Downing Street press conference TODAY: Alok Sharma to host announcement - Boris absent

A CORONAVIRUS briefing will be held from Downing Street today by Business Secretary Alok Sharma, but what time will the press conference be?

By Georgina Laud, Engagement Editor

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Business Secretary Alok Sharma will lead a briefing today from Downing Street as England nears the end of the first full week of lockdown 2.0. Prime Minister addressed the nation on Monday but will not be present during this briefing.

The press conference comes the day after the resignation of one of Mr Johnson’s closest aides.

Lee Cain announced late on Wednesday that he was quitting as director of communications amid a bitter row in Downing Street.

He had been offered the post of chief of staff, but a backlash among Tories and the Prime Minister's inner circle ultimately led to his departure from No 10 rather than a promotion.

His exit has sparked speculation he could be followed by Dominic Cummings, Mr Johnson's top adviser who is seen as the most powerful figure in No 10.

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Downing Street press conference time: Alok Sharma

Downing Street press conference time: Alok Sharma to host as Boris Johnson absent (Image: PA/GETTY)

What time is the press conference today?

Mr Sharma will host the press conference from Downing Street at 5pm today.

The conference will be shown live on major news channels like BBC and Sky News.

Mr Sharma will be accompanied by NHS England medical director Professor Stephen Powis.

Mr Johnson's absence comes after Downing Street has insisted the Prime Minister remains "absolutely focused" on the coronavirus pandemic despite the infighting inside Number 10 leading to the resignation of Mr Cain.

Downing Street press conference TODAY: Boris Johnson

Downing Street press conference TODAY: Mr Johnson will not be present at this afternoon's conference (Image: GETTY)

Downing Street press conference TODAY: COVID case map

Downing Street press conference TODAY: Cases of coronavirus are continuing to rise across the UK (Image: EXPRESS)

Mr Johnson's official spokesman said: "The Prime Minister is fully focused on tackling coronavirus.

"I think you can see the progress that we're making in terms of rolling out mass testing, in securing vaccines and also in terms of making improvements to things such as test and trace.

"So, I think what you can see is the Prime Minister is absolutely focused on beating this virus and taking the measures that are necessary to get that R rate down and bring the infection rate back under control."

When asked if the shake-up among senior staff was a distraction, the spokesman said: "You've seen from the Prime Minister this week that he's absolutely focused on taking all the steps that are required to equip the country to beat coronavirus."

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On Thursday the latest Test and Trace figures showed a total of 149,253 people tested positive for COVID-19 in England at least once in the week to November 4.

This is the highest weekly number since Test and Trace was launched at the end of May and is an increase of eight percent in positive cases on the previous week.

England was plunged into a second lockdown on November 5, with a month-long span of restrictions in place. 

Lasting until at least December 2, those in England have been asked to stay home where possible and avoid travel except for essential reasons.

Downing Street press conference TODAY: Alok Sharma Business Secretary

Downing Street press conference TODAY: Alok Sharma will lead today's conference (Image: GETTY)

Non-essential shops and businesses have been forced to close, and those who can work from home have been asked to do so. 

Households cannot mix, except for support or childcare reasons, however, members from two different households can meet up socially distanced for exercise outdoors. 

Restaurants and bars have been asked to close their doors but can offer takeaway and home delivery. 

Announcing the lockdown Mr Johnson acknowledged the impact the restrictions would have on mental health and livelihoods across the country.

Downing Street press conference TODAY: Lee Cain

Downing Street press conference TODAY: Lee Cain announced late on Wednesday that he was quitting as director of communications (Image: GETTY)

He said: “No one wants to be imposing these kind of measures anywhere.

“There is a constant struggle and balance which the government has to take between lives and livelihoods.”

However, hope came this week when Pfizer Inc on Monday said its experimental vaccine was more than 90 percent effective in preventing COVID-19 based on initial data from a large study.

Pfizer and German partner BioNTech SE are the first drugmakers to show successful data from a large-scale clinical trial of a coronavirus vaccine.

The companies said they have so far found no serious safety concerns and expect to seek US emergency use authorization later this month.

The vaccine has been tested on 43,500 people in six countries and no safety concerns have been raised.

The UK has secured 40 million doses of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine - the first agreement the firms signed with any government.

Currently, it is thought people will need two doses, meaning not enough shots have been secured for the entire UK population.

However, it is likely other vaccines will announce results from their clinical trials shortly.

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