‘This is NOT the national interest!’ May RAGES at cynical second Brexit referendum calls

THERESA May ruled out a second referendum branding it a “politicians’ vote” in a fiery speech where she defended the decision taken by Britons in 2016, stating clearly the country has chosen to leave the European Union - and she will pursue their will.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

Theresa May on People's Vote: The people voted to LEAVE

The prime minister vowed to defend the will of the people during a defiant speech at the Tory Party Conference. 

In a scathing attack against "prominent people" who wants to stop Brexit, she dismissed their claims a second vote would be a "people's vote", saying Britons already voted to "leave". 

Speaking about those calling for a second referendum, she said: "There are plenty of prominent people British politics, in parliament and out of it, who wants to stop Brexit in its tracks.

"Their latest plan is to call a second referendum. They call it a "people's vote", but we had a people's vote and the people chose to leave."

She then lashed out the political leaders calling for a second Brexit vote, arguing they are undermining the British people. 

Mrs said: “A second referendum would be a politicians’ vote.  

"Politicians telling people they got it wrong the first time and they should try again.

"Think for a moment what it would in our democracy if having asked the people of this county to take this decision, politicians would try to overturn it."

Theresa May

Theresa May ruled out a second Brexit referendum (Image: PA)

These people, Mrs May added, are "not acting in the national interest" at all, but are only trying to pursue their own political agenda. 

But following through their will would cripple the very pillars of the UK's democracy, she added. 

Mrs May acknowledged there are different visions of Brexit in her own party, from those backing a soft withdrawal to others, like leading Brexiteer Jacob Rees-Mogg, who want a clean cut from the bloc.

However, she called for unity,

Theresa May at the Tory Party Conference

Theresa May branded a second referendum a 'politicians' vote' (Image: PA)

She said: “Those of us who do respect the result need to come together now if we don’t if we all go off in different directions in pursuit of our vision of the perfect Brexit we risk having no Brexit at all.”

The party, she said, must “honour the result of the referendum”, and the prime minister vowed to do so.  

Mrs May also spoke of the "national interest" when defending her much-discussed Chequers Plan. 

The soft-Brexit proposal produced by the cabinet in July opened a major rift within the Cabinet and led prominent frontbenchers David Davis and Boris Johnson to quit.  

Theresa May at the Tory Party Conference

Theresa May defended her Chequers Brexit plan (Image: PA)

She said: "So this is our proposal. Taking back control of our borders, laws and money.

"Good for jobs, good for the Union. It delivers on the referendum.

"It keeps faith with the British people. It is in the national interest." 

Her call for unity comes after Mr Johnson was cheered loudly during the speech he delivered on Tuesday, when he demanded to "chuck Chequers."  

Theresa May: I will not let Brexit voters down

Theresa May at the Tory Party Conference

Theresa May took the stage dancing (Image: PA)

Mr Johnson told his audience: "If we get it wrong, if we bottle Brexit now, believe me, the people of this country will find it hard to forgive.

"Do not believe that we can somehow get it wrong now, bodge it now and fix it later.

"This is the moment to chuck Chequers.”

Mrs May's plan has been already trashed by Brussels at last month's informal EU summit in Salzburg, where the president of the European Council, Donald Tusk, said "it will not work". 

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