lucas. I winced, like I did every time my thoughts turned to the guy who’d been injured helping me escape from General Holland’s secret SMART Ops compound. Lucas, the nerdy proctor of my insane tests—the budding scientist with a heart of gold. Thanks to him, I not only had my life, such as it is, but I also didn’t have to strut around in an outfit I’d bought off a homeless woman in D.C. That shirt had been covered in stains that refused to yield—at least not to the tiny packets of detergent provided by the coin dispenser downstairs.

I caught another glimpse of myself in the mirror and grimaced. Procrastination, thy name is Mila. After sticking out my tongue at my bedraggled reflection, I reached for the door and opened it with what I hoped was a confident smile. Time to face Hunter and his questions. Time to face the truth. I had this.

Or not. I barreled forward, only to feel my resolve fizzle when I caught sight of his lanky form, sprawled across the bed by the window.


He bolted upright; as if the state of Virginia had just broadcasted that motel-room reclining was illegal. He snagged the remote from between folds of the crumpled comforter and turned down the volume, then scooted to the edge of the bed. Very proper, with his feet on the ground and hands in his lap.

O-kay. I sat opposite him, combing my fingers through my wet hair to give myself something to do. The quiet thickened, so I distracted myself by counting red circles on the curtains—fifty-two.

He looked at me before quickly averting his eyes. I forgot to tell you, I like your new haircut, he finally blurted to the remote in his hands.

Thanks. No need to tell him I was on version two already since the last time we’d met.

At least not yet.

The bed creaked like an old floorboard when he shifted his weight. His gaze skimmed me again, taking in my bare shoulders, dampened from where my hair dripped down, and then his eyes dropped to his lap again. He cleared his throat and that tiny ahem crackled between us.

I crossed my arms, his unease making me all too aware of the fact that I was in a motel room with a boy, not a chaperone or parent in sight, and oh by the way, we were going to spend the night together.

For the second time in under two minutes, heat crawled up my cheeks. Not spend the night, spend the night. But still. When I’d called Hunter and begged him to come help me, the potential for extreme awkwardness hadn’t really been front and center in my mind. I’d been consumed with grief and panic. Thoughts of Hunter had gotten me through some of the darkest moments—before my mother died in my arms. Then thoughts weren’t enough. I needed someone I could trust. Even though we’d only known each other for a few weeks, the way Hunter looked at me as though I were important, as though I mattered . . . it made me feel safe. There was no one else I could call.

Hunter started tapping a drumbeat on his thigh—a nervous habit I’d noticed when I’d first met him—and even though his nearness made my artificial nerve endings fire and my synthetic heartbeat quicken, I felt the tension between us like a concrete wall.

Oh, wow. This was going so well.

Is it just me, or is this cohabitating thing kind of weird?

Not just you, I replied in a rush. So fast that his lips lifted into that familiar, quirky smile. Something sizzled down my spine, once more making me want things that could never be mine. Things I could have if I were more than a bundle of circuits and transmitters. Things like a normal life.

Things I could maybe have if I chose not to follow through on Mom’s dying words.

We faced each other across the short gap between the beds, our knees close to touching.

How about we make a pledge? he asked. I’ll start. I, Hunter Lowe, solemnly swear to stay in my own bed, except in case of emergencies. Or if you’re snoring really loud—then I can come over and elbow you. Or, you know, if you invite me over—just to watch TV or something, he tacked on hastily, when my eyes widened. Wow, I never realized that you had a gutter mind. Tsk. He shook his head.

Whatever. I grinned back, then remembered my exact thoughts in the bathroom and tried not to cringe in embarrassment. And I pledge to stay in my own bed, unless you make more terrible jokes like that. In which case I’m going to clobber you with your own pillow.

You drive a hard bargain, but deal. And now that the horribly awkward moment is over, are you ready to tell me what’s going on?

His smile didn’t waver, but that was because he was totally clueless. The truth was sure to slap that smile right off his face. I’d had a difficult time believing it. I still hadn’t accepted it. How could I expect him to?

I bunched my hands into the comforter, rough from multiple washings, and squeezed. I could do this. I could do this. I could—

The words congealed in my throat. I swallowed hard.

I promise not to judge, he said.

So many things about him got to me: The softness of his voice. The way he leaned toward me, as if his life hung on my every word. The slowness of his hand sliding down my hair. The way he twirled several errant strands around his finger.

My eyes fluttered shut. There was something about his sincerity, and how it mingled with the sparks his touch ignited, that filled a tiny bit of the void inside me. I couldn’t lose that, and being honest with him might lead to him walking out the door without ever looking back.

I know this is going to sound crazy . . .

What would I do without him to remind me that a part of me, at least, was alive?

You see, the thing is . . .

And what if he left and told someone what I really was?

The secret I’ve been hiding all along . . .

I opened my mouth to tell him the truth, but my backup story came pouring out instead. Mom and I got in a huge argument . . . , I started, then faltered.

Was I really doing this? Lying, to the one person I had left in the world?

Because you were moving to Germany, right?

The attentive tilt of his head encouraged me to continue, but I was momentarily blindsided. I remembered the frantic phone call I’d made to Hunter from the airport in Canada, before Mom and I were snagged by Holland’s men. I’d told him I was leaving Clearwater, and that was probably the last time I’d told him the truth.

I willed myself again to set things right with him, but failed.

No, she . . . she told me I was adopted.

It was selfish of me to lie. Utterly, unforgivably selfish. I couldn’t deny that.

But then I thought of the day Mom handed me that iPod. The day a power-hungry general’s drawl changed my life forever and ripped away my very identity. Simply by telling me the truth, he’d erased my entire life, stolen my parents, and blasted my hope. Truth—was it really that great? Because in my experience, it was a taker. It took away all that was good, leaving behind pain and fear and an endless funnel of betrayal.

She just dropped that on you, out of nowhere? So the guy who you thought was your father, the one who just died . . . ?

Not my real dad.

Wow. That’s . . . wow.

I bit my lip and averted my gaze, my stomach clenching, revolting against my betrayal of Mom’s memory. Yes, she’d programmed me with false memories of a father who didn’t exist, but as a way of protecting me. And it had worked. While I’d known sadness before that day in the barn, I hadn’t really known despair.

So perhaps keeping Hunter in the dark right now was actually less cruel?

I’m sorry, Mila. That must be really tough.

Even though I was trying to convince myself that I was somehow doing Hunter a favor, his sympathy was just too much. I rose and strode over to the window—there was no way I could look him in the eye right now. I stared outside while my fingers curled around the worn wooden sill.


Crap, too hard. I eased up immediately, but not before new jagged lines branched out into the already faded white paint. Hopefully Hunter wouldn’t notice.

So, what now? Did she tell you anything about them?

When I didn’t answer right away, he added, We don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to.

I felt like such a fraud, even when I was silent. Justifications for lying kept filing through my mind, like someone shuffling a deck of cards. For instance, if Hunter was going to stay with me, then I had to have a valid reason for hunting down Richard Grady. And him knowing the truth about me could possibly put us both in danger—if he remained unaware of the situation, I could have more control.

But the guilt building inside me made me doubt I could keep up this charade for more than a day.

I just needed to work my way up to breaking the news.

Tomorrow. I’d tell him tomorrow.

"No, it’s fine. That’s what this trip is all about. She gave me a name, Richard Grady. But that’s it. She’s refusing to help me find him, or

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