Michael Jackson 'was nuts' - Cher lashed out at star's treatment of his children

MICHAEL JACKSON: International superstar Cher condemned the King of Pop in 2003 after the Living With Michael Jackson documentary was released, and after seeing him parent.

By Callum Crumlish, Entertainment Editor

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Cher and Michael Jackson were once great friends and even performed together a few times over the years, including a memorable I Want You Back Medley on the Cher Show in 1975. However, their bond was eventually broken. In 2003 Michael was part of a documentary titled Living With Michael Jackson, a feature that was created by British journalist Martin Bashir.


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During this documentary, viewers were given an insight into the singer's life. 

After this, Cher spoke up to hit out at the singer.

She said she used to think of Michael as a "great artist - but no more," adding: "It’s because of his children.”

She added: "I saw the recent documentary on him, and I thought: 'This guy is nuts. He shouldn’t have these children.'" (Via Entertainment Weekly & The Irish Examiner)

READ MORE: Michael Jackson was 'fearful of his father into adulthood'

Cher explained she had seen Michael a year prior backstage during the 50th anniversary special of American Bandstand.

She said: "He had this child rolled up in a blanket, and I was thinking: ‘What kind of life is this?'

"I cannot imagine putting my children through what he put his children through."

Michael infamously shielded the faces of his children while they were growing up, including covering swaddling Blanket up as a baby.

Michael Jackson cher

Michael Jackson and Cher were good friends for a time (Image: GETTY)

Michael Jackson cher

A young Michael Jackson with Sonny and Cher (Image: GETTY)

One occasion saw Michael dangling Blanket over a balcony to show him off to the press, a move which garnered much criticism.

Michael later called the incident a "mistake".

He said in a statement: "I got caught up in the excitement of the moment. I would never intentionally endanger the lives of my children."

The star's children aside, Cher also went on to make a comment about Michael's face.

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Michael Jackson cher

Michael Jackson and Cher performed together during their careers (Image: GETTY)

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Cher, who has won over 140 awards during her music career, said: "I don’t really care what he does to his face.

"He could just erase it as far as I’m concerned."

Years later, in 2009, Cher paid tribute to the star after he died aged 50-years-old

The singer's death was caused by an administered drug overdose.

Upon learning about Michael's death, Cher said the star was "optimistic" and "beautiful" and "adorable" as a kid.

She said: "God gives you certain gifts ... This child was an extraordinary child."

The star, who was ten years older than Michael, also called him a "great singer" before adding: "He was just a kid."


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