Brexit news: How May's deal must pass THREE TESTS to STOP UK being dragged BACK into EU

THERESA MAY'S Brexit withdrawal deal will be voted on in the House of Commons this month and now the European Research Group has created a list of “three tests” the deal must pass - which they claim will stop Britain from remaining linked to the European Union after Brexit day.

By Georgina Laud, Engagement Editor

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Theresa May postponed her Brexit meaningful vote, meaning it will now take place this month - just days before the UK is due to leave the European Union. Now, the European Research Group (ERG) led by Jacob Rees-Mogg have formulated a list of “three tests” which Mrs May’s deal must meet should she want her deal to win votes. The document outlining the tests was drawn up by eight ERG lawyers, headed by Eurosceptic Sir Bill Cash explains the group’s demands. 

Attorney General Geoffrey Cox is aiming for a new deal which would bring clarity and ensure the Northern Ireland backstop - which would lock the UK into a customs union with the EU - was only temporary. 

Brexiteers demanded a legally binding “mechanism” to leave the backstop with a transparent “exit route” during private talks with Mr Cox. 

Despite their demands, the ERG’s tests do not stipulate exactly how they should be achieved, granting Mr Cox room to thrash out a deal. 

In declaring the cost of their support, the ERG hope to give Mr Cox increased ammunition to come to a consensus with the EU.

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Brexit news: Mrs May needs to pass three tests to gain votes on her deal (Image: GETTY)

The document, according to The Sunday Times, demands:

1. A “clearly worded, legally binding, treaty-level clause which unambiguously overrides” the text of the withdrawal agreement

2. Language that “must go beyond simply re-emphasising/re-interpreting the temporary nature of the backstop” and a change to Mr Cox’s legal advice that it would “endure indefinitely”

3. A “clear and unconditional route out of the backstop if trade talks fail” which could mean “a time limit or a unilateral exit mechanism”

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Brexit news: Jacob Rees-Mogg could be willing to side with May should demands be met (Image: GETTY)

This document has been created with the help of the Westminster leader of the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP), Nigel Dodds. 

Should Mrs May ensure she has the support of the ERG and the DUP, her deal will go through. 

One of the eight members of Sir Cash’s committee Michael Tomlinson said the group needed to see “black and white” text in “good time” before the meaningful vote in order to issue their verdict. 

However, Mr Tomlinson said the group did not wish to dictate exactly how their demands were met. 

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Brexit news: The meaningful vote will take place later this month (Image: GETTY)

He said: “There is a spectrum and a range of options that the attorney general has. 

“I’m not going to say protocol good, codicil bad, letter very bad, because that would be prejudging it.”

Should the group of eight eventually approve Mr Cox’s rehashed deal, Mr Tomlinson said it would ensure the agreement of the majority of Eurosceptics, crucially including two leaders Jacob Rees-Mogg and Steve Baker. 

He said: “I think both Jacob and Steve would be equally persuaded if Bill says it works.” 

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