Autumn Statement is good for motorists but not for property investors, says HARVEY JONES

THOSE who feared George Osborne’s combined Autumn Statement and Spending Review would deliver an early blow to their pockets yesterday will be mightily relieved.

Petrol pumpsGETTY

The Chancellor mercifully left fuel duty alone in yesterday's spending review

Motorists will be celebrating his decision not to hike fuel duty after predictions that he would put 2p on a litre of diesel or even raise vehicle excise duty. 

There was no extra duty on alcohol or tobacco either. 

So three cheers all round there. 

Drivers may also benefit from a crackdown on minor whiplash claims, which cost motorists about £1billion a year. 

Osborne claims this will knock £40 to £50 off motor insurance bills but we won’t know more until next year. 

Until then, vicious crash-for-cash gangs will continue to menace the UK’s roads, luring innocent motorists into dangerous accidents then filing multiple fake whiplash claims. 

Whiplash claimGETTY • Pic posed by model

Osborne also announced a crackdown on crash-for-cash whiplash claimants

Those saving for their retirement will be pleased that the Chancellor resisted the temptation for more tinkering with pensions tax breaks. 

But there was little else for hard-pressed savers to cheer with a freeze in the individual savings account (Isa) allowance and, unlike recent budgets, no new savings incentives. 

Pensioners may welcome what Osborne called the biggest real-terms increase to the state pension in 15 years, raising it by £3.35 to £119.30 a week. 

He also said the new single-tier state pension for those retiring from next April will be worth £155.65 a week – that works out at just over £8,000 a year which means people still need to save under their own steam.

This supposedly flat-rate payment has angered millions who will fail to get the full amount, while it is so complex that nobody knows for sure if they will be better off. 

Buy-to-let investorsGETTY

Buy-to-let investors were the biggest losers from the Chancellor's spending review

The Chancellor’s shock U-turn on the tax credit cuts he announced less than five months ago will save millions of working families up to £1,300 a year. 

That is a welcome early Christmas present for the poorest voters, although some of the money will be swallowed by a new social care levy that could add 2 per cent to council tax bills. 

Osborne’s biggest announcement was a push to help first-time buyers who have been locked out of the property market by sky-high prices and stiff competition from buy-to-let landlords.

His pledge to build 400,000 affordable properties, half of them starter homes with 20 per cent discounts for younger buyers, should go some way towards easing the home-ownership crisis. 

The London Help to Buy scheme, which aims to help youngsters buy a place of their own with a deposit of just 5 per cent, will have less of an impact. 

With the average London home costing more than £500,000, buyers still need a hefty £25,000 deposit to qualify. 

First time buyersGETTY • Pic posed by model

Osborne also paved the way to make it easier for first-time buyers to get on the property ladder

And should we really be signing up young buyers to the virtual Ponzi scheme that is the London property bubble? 

Buy-to-let investors were undoubtedly yesterday’s biggest losers, sacrificial lambs in Osborne’s push to help first-time buyers. 

In July he announced that he was phasing out higher rate tax relief for amateur landlords from 2017. 

Yesterday he meted out further punishment, announcing that buy-to-let investors and second-home buyers will pay a 3 per cent surcharge on stamp duty, which will add thousands to the purchase price. 

Many ordinary savers who were hoping to use Osborne’s pension freedom reforms to invest in buy-to-let will be frustrated to find their sums may no longer add up. 

This may also be bad news for tenants as the subsequent shortfall in the supply of property lettings could force rents to rise even further. 

While most of us had something to celebrate yesterday, buy-to-let investors will be down in the dumps today.

Autumn Statement Segment

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