New wheel clamp alternative can prevent illegal parkers from looking out of windscreen

A new alternative to the conventional wheel clamp aims to discourage illegal parking without running the risk of damaging vehicles.

Motorist tries to remove Barnacle from windscreen

The Barnacle attaches to a vehicle windscreen through powerful suction cups activated via an app (Image: YouTube @ThisIsBarnacle)

A vehicle security company has introduced a device that could make motorists think twice before parking illegally again.

Rivalling conventional wheel clamps, the Barnacle attaches to a vehicle's windscreen, preventing the driver from moving off without damaging their car.

In a promotional video, a spokesperson for Barnacle claimed that the device is easy to apply to an illegally parked vehicle, yet difficult for others to remove.

He explained: "Parking boots can be hard to use, cause vehicle damage and put parking officers in potentially dangerous situations. With Barnacle, we offer an easy process to enforce parking regulations and increase compliance.

"First, use the Barnacle app to enter the vehicle information and license plate to see how much is owed. Make sure the windscreen has no cracks, and wipe off any dirt. Attach the device and set it to manager mode. From here, you can use the Enforcer app or key to arm and deploy the device."

Close up of a yellow wheel clamp fitted to car

The device rivals conventional wheel clamps, which can cause damage to a vehicle (Image: Getty)

In order to stay firmly attached to the windscreen, the Barnacle uses powerful suction cups, which can be activated through a specialist app, forming a tight bond with the vehicle.

When the owner gets back to their vehicle, they are instructed to call the number printed on the device and pay any required fines.

They will then be given a code that can be entered into the device, disarming the suction cups, allowing them to return the Barnacle to a nearby drop-off box.

In the UK, private parking companies are currently not allowed to fit wheel clamps to vehicles following cases where drivers were being faced with over-inflated charges to release their cars.

However, car wheels can still be clamped by local authorities, police forces and public transportation companies that run car parks.

Currently, Barnacle, which is based in America, does not intend on releasing their device in the UK, however similar devices have the potential to change the way illegally parked vehicles are dealt with.

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