Jeremy Corbyn reinstated: Why was Jeremy Corbyn suspended from Labour party? Explained

JEREMY CORBYN has been reinstated to the Labour party after 19-days suspended from the party - but why was Corbyn suspended from Labour party? Below is Mr Corbyn's statement to Labour in full.

By Georgina Laud, Engagement Editor

Jeremy Corbyn to be re-admitted into Labour after suspension

Ex-Labour leader will be readmitted to the after a meeting of the National Executive Committee. Labour's dispute's panel had been discussing his suspension today in order to decide if further action should be taken. The former party leader had been suspended from Labour for 19 days.

Why was Corbyn suspended from Labour party?

Mr Corbyn was suspended for comments he made 19 days ago which rejected the conclusions of the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) report into antisemitism in the party.

The former party leader had the whip withdrawn and was suspended from the party with immediate effect.

He had claimed while "one anti-Semite is one too many" the "scale of the problem was also dramatically overstated for political reasons by our opponents inside and outside the party, as well as by much of the media".

Read More: Jeremy Corbyn BACK: Labour bottles it over suspension

Jeremy Corbyn reinstated: Jeremy Corbyn

Jeremy Corbyn reinstated: Why was Jeremy Corbyn suspended from Labour? (Image: GETTY)

This directly opposed Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer’s statement, as he said those who “deny there is a problem are part of the problem … Those who pretend it is all exaggerated or factional are part of the problem.”

The decision to readmit the former leader to the party may spark anger among some in the party.

Gideon Falter, chief executive of the Campaign Against Antisemitism, said the lifting of Mr Corbyn's suspension showed "the Jewish community has been conned" and suggested his suspension was "nothing more than a media stunt to blunt the blow of the EHRC's report last month".

He said: "That report condemned Mr Corbyn and his allies for presiding over the institutionalisation of anti-Semitism in the Labour Party.

"By readmitting Mr Corbyn, the Labour Party has once again excused anti-Semitism and proved itself unwilling to address it."

Jeremy Corbyn reinstated: Jeremy Corbyn home London

Jeremy Corbyn reinstated: Mr Corbyn released a statement today ahead of the hearing (Image: PA)

Why was Jeremy Corbyn reinstated to Labour party?

The exact reasoning behind Mr Corbyn’s reinstatement has not been revealed.

However, the former Labour leader issued a statement on Tuesday which was submitted to the party as part of the investigation process following his suspension.

In his statement, Mr Corbyn said: "We must never tolerate anti-Semitism or belittle concerns about it.

"And that was not my intention in anything I said this week.

“I regret the pain this issue has caused the Jewish community and would wish to do nothing that would exacerbate or prolong it.

"To be clear, concerns about anti-Semitism are neither 'exaggerated' nor 'overstated'.

“The point I wished to make was that the vast majority of Labour Party members were and remain committed anti-racists deeply opposed to anti-Semitism."

Earlier today Mr Corbyn has written on Facebook: "I hope this matter is resolved as quickly as possible, so that the party can work together to root out antisemitism and unite to oppose and defeat this deeply damaging Conservative government."

Jeremy Corbyn reinstated: Keir Starmer labour

Jeremy Corbyn reinstated: Mr Corbyn's statement was at odds with Sir Keir Starmer's stance (Image: PA)

Conservative Party co-chairman Amanda Milling has criticised the decision to readmit Mr Corbyn to the Labour party.

She said: "Keir Starmer is failing to stand up for British Jews.

"By allowing Jeremy Corbyn back into the Labour Party he is sending a message that the shameful antisemitism of recent years should be allowed to continue."

Senior Labour MP Dame Margaret Hodge also condemned the move, saying it was a "broken outcome from a broken system".

She tweeted: "A factional, opaque and dysfunctional complaints process could never reach a fair conclusion.

"This is exactly why the EHRC instructed Labour to setup an independent process!

"I simply cannot comprehend why it is acceptable for Corbyn to be a Labour MP if he thinks anti-Semitism is exaggerated and a political attack, refuses to apologise, never takes responsibility for his actions & rejects the findings of the EHRC report. Ridiculous."

However, Unite union boss Len McCluskey said Mr Corbyn's readmission to Labour is the "correct, fair and unifying decision".

Mr McCluskey, an ally of the former leader, said Labour must now implement the Equality and Human Rights Commission recommendations and "move forward" as a party.

He said: "As a party we now move forward to implement the EHRC's recommendations and redouble our efforts to inspire voters about Keir's 10 pledges and the transformation of our nations into fairer places for our people. Only Labour, united and strong, can bring this about."

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