Brexit news: Remainer hijacks EU lorry picture as sticker reads 'we don't go to UK'

A STICKER on the back of a lorry proclaiming it "won't go the UK" has highlighted the contempt with which some on the continent regard Britain after Brexit, a Twitter user has claimed.

By Ciaran McGrath, Senior News Reporter

EU and UK politicians need to ‘grow up’ says David Buik

Meanwhile, a financial expert has said the City of London is still "numero uno" after Brexit, in response to a new survey suggesting fewer than 100 top bankers have so far quit the Square Mile for Europe. A picture of the lorry - and sticker - was shared by Sabanaut Mike, who commented: "European truckers don’t seem averse to publicising their avoidance of the UK post Brexit mess."

JUST IN: EU single market sham - Bloc has made £1.2trillion out of UK


There was no indication as to when the picture was taken - but the location was given as "S16 / E60 Vorarlberg", which would place it in western Austria.

The vehicle itself has an LT abbreviation, short of Lithuanian. David Buik has predicted even those financiers who have upped sticks “will be back”.

Elsewhere, figures published yesterday by the European Banking Authority suggested just 95 bankers earning €1 million a year or more relocated before Brexit.

Mr Buik, who has in the past worked for RP Martin, Kirkland Whitaker and London Deposit Agencies and who is a regular commentator on BBC, brushed off concerns voiced by management consultant Richard Barfield on social media, tweeting: “Be as negative as you like about BREXIT and the City - your privilege.

“You will NEVER persuade me that the City of London is anything but NUMERO UNO for financial services in Europe, including your beloved EU!”

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Ursula von der Leyen

Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission (Image: GETTY)

Responding to a suggestion by another Twitter that “many brokers” were being forced to move to the continent, Mr Buik added: “Hope they have fun! - They will be back!”

The EBA’s report said: “In 2019, the largest share of high earners of 3 519 (71 percent of the total number of high earners), was located in the United Kingdom (UK).

“Most of the Member States across the EU registered a slight increase in the number of high earners, particularly Germany, France, and Italy.”

The report added: “The increase of high earners resulted mostly from the impact of the relocation of staff from the UK to EU27 as part of Brexit preparations.

“In addition, for some institutions, the overall good financial results, particularly in corporate banking, and the ongoing restructuring and consolidations, which led to higher than usual severance payments, played an important role in the overall increase of high earners.”

6.55am update: This blog is now finished - click for the latest updates

5.15am update: Bad news for EU! Even 'manipulated' Brussels banking report cannot hide London's dominance

The City of London continues to thrive despite the EU's "best efforts", a pro-Brexit think tank has said - while suggesting a new report by a Paris-based banking regulator had been "manipulated" to downplay London's success.

And Facts4EU has suggested the research, published by the European Banking Authority, offers no conclusive proof that the bankers who have quit the Square Mile for the continent did so because of Brexit in any case.

The EBA’s report, published earlier this week, suggested the number of bankers earning more than €1million a year, including bonus and pensions, fell by 95 last year.

In his report, Facts4EU spokesman David Evans comments: “The EU’s Paris-based banking regulatory authority struggles to find any good news for the EU.

4.30am update: Brexit news: Fury erupts at Boris' handling of food shortage crisis 'It's a Brexit issue!'

Boris Johnson and his Government have sparked fury over the way they are handling the escalating food shortage crisis sweeping through the UK, with one leading boss raging that Brexit is to blame.

Richard Griffiths, chief executive of the British Poultry Council, wants the Government to fast track workers as the sector faces huge disruptions that have forced leading restaurants including Nando's and KFC to change or even cancel theoir service.

He has blamed worker shortages following the UK's departure from the European Union for the issues the food industry is now facing.

Mr Griffiths said: "When you don't have people, you have a problem - and this is something we are seeing across the whole supply chain.

Boris Johnson

Boris Johnson: fury erupts at PMs handling of food shortage (Image: Getty Images)

3.45am update: Key moments from modern history recreated as 'ancient' cave art - including Covid and BLM

Major moments from modern history have been reimagined as "ancient" cave art - including the Coronavirus pandemic, the Black Lives Matter movement, and Brexit.

Researchers polled 2,000 UK adults who had their say on what moments from the worlds of sport, technology, politics and popular culture should be immortalised in Buckinghamshire's Hellfire Caves.

Using the same techniques, style and colours as our ancestors more than 30,000 years ago, illustrator Emmy Smith worked with archaeologist Professor Paul Pettitt to make the paintings as authentic as possible.

2.30am update: Not just Nando's! Britons warned nationwide chicken shortage possible 'Massive problem'

Britons have been warned the UK could face a nationwide chicken shortage amid supply problems at restaurant chain Nando's.

The British Poultry Council has warned the UK faces a "massive problem" over the supply chain serving the industry as a result of a shortage in staff.

Industry boss Richard Griffiths has told BBC radio that problems within the supply chain could have a wider impact amid concerns over a lack of available workers following Brexit.

Mr Griffith reported Poultry Council members faced vacancy rates as high as 16 percent.

Alastair Campbell

Alastair Campbell attacks broadcaster for being scared of word 'brexit' (Image: Getty Images)

1.45am update: Now Alastair Campbell attacks broadcasters for being scared of using the word 'Brexit'

Alastair Campbell has attacked broadcasters for being scared of using the word "Brexit" in his latest tweet.

Taking to Twitter on Wednesday, Mr Campbell made comments about job data being mentioned on the news and took yet another jab at Brexit.

He went on to say: “Watched news on job vacancies figures.

Presented as some kind of success when a lot of them are the jobs leading to rotting fruit, immobile lorries and understaffed hospitality, caused by EU exodus."

Mr Campbell then added: “The determination of broadcasters to avoid saying the word ‘Brexit’ is weird.”

12.45am update: Brexit fury: German media branded Boris Johnson 'cocky troublemaker' over EU exit

Brexit tension between the UK and Germany reached boiling point as German media branded Prime Minister Boris Johnson a "cocky troublemaker".

The European media has continued to watch the Brexit process closely as UK-EU relations remain tense.

In June, a German journalist said Britain is doing "better" than Germany during the pandemic and despite Brexit, the UK is now in the "economic fast lane".

Gabor Steingart wrote: "Boris Johnson and his British do not need to be understood.

Boris Johnson

Boris Johnson branded 'cocky troublemaker' over EU exit (Image: Getty Images)

11.45pm update: EU Single Market sham! New analysis shows bloc has made £1.2trillion out of UK since 2006

The EU's Single Market has always worked against Britain, and in favour of the bloc, made almost £1.2trillion from the UK over the last nearly 15 years, an eye-opening new analysis has indicated.

And the Facts4EU’s report also underlines the fact that the EU sells more to Britain than almost 200 other nations combined.

The pro-Brexit think tank used figures from Eurostat, the EU’s own statistics division, to highlight the bloc’s trade surplus with the UK between 2006 and 2020, which marked the end of the post-Brexit transition period.

During that time, the EU sold exported goods worth £3.41trillion, with goods worth £2.24trillion going the other way - a surplus of £1.17trillion.

10.30pm update: Fresh Brexit battle looms as Frost set to ignite new row over hated deal

A major Brexit battle is at risk of breaking out over the Northern Ireland Protocol as the UK Government could demand an extension to grace periods for key products which expire next month.

The Protocol, part of the Brexit divorce deal agreed by the UK and Brussels, effectively keeps Northern Ireland in the EU's single market for goods.

This means checks on goods being sent from Great Britain into the single market in some cases could result in prohibitions on certain products that do not comply with EU rules.

Following unionist anger over the Protocol at Stormont, Brexit minister Lord Frost put forward plans to renegotiate the Protocol, which he set out in a Command Paper last month.

Lord Frost

Lord Frost set to ignite new row over heated deal (Image: Getty Images)

Oliver Trapnell takes over from Luke Hawker

8.25pm update: Monty Don's furious Brexit rant: 'Complete nonsense and ridiculous fantasy!'

Monty Don broke into a furious rant on the Brexit referendum shortly before the vote.

In 2016, shortly before the Brexit referendum, Monty spoke to the Radio Times about the upcoming vote, explaining he was hopeful the UK would vote to remain a part of the EU.

He branded the Leave camp's desire to exit as "nonsense".

Monty said: “I very strongly feel that we should remain within Europa. Everything will be better.

“Leaving is complete nonsense and a ridiculous fantasy.

6.00pm update: Angela Merkel's party refuse to replace faltering candidate for Chancellor as polls narrow

Angela Merkel’s party will not replace its faltering candidate to succeed the longstanding Chancellor despite opinion polls narrowing, a leading official has said.

Ms Merkel will step down as German Chancellor next month after a remarkable 16 years at the helm. 

Armin Laschet, leader of Ms Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union (CDU), is the chosen candidate for the CDU and its Bavarian sister party, the Christian Social Union (CSU), on September 26.

Support for the German conservatives has fallen by 10 points since the last election and Mr Laschet is polling just two points ahead of his closest rival.

Farage challenges Rees-Mogg on improving Brexit deal

5.15pm update: EU could deal big blow to Sturgeon: 'Catalonia more welcome than Scotland'

The European Union could deal a big blow to Nicola Sturgeon as a commentator claims Catalonia could be more welcome in the bloc than Scotland.

One of Ms Sturgeon's key goals is to get Scotland back into the EU – she has argued since the UK voted to leave that Scotland's 62 percent vote for Remain means the country is being dragged out of the bloc against its will.

But columnist for The National, Michael Fry, warned in February in an article titled "Why Catalonia might be more welcome in the EU than Scotland" – that Scotland could find itself behind Catalonia in the queue to join the EU.

4.00pm update: EU ticking time bomb as bloc 'as we know it won't exist in 2023' - economist

The EU is a ticking time bomb and will "not exist as we know it" in two years' time, according to an economist who made the doomsday prediction almost a decade ago.

The coronavirus pandemic has thrown the bloc into disarray. Many member states now face increasing pressure from their citizens over blanket policies on the coronavirus pandemic.

Thousands have taken to the streets in cities across the continent in recent months to voice outrage at COVID-19 health passes, with the EU having backed a digital certificate.

While today's circumstances are unforeseen, almost a decade ago, Barbara Kolm, an Austrian economist, predicted that the EU "as we know it now", in 2013, would not exist by 2023.


A timeline of key Brexit dates (Image: EXPRESS)

3.20pm update: 'Can't blame everything on Brexit!' GB News presenter reacts to UK 'Chicken Wingdemic'

GB News presenters Patrick Christy and Mercy Muroki have slapped down attempts to blame a shortage of chicken in the UK on Brexit.

GB news presenters Patrick Christy and Mercy Muroki has weighed into the row over the cause of chicken shortages at Nando's on GB News.

The popular outlet was forced to temporarily close stores this week citing issues with supplies of poultry.

Reports have blamed Brexit-related supply chain issues for Nando's shutting up shop but Mr Christy and Ms Muroki argued the problem may instead rest with the NHS Covid app.

2.11pm update:

A new survey has found that a "large proportion" of EU citizens are planning to leave the UK because of Brexit.

The study by the University of Strathclyde's found that 58.62 percent of EU respondents living in the UK believe that Brexit increased the likelihood of them leaving the UK.

On average, respondents had lived in the UK for almost 19 years, and 82.2 percent live in England.

The respondents felt unrepresented in the UK society, with 58 percent of them thinking non-British citizens with settled status or indefinite leave to remain should be allowed to vote in general elections.

Five key Brexit moments

Five key Brexit moments (Image: Express)

1.32pm update: 

The EU's top diplomat, Joseph Borrell, slammed Joe Biden's latest remarks on Afghanistan prompting a war of words between the two blocs.

The US President said US intervention in Afghanistan was always aimed at "preventing a terrorist attack on American homeland” and was “never supposed to be creating a unified centralised democracy". The comments were branded "arguable" by the EU foreign policy chief who said the aim of NATO nations' cooperation in the region was to build a new state in Afghanistan.

He blasted: “We have been doing a lot in order to build a state in Afghanistan, a state that could guarantee the rule of law and the respect for rule of law and fundamental freedoms.

“What has happened raises many questions about the West’s 20-year engagement in the country and what we were able to achieve."

1.30pm update: 

Poland has defied Brussels' threats of withdrawing funds to its regions branding the warnings as "barbarian" unless so-called "LGBT-free zones" were revoked.

A Polish regional council voted on Thursday to remain an "LGBT-free zone" despite a warning from the European Union that it could lose funding, but its head said the declaration of the zone had been misunderstood and could be rewritten.

Numerous local authorities in Poland have declared themselves free of "LGBT ideology" as gay rights have become a high-profile and deeply divisive issue in the predominantly Catholic country under conservative nationalist rule.

This has set Poland on a collision course with the European Commission, which says the zones may violate EU law regarding non-discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation.

12.21pm update:

The City of London continues to thrive despite the EU's "best efforts", a pro-Brexit think tank has said - while suggesting a new report by a Paris-based banking regulator had been "manipulated" to downplay London's success.

And Facts4EU has suggested the research, published by the European Banking Authority, offers no conclusive proof that the bankers who have quit the Square Mile for the continent did so because of Brexit in any case.

The EBA’s report, published earlier this week, suggested the number of bankers earning more than €1million a year, including bonus and pensions, fell by 95 last year.

In his report, Facts4EU spokesman David Evans comments: “The EU’s Paris-based banking regulatory authority struggles to find any good news for the EU."

Farage challenges Rees-Mogg on improving Brexit deal

12.15pm update: Brexit to be on the agenda when Macron visits France

French President Emmanuel Macron will meet with Ireland's Taoiseach Micheal Martin next week for a short working visit, the Irish Government has confirmed.

A statement issued today said Mr Macron would be welcomed by Ireland's President, Micheal Higgins.

The statement added: "President Macron will then travel to Government Buildings for a working lunch with the Taoiseach.

"Their meeting will focus on current EU and international issues, Covid-19 and Irish-French relations."

11.36am update: 

British farmers have warned that there could be a shortage of turkeys this Christmas due to the wider poultry shortages the UK currently face. This is due to a combination of both Brexit and the pandemic.

Earlier this week, some restaurants across the UK were forced to shut because they had run out of chicken.

Now, there are fears there won’t be enough turkeys in the country by the end of the year.

On Wednesday, August 18, poultry producers issued a warning claiming the industry is at crisis point.

Restaurants across the country were affected by chicken shortages, including Nando’s.

The popular chain had to shut more than 50 of its restaurants and they remain closed today.

11.10am update:

The EU and its leaders would "relax sanctions on Russia" without the UK acting as a bridge between the bloc and the US, the White House previously feared, according to analysis.

Today, Angela Merkel travels to Russia for her "farewell visit".

The German leader, who has presided over the country for nearly 16 years as Chancellor, will step down this autumn.

Her visit to the Kremlin and President Vladimir Putin will mark the end of one of Europe's oldest and most complex political relationships.

Chancellor Rishi Sunak

Chancellor Rishi Sunak (Image: GETTY)

10.36am update: 

The number of high tax paying bankers in London will create thousands more jobs according to a political website.

A common opinion amongst Remainers was that the UK’s banking sector would face a mass shortage in staff with Brexit incentivising highly paid earners to move elsewhere.

Indeed, financial lobby group Europlace predicted in 2016 that Brexit would create 10,000 new finance jobs in Paris by 2025. To date fewer than half of those jobs have materialised.

Equally William Wright of the think tank New Financial claimed up to 35,000 London financial jobs could eventually disappear.

However the European Banking Authority (EBA) published a report about high earning bankers with its figures based on 2019 data. 

Political website Guido Fawkes commented:”These highly paid workers in the financial sector pay hundreds of millions in taxes and spend their millions on goods and services that provide thousands more jobs. 

“This is the last time the UK will appear in these reports, so maybe Germany will take the crown next time.”

9.02am update: Sunak looks to the future

Britain is poised to surge outside EU's rules and regulations as it begins to emerge from the coronavirus pandemic, Rishi Sunak has predicted. 

The Chancellor was commenting on the publication of figures by the Office for National Statistics indicating the economic rebound was continuing to push up tax revenues and the amount spent on the furlough scheme reduced.

Specifically, the analysis showed borrowing stood at £10.4 billion in June, down from £20.5 billion a year earlier.

Mr Sunak said: "Our recovery from the pandemic is well under way, boosted by the huge amount of support Government has provided.

"But the last 18 months have had a huge impact on our economy and public finances, and many risks remain.

"We're committed to keeping the public finances on a sustainable footing, which is why, at the Budget in March, I set out the steps we are taking to keep debt under control in the years to come."

8.48am update: British students are abandoning places at Spanish universities as a result of problems securing visas required as a result of Brexit.

Vivienne Stern, Director of Universities UK International, raised the alarm in letters sent to the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) and Spain’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

She told the Independent: “Delays in visa processing this year are causing real anxiety among students who are due to travel to Spain soon."

A Spain’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman said tht “some adaptation time is still needed” for “British students and universities”.

A UK government spokesperson said: “We have raised the issue with the Spanish government, and are supporting Universities UK International.”

David Buik

David Buik's tweet (Image: Twitter)

8.12am update: Brexit carpark scaled back

Plans for a massive lorry park in Dover with capacity for 1,200 vehicles have been dramatically scaled back after objections from local residents.

Locals have been fighting against the proposals, which would have seen former farmland concreted over and significant noise and light pollution.

The development will now accommodate just 96 lorries, with 20 extra spaces for reversing vehicles.

In a letter to residents, Guston parish council said: “HMRC have confirmed that lighting will be a moonlight level.”

One member of the council told the Guardian: “We think this is a real result for us.

“Clearly we still have concerns about what will happen to the remaining three-quarters of the site and the design of the site, but overall we are pleasantly surprised and pleased they are engaging with us."

7.56am update:

Drivers of company cars should have "no corporate leeway" on speeding when new EU limiter technology is installed in cars.

Peter Golding, managing director at FleetCheck said firms should be taking a “zero tolerance” approach to drivers who break limits.

The new rule means all vehicles sold in Europe from July 2022 will need to be fitted with an intelligent speed assistance (ISA) tool.

While an official decision has yet to be made, the UK is likely to adopt the new rule despite leaving the EU.

(Additional reporting by Ciaran McGrath)

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