Budget 2018 beer and cider BOOST: Hammond gives Britons a RARE boost on booze

THE BUDGET 2018 is being announced by Chancellor for the Exchequer Philip Hammond in the House of Commons this afternoon, and a rare boost for beer and cider has been announced.

By Georgina Laud, Engagement Editor

Budget 2018: Hammond announces freeze on fuel and beer duties

The 2018 Autumn Statement was delivered to MPs this afternoon, five months before the date of Brexit, March 29 2019.

According to Mr Hammond, duty on beer, cider and spirits has been frozen for a year.

This does not apply to wine, however.

The freeze on duty on beer, cider and spirits will save 2p on a pint of beer, 1p on a pint of cider, and 30p on a bottle of Scotch or gin compared to the inflation assumption in the Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR) forecast.

Duties on wine to rise in line with Retail Prices Index (RPI) inflation and white ciders to be taxed at a new higher rate.

Tobacco duty will continue to rise at inflation plus two percent.

How much Beer Duty you pay depends on the beer’s strength, known as ‘alcohol by volume’ (ABV) as detailed below.

  • More than 1.2 percent, up to 2.8 percent is 8.42 pence
  • More than 2.8 percent, up to 7.5 percent is 19.08 pence
  • More than 7.5 percent is 24.77 pence

budget 2018 alcohol

BUDGET 2018: Alcohol has been given a surprising boost in the 2018 budget (Image: GETTY)

This also applies to cider and wine. 


  • Still cider - More than 1.2 percent, up to 7.5 percent is 40.38 pence
  • Still cider - More than 7.5 percent but less than 8.5 percent is 61.04 pence
  • Sparkling cider - More than 1.2 percent, up to 5.5 percent is 40.38 pence
  • Sparkling cider - More than 5.5 percent but less than 8.5 percent is 279.46 pence


  • Still wine - More than 1.2 percent, up to 4 percent is 88.93 pence
  • Still More than 4 percent, up to 5.5 percent is 122.30 pence
  • Still More than 5.5 percent, up to 15 percent is 288.65 pence
  • Still More than 15 percent, up to 22 percent is 384.82 pence
  • Sparkling More than 5.5 percent but less than 8.5 percent is 279.46 pence
  • Sparkling More than 8.5 percent, up to 15 percent is 369.72 pence

Budget 2018 - beer

BUDGET 2018: Mr Hammond announced a duty freeze on beer, cider and spirits (Image: GETTY)

Karen Betts, Scotch Whisky Association Chief Executive, told express.co.uk: “The Chancellor has made the right decision for the public finances, the industry and for consumers. 

“The continuation of the duty freeze is a very welcome show of support for the Scotch Whisky industry, which plays an important role in the UK and Scottish economies and which is one of the UK’s most successful exporters. 

“Time after time, the industry has shown that a stable rate of tax both boosts government revenue to help support vital public services and creates an environment which encourages investment in future growth. 

“We have welcomed the support shown to the industry by the politicians from across the UK and the political spectrum who have backed our campaign and have stood up for the industry and the communities it supports. 

Wine budget 2018

BUDGET 2018: However, wine has not been frozen, much to groans from the Commons (Image: GETTY)

"We welcome too the sound course set today by the Chancellor, which supports the industry’s global competitiveness, nurtures growth and backs jobs and investment. 

“However, the Scotch Super Tax remains, with £3 in every £4 spent on the average priced bottle of Scotch in the UK still collected in taxation, and a significant disparity between what consumers pay in tax on Scotch and other alcoholic products. 

“HM Treasury should move quickly to begin detailed discussions with the industry about long-term reform of the UK’s alcohol tax regime.”

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