Make a healthy egg breakfast with 'complete proteins' all in an air fryer - recipe

Eggs are a healthy and filling breakfast ingredient but serving them with bread can get tiresome.

By Phoebe Cornish, Senior Lifestyle Reporter

Lentils and poached egg

Lentils and a poached egg are the perfect pair of ingredients for a filling meal (Image: Getty)

British Lion Eggs are approved by the Food Standards Agency to be served runny, or even raw, so they're perfect for making a gooey poached in the morning.

But instead of tucking into them with a standard side of toast, recipe creators at the leading egg organisation have shared a much more exciting, and healthy meal idea.

Their recipe for poached eggs on lentils is packed with flavoursome ingredients made better by a blend of herbs and spices and is perfect for air fryer fans.

Speaking on behalf of British Lion Eggs, Dr Carrie Ruxton said: "The complete protein in eggs – which supplies all essential amino acids – is probably the reason why they help to curb appetite.

"Also, since eggs protect and support muscle mass, according to studies, they could help dieters maintain lean body tissue which is vital for maintaining metabolic rate."

Lentils with potatoes, herbs and a poached egg

Poached eggs cook so easily in the air fryer with no need to wait for boiling water (Image: Getty)


Serves two:

  • Two British Lion eggs
  • 150g French/Puy lentils
  • One tablespoon of olive oil
  • Half a red onion
  • One-quarter of a teaspoon each of ground cumin, coriander, ginger
  • Half a teaspoon of ground turmeric
  • Four tablespoons Greek yoghurt
  • 25g feta
  • One quarter of a teaspoon of smoked paprika
  • Handful of spinach
  • Two tablespoons chopped dill


Start by adding two tablespoons of water to lightly buttered ramekins that are safe to put in the air fryer.

Next, boil the water-filled ramekins at 200C in the fryer for just four minutes.

Remove them from the appliance, then crack one egg into each ramekin, and return to the air fryer at a lower temperature of 180C.

Cook the eggs for just six minutes until the whites are firm and the yolk still appears runny, but not watery.

Meanwhile, cook the lentils according to packet instructions, then wilt the spinach in a pan until just cooked, but don't let it shrink too much.

Plate the lentils and greens up in a neat pile on two plates, then add dollops of Greek yoghurt and top each one with a poached egg.

Add salt, pepper, and plenty of dill to garnish then tuck in and enjoy while everything is still hot.

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