The Saturday briefing: Knowledge is power

Is there anything you are desperately yearning to know? Are there any pressing factual disputes you would like us to help resolve? This is the page where we shall do our best to answer any questions you throw at us, whatever the subject.

Andy Murray: Taken YEARS of persistance to number one

Q - Seeing the number of knighthoods bestowed on sports stars, pop singers, politicians and civil servants, there must be a great number of people titled “Sir”. Do you have any idea how many knights of the realm there are and is the title transferable to the eldest son on a father’s death? 

John Chadderton, Hyde, Cheshire

A - Baronets and knights of various orders of chivalry (such as the Order of the Garter and Order of the Bath) are entitled to be addressed as “Sir” as well as those knighted in the honours lists (who are called Knights Bachelor). The female equivalent is “Dame”.

Until the early 1970s, complete lists used to be published of all such knights and dames in Debrett’s, which is the authority on such matters. But after the 1973-74 edition, “the numbers of honours being created made their continued inclusion unfeasible”, as they put it.

All they tell us now is that, “there are in the region of 3,000 living knights and dames”. Unlike hereditary peerages, these titles are not inherited by a knight’s children.

Sir Andy MurrayPA

Andy Murray was awarded a knighthood for his achievements in tennis

Melting iceGETTY

The mean sea level around the world has risen by four to eight inches over the past century

Q - I keep hearing conflicting stories about melting polar ice, global warming and rising sea levels. Is there any significant data to show that sea levels have risen? The Maldives, for example, still attract tourism despite being vulnerable to any rise. 

K R Hart, Bridgwater, Somerset 

A - According to data gathered by tide gauge reading, core samples obtained by drilling and more recently satellite observation, the mean sea level around the world has risen by four to eight inches over the past century but the annual rate of rise over the past 20 years has been 0.13 inches (3.2 millimetres) about twice the average speed of the preceding 80 years.

The rise is not caused just by melting ice but by warming of the waters: as water warms, it expands so fills more space. Around half of the increase in sea levels is due to water expansion.

Your example of the Maldives is a good one.

Predictions suggest at current rates of sea level rise the Maldives will become unsafe around the end of the century but it could be sooner if global warming continues to increase.

Muse WatsonGETTY

Mike Franks is played by American actor Muse Watson

Q - I watch the show NCIS on the Fox TV channel in which a character called Mike Franks appears. As far as I can tell his name does not appear in the credits. Can you tell me who is the actor and a little about him please?

B Gorham, Maidstone, Kent 

A - Mike Franks is played by American actor Muse Watson. Between 2006 and 2015 he appeared in 17 episodes of NCIS before Mike Franks was stabbed to death in series eight.

Watson has had a prolific career, first in the theatre, including leading roles in Shakespeare plays, then in more than 50 films, mainly in supporting roles but also as a stunt driver and also in many TV shows.

Human hand and robot handGETTY

How-2 was written by Clifford D Simak

Q - In the late 1950s I read a science fiction story about a man who builds robots as a hobby but one of the robots starts building other robots. Eventually he rents them to neighbours which results in a huge tax bill. So his first robot builds tax lawyers and starts printing counterfeit money to pay the bill. It was very funny but I’ve forgotten the name of the story or who wrote it. 

Keith Arnold, Co Limerick, Ireland

A - The story you seek is called How-2 and it was written by Clifford D Simak, an awardwinning American science fiction writer.

Originally published in 1954, it was remarkably prescient, for only last year a “lawyer robot” was created to help people fight parking tickets and it was reported that law firms are starting to use robot lawyers.

Two people holding religious booksGETTY

The Solemnisation Of Matrimony service in the Book Of Common Prayer

Q - Please can you help with a piece that has been buzzing around in my head? It begins like this: “And on the dreadful day of judgement, when all hearts will be opened and all secrets revealed...” Can you tell me where it comes from? 

Carole Davies, Usk, Monmouthshire 

A - It is from the Solemnisation Of Matrimony service in the Book Of Common Prayer. Here’s how it appeared in the 1662 version, when the curate addresses the bride and groom: “I require and charge you both (as ye will answer at the dreadful day of judgement, when the secrets of all hearts shall be disclosed) that if either of you know any impediment, why ye may not be lawfully joined together in Matrimony, ye do now confess it.” 

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