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Indie Poet Formatting: Indie Poet Rock Star, #2
Indie Poet Formatting: Indie Poet Rock Star, #2
Indie Poet Formatting: Indie Poet Rock Star, #2
Ebook126 pages49 minutes

Indie Poet Formatting: Indie Poet Rock Star, #2

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About this ebook

Do you struggle with poetry formatting?

Fortunately, creating a clean poetry book is easier than ever before. Don't fall for the myths that poetry formatting is hard.

In this step-by-step, hassle-free guide, indie poet & author Michael La Ronn walks you through how to format a collection of poetry for ebook and print. No HTML or programming required! Just Scrivener and Microsoft Word.

You'll learn:
* Basic formatting principles and the unqiue elements that make up ebooks & paperbacks
* The tools you should be using
* How to format an ebook for Kindles, EPUB devices, smartphones, and tablets
* How to format a paperback for CreateSpace
* How to set up templates so that you don't have to pay a formatter (and save a lot of $$$)

This book also includes access to Michael's ebook & print formatting templates so you can take your books to the next level.

Buying this book will set you apart from the competition, so scroll up and grab your copy today!



Release dateJan 8, 2017
Indie Poet Formatting: Indie Poet Rock Star, #2

Michael La Ronn

Science fiction and fantasy on the wild side! Michael La Ronn is the author of many science fiction and fantasy novels including The Last Dragon Lord, Android X, and Eaten series. In 2012, a life-threatening illness made him realize that storytelling was his #1 passion. He’s devoted his life to writing ever since, making up whatever story makes him fall out of his chair laughing the hardest. Every day. To get updates when he releases new work + other bonuses, sign up by visiting

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    Book preview

    Indie Poet Formatting - Michael La Ronn

    Indie Poet Formatting

    How to Format Poetry Collections for Ebook & Print

    Michael La Ronn

    Copyright 2015 © Michael La Ronn. All rights reserved.

    Published by Ursabrand Media.

    Cover Design: Pixelstudio.

    Reproduction in whole or in part of this work in any manner without express written consent is prohibited.

    Please consider leaving a review wherever you bought the book, as this greatly helps me spread the word to other poets.

    Thanks for supporting my work.

    Das Inhaltsverzeichnis:

    How to Use This Book

    Tools You'll Need

    PART I: Ebook Formatting

    Terms You Need to Know

    Creating a Template

    Choose a Font

    Remove Tabs

    Line Spacing

    Organizing Your Collection's Shell

    Saving Your Template

    Creating Your Collection

    Front Matter

    Title Page

    Sample Title Page

    Sample Smashwords Title Page

    Copyright Page

    Sample Copyright Page

    Sample Smashwords Copyright Page


    Sample Dedication Page

    Table of Contents

    Sample Table of Contents Page


    Sample Lyrical Poem

    Adventurous Poem Formatting

    Sample Adventurous Poem (Without a Hanging Indent)

    Sample Adventurous Poem (With a Hanging Indent)

    Prose Poem

    Sample Prose Poem

    A Quick Word on Images

    Back Matter

    Call to Action

    Sample Calls to Action

    Sample About the Poet Page

    Sample Acknowledgments Page

    Sample Other Books By Poet Page

    Compiling Your Collection into an Ebook

    Collections: Your Best Friend

    Creating a Compile Preset

    Previewing Your Files

    PART II: Paperback Formatting

    Terms You Need to Know

    Creating a Template

    Title Page

    Copyright Page

    Table of Contents


    Half Title


    Side Note: A Quick Word on Fonts

    Back Matter

    Page Numbers

    Creating the Table of Contents

    Preparing Your File for Publication

    Final Note

    Thanks for Reading

    Your Free Gift

    Useful Formatting Resources

    Other Books by Michael La Ronn

    About Michael La Ronn

    How to Use This Book

    This book is a step-by-step guide that will show you how to format a poetry collection for ebook and print that will look like a traditionally published book. You don’t need to know HTML or advanced coding. As long as you have Scrivener and Microsoft Word, it won’t cost you anything.

    It’s that simple.

    However, there are a lot myths out there about how difficult poetry formatting is. Book formatting is deceptive—it looks hard at first, but once you take the time to learn what the different elements are, how to set them up (and why), it becomes infinitely easier.

    Why You Should Do Your Own Formatting

    When you do your own formatting, you’ll save a lot of money in the long run. The average fiction formatter charges around $100 to format a novel. For poetry, you’re going to pay a lot more, especially for an ebook, as most formatters will use HTML to create your book. When you consider the costs of cover design, editing and marketing, the money you’ll spend on formatting is better spent almost anywhere else.

    It will also be easier for you to make changes to you book if you ever spot typos or need to make quick changes. If you hire a formatter, you have to pay them every time you want to fix something. You don’t have as much control.

    Plus, formatting poetry isn’t as hard as it looks. Formatting has its own unique language and sets of rules, but fortunately, they are easy to learn. Once you get over the learning curve, you might actually enjoy it!

    Who This Book is For

    If you write standard form lyrical or prose poems with little to no adventurous elements, this book will help you. Really, even if you have a few poems that have some quirky formatting, you’ll still be able to use this book, so don’t worry. Just follow the rules in this book and then adjust them to suit your preferences. The majority of contemporary poets writing today could probably follow the formatting rules in this book and be okay.

    If you write avant-garde poems that test the limits of form (like creating the image of a bird on a page that consists of words or something crazy like that), then this book probably won’t help you. You might be better served hiring a professional formatter. But get ready to pay for it.

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