Covid announcement: Chris Whitty in horror update - 'Waning immunity' among elderly

CHRIS WHITTY said there is "reasonably good" evidence of waning immunity, particularly among older people as Boris Johnson outlines the government's Covid plans going into the autumn.

Sajid Javid confirms NHS will offer booster vaccines

Speaking in the House of Commons today, Sajid Javid has revealed the details of the Government's winter plan to manage the pandemic. Mr Javid says the government has created a "plan B" in case things get worse in winter. The contingency measures to manage a COVID-19 surge in winter could include mandatory use of face coverings, the introduction of Covid passes and working from home among a litany of other advice. 

Sajid Javid was met with groans from the backbenches, and later one MP yelled 'No' as he repeated the face mask mandate.

"Any responsible government must prepare for all eventualities," he tells MPs - some of whom make clear their disapproval of the proposals with jeering and booing.

Of the different areas of focus to the plan, he said the first was further strengthening pharmaceutical defences, including vaccines.

READ MORE: Covid winter plan IN FULL: The 4 things we learned from Sajid Javid

Covid announcement LIVE: Chris Whitty in horror update among elderly

Professor Chris Whitty (Image: GETTY•PA)

Mr Javid says the government will "renew our efforts to maximise uptake" of the coronavirus vaccine.

The Health Secretary also said that, this winter, people should be: "wearing a face mask in crowded and enclosed spaces where you come into contact with people you don't normally meet".

Finally, he said orders for those who are capable of working from home could come back into place over the winter.



Booster vaccine 'crucial' for winter

The booster vaccine programme will be "crucial" in winter, said Sajid Javid. 

The Health Secretary revealed the government's plans today in the House of Commons.

Duke of Cambridge praises frontline workers at awards night

The Duke of Cambridge hailed emergency service heroes who "run straight towards the danger" to save the lives of others. 

Speaking at the Who Care Wins award, hosted by The Sun, William praised the first responders who "rise to the occasion" when others would "quite naturally, turn away and seek safety".

In his speech, the Duke said: "In times like these, they must face their deepest fears and find the most astonishing level of courage to overcome the obstacles in front of them. And that is truly heroic.

"The winners of this award faced just such a situation, but I am delighted to say they survived and are here this evening."

Prince William, the Duke of Cambridge attending the Sun Who Cares Wins Awards

Prince William, the Duke of Cambridge attending the Sun Who Cares Wins Awards (Image: PA)

Winter plan risks 'plunging us into lengthy lockdown'

GB presenter Dan Wootton labeled the government's autumn and winter plan as "hellscape".

He added that it "risks plunging us back into lengthy lockdowns," and is "not even close to a new normal".

Which booster vaccine will I get?

The NHS is planning to use Pfzier or Moderna booster jabs so what will happen if you have had AstraZeneca?

The JCVI says it advises "a preference for the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine for the booster programme, regardless of which vaccine brand someone received for their primary doses."

This is because data from the COV-BOOST trial indicated that the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine is "well-tolerated as a third dose and provides a strong booster response."

READ MORE:  UK Covid booster vaccine: Pfizer or Moderna to be offered- so what if you had AstraZeneca? |

What about PCR tests for travel?

In today's Downing Street press conference Boris Johnson hinted that changes might come into force. 

The Prime Minister said the government would "be saying a lot more shortly about the traffic light system,  about simplifying it and about what we can do to make the burden of testing less onerous for those coming back into the country, that’ll be coming shortly".

This comes after Health Secretary Sajid Javid indicated that PCR tests for double-jabbed travellers would be scrapped in favour of cheaper lateral flow tests.

Who will need a booster jab?

The first nine groups on the vaccine list, or 30 million people, will receive a single booster jab as the government begins to roll them out next week. 

Dies beinhaltet: 

All adults over the age of 50Frontline health and social care workers Older adults in residential care homes Those with underlying health conditions Adults who live with vulnerable people

Jabs will be offered at least six months after the second vaccination appointment.

GPs told to return to face-to-face appointments

Earlier today Health Secretary Sajid Javid told more GPs to open their doors and see patients face to face. 

Speaking in the Commons, Conservative MP Dean Russell raised concerns over some GP surgeries in his Watford constituency "still not opening their doors" to see patients.

Mr Javid replied saying life is almost back to "completely normal" and the government "intends to do a lot more" about helping GPs get back to face-to-face appointments. 

Got to 'learn to live' with Covid, says Nigel Farage

GB News Presenter Nigel Farage said Boris Johnson was "very put together" in the press conference this afternoon before saying we have got to "learn to live" with Covid.

He added: "Personally I can't bear the thought of any further restrictions...

"I simply won't be locked down again under any circumstances."

Laura Kuenssberg brutally shut down by Nicki Minaj

Nicki Minaj has also taken a swipe at BBC's Laura Kuenssberg.

Ms Kuenssbery responded to one of the star's tweets before the singer brutally shut her down calling her a "dumbo".

READ MORE:  BBC's Laura Kuenssberg brutally shut down by Nicki Minaj: 'Go away, dumbo!' | UK | News |

Senior doctors warns NHS is already overwhelmed

British Medical Association (BMA) council chairman Dr Chaand Nagpaul said that, as well as growing numbers of patients in hospital with Covid, the health service was facing a potentially difficult flu season as well as trying to tackle the waiting list backlog.

Dr Nagpaul told the PA news agency that the trends in Covid cases, hospital admissions and deaths were all going in the wrong direction.

He added: "This is not about waiting to see what's happening later, hospitalisation rates have increased week on week, death rates are increasing week on week.

"The NHS is already in our view in a hugely pressured situation."

Boris Johnson: 'Pandemic is far from over'

The Prime Minister has now outlined the plans on social media, beginning by warning the public 'the pandemic is far from over'.

He goes on to add that 'vaccines remain the first line of defence' after preventing over 24 million infections and 112,300 deaths. 

Boris Johnson also added details of the government's Plan B to protect the NHS if necessary. 

Health leaders welcome government's plans

The government's plans to control the spread of coronavirus in the coming months have been welcomed as "sensible and proportionate" by health leaders after they warned winter could be busier than ever. 

There must be a "pragmatic approach" on measures such as the wearing of face masks should cases rise in the months ahead, NHS Providers said.

The membership organisation for NHS hospital, mental health, community, and ambulance services said plans outlined by Health Secretary Sajid Javid will be broadly welcomed.

Saffron Cordery, deputy chief executive of NHS Providers said: " Saffron Cordery, deputy chief executive of NHS Providers"

Piers Morgan has his say on Nicki Minaj

Piers Morgan has now joined in the Twitter feud saying Nicki Minaj is "peddling lies that will cost lives."

After Piers called her "the rudest little madams", Minaj replied thanking him for the title saying it "has a special ring to it". 

She added: "Sir I've never met you. I know… we all look alike. “Rudest little madam”. I like it. Has a special ring to it. Thanks Pierce. Love the accent. I’d love to come chat. Scones. Tea. Clown nose & big red shoes for you. Lmk babe."

What did Boris Johnsons say about Nicki Minaj?

You might be wondering what Boris Johnson said to incite such a reaction from Nicki Minaj. 

During today's press conference the Prime Minister criticised the rapper for her stance on coronavirus vaccines. 

Boris Johnson took a swipe at the star saying: "I'm not as familiar with the works of Nicki Minaj as I probably should be, but I'm familiar with Nikki Kanani, superstar GP of Bexley who has appeared many times before you, who will tell you that vaccines are wonderful and everybody should get them.

"So I prefer to listen to Nikki Kanani."

Nicki Minaj

Nicki Minaj (Image: Getty Images)

Vaccine passports 'entirely one for political leaders', says Chris Whitty

Professor Chris Whitty said the question of introducing vaccine passports is "entirely one for political leaders - that's a legislative and societal one".

At today's Downing Street press conference he added: " "From the science point of view, though, I think nobody would doubt that you're safer off if you go to any indoor venue where everyone around you is vaccinated.

"It reduces the probability they will get Covid at all. It reduces the probability that if they do have Covid they will pass it on. And if everybody in the environment is vaccinated, the chance of a mass spreading event is very substantially reduced because everybody's got it."

Nicki Minaj mocks Boris Johnson in audio clip

Nicki Minaj has now shared a voice note on social media mocking Boris Johnson. 

The rapper shared the audio clip with her 22.6 million Twitter followers with the caption "Send this to the prime minister and let him know they lied on me. I forgive him. No one else. Only him."

Addressing Mr Johnson in the clip Nicki Minaj used a British accent to say: "I thought you were so amazing on the news this morning. 

"I'd love to send you my portfolio of my work since you don't know much about me. I'm a big, big start in the Unites States."

UK at 'pivot point' in pandemic

Sir Patrick Vallance said the UK is at a "pivot point" in the pandemic and if the situation worsens quickly then ministers must "go early".

The chief scientific adviser told the Downing Street press conference: "If you look across the Channel, countries where you've got similar levels of immunity and some higher degrees of restrictions, what you can see is cases are going down.

"So, you can see we're sort of at that pivot point where things are flattish at the moment.

"If they go up quickly then, as I've said, you've got to go early in terms of getting on top of it - you can't wait until it's late because you've got to do more."

Sir Patrick Vallance

Sir Patrick Vallance (Image: Sky News)

Nicki Minaj responds to Professor Whitty's comments

In an odd turn of events, Nicki Minaj has responded to Professor Whitty's comments in today's press conference. 

Professor Whitty said labelled the rapper's comments as "designed to scare" people off getting the covid vaccine. 

Nicki Minaj took to Twitter to reply "I love him even tho I guess this was a diss? The accent ugh! Yassss boo!!!!"

Latest Covid figures in UK

The UK has recorded 28,628 positive Covid tests in the last 24 hours and 185 more covid-related deaths, according to government data. 

These figures compare with 30,825 infections and 61 deaths reported yeterday.

'Lockdown remains a possibility'- reaction to latest strategy

GB News Political Editor Darren McCaffrey said "in the end restrictions will still remain" and lockdown "remains a possibility" in response to the government's plan for the coming months. 

He said: "In the worst-case scenario, and we can't absolutely rule this out, is that if things become really difficult, a lockdown may be necessary. 

READ MORE:  Boris Johnson's winter covid plan B could see lockdown return 'It is a possibility!' | UK | News |

People 'peddling untruths about the vaccine should be ashamed', says Whitty

People who are knowingly "peddling untruths" about coronavirus vaccines "should be ashamed", England's chief medical officer has said.

Professor Chris Whitty said there are people with "strange beliefs" who make their own choices when it comes to vaccines, adding that "however strange that is a basic principle of medical ethics".

But he said there are some who try to discourage others from getting jabs.

He told the Downing Street press conference: "There are also people who go around trying to discourage other people from taking a vaccine, which could be life-saving or prevent them from having life-changing injuries to themselves.

"Many of those people, I regret to say, I think know that they are peddling untruths, but they still do it. In my view, they should be ashamed."

Professor Chris Whitty

Professor Chris Whitty (Image: Sky News)

Government don't want to close nights sector again

The next question hinted that nightclubs and venues could be forced to make changes if the government's plan B was used but Boris Johnson confirmed he "certainly" doesn't want to close the sector.

The PM said: "Thanks to the vaccination programme we are able to keep it open. 

"We just have to be sensible and look at the risks we face."

'Never been in favour of vaccine passports in pubs', says PM

Boris Johnson said he has "never been in favoir" of vaccine passports in pubs when asked if they will be used in the future. 

He added that they "might be appropriate" in settings with "closely packed crowds" and the government would be "sensible not to rule that out".

Whitty responds to Nicki Minaj's tweet linking vaccine to impotence

A question from the Times asked about Candian rapper Nicki Minaj who tweeted linking the Covid vaccine to impotence. 

Professor Whitting said there are a number of myths around adding: "Some of them are clearly ridiculous and some which are designed to scare and that happens to be one of them."

Five million still need persuading to get vaccine

Sir Patrick Vallance has said the best way to avoid future Covid-19 restrictions is to try and persuade as many people as possible who are still unvaccinated to get a jab.

The chief scientific adviser said there are currently five million people who are eligible for a vaccine who have yet to take them.

Boris Johnson added that "vaccination should be the key thing we advocate."

Smaller changes have a 'bigger impact'

Boris Johnson refused to give specific details on how bad a future wave of Covid-19 would have to get for the government to impose its "plan B" restrictions.

Boris Johnson said plan B has "a number of different shots in the locker".

"You wouldn't necessarily play them all at once, far from it, you would want to do things in a graduated way," he said,

"We're now in a situation when because so many of the population have some degree of immunity, smaller changes in the way we're asking people to behave can have a bigger impact."

Unvaccinated people in 30s at same risk as vaccinated over-70s

Professor Chris Whitty has warned that someone in their 30s is unvaccinated is running the same risk as someone in their 70s who is vaccinated. 

He went on to want that as we enter the autumn and winter months cases as "much higher" than last year. 

He said we still need to take the virus "very seriously" heading into these months. 

'Covid is still out there'

Referring to the news that jabs will be offered to 12 to 15-year-old children and the booster doses, the Prime Minister said he is confident that we can keep going. 

He said: "Covid is still out there, the disease still remains a risk but we are confident we can keep going to turn jabs jabs jabs into jobs jobs jobs."

90 percent of adults have antibodies

Boris Johnson says 90 percent of all adults now have Covid antibodies and 80 percent of over 16s are fully vaccinated. 

He added that depending on your age, unvaccinated people are nine times more likely to die from Covid than if you have had both jabs. 

Government's strategy is to 'keep going', says PM

The government's strategy is to "keep going" the Prime Minister has confirmed. 

"We will continue to offer to test, we will continue to urge everyone to be sensible, to be responsible - wash your hands, use ventilation and consider wearing a face-covering in crowded places with people that you don't know, stay at home if you feel unwell, download and use the NHS app."

'Incomparably' better placed to fight Covid

Boris Johnson began by looking back to the position the UK was in last September. 

The PM said: "In one way out position today is actually more challenging. 

But added we are “incomparably better placed to fight the disease” because of the vaccine programme.

Boris Johnson

Boris Johnson (Image: Sky News)

PM to hold press conference.

Boris Johnson is about to hold a Downing Street press conference due to start at 15:30 BST. 

The Prime Ministers will outline the government's Covid autumn and winter plan announced earlier today by Health Secretary Sajid Javid. 

Boris Johnson will be joined by Chief Scientific Advisor Sir Patrick Vallance and England's Chief Medical Officer, Professor Chris Whitty.

PCR tests to be scrapped for cheaper alternative for double-jabbed travellers

Earlier in the House of Commons Sajid Javid indicated that PCR tests for double-jabbed would be scrapped in favour of a cheaper lateral flow test. 

The Health Secretary told MPs that changes to international travel will be announced by Transport Secretary Grant Shapps "as soon as he is ready".

Currently, travellers returning from amber list countries are required to buy post-arrival PCR tests, which typically cost around £65. 

Some of the private testing firms listed on the government website have been accused of advertising misleading low prices and providing poor service.

Health Secretary Sajid Javid

Health Secretary Sajid Javid in the House of Commons today (Image: PARLIAMENT-TV)

Both Pfizer and AstraZeneca approved as booster vaccines

Pfizer and AstraZeneca have both been approved for use as booster jabs to increase immunity for vulnerable people heading into the winter months. 

Dr June Raine, chief executive of the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), said: "I am pleased to confirm that the COVID-19 vaccines made by Pfizer and AstraZeneca can be used as safe and effective booster doses.

"This is an important regulatory change, as it gives further options for the vaccination programme, which has saved thousands of lives so far."

Covid deaths rare among fully vaccinated, claims ONS

The Office of National Statistics (ONS) has said Covid deaths are rare among the fully vaccinated. 

Out of more than 51,000 Covid deaths in England between January and July 2021, only 256 deaths had two Covid vaccine doses.

They were mostly people at very high risk from illness from COVID-19 indicating the high degree of protection the vaccine offers, the ONS said.

Covid booster jab rollout to begin next week

The COVID-19 booster vaccination rollout is to begin next week, Sajid Javid has confirmed. 

The health secretary told the Commons the government had accepted advice from the the JCVI that around 30 million people should be offered a third dose of the vaccine to boost their protection.

This includes over-50s, younger adults with health conditions and frontline health and social care workers.

Sajid Javid has said it is 'highly likely' NHS and social care staff will have to be vaccinated

Sajid Javid has said it is "highly likely" NHS and social care staff will have to be vaccinated as a condition of their employment. 

However, the final decision has not been made yet, he stressed. 

All children between 12 and 15 in Scotland to be offered a coronavirus vaccine

All children between 12 and 15 in Scotland are to be offered a Covid jab, confirms Nicola Sturgeon. 

The announcement comes after Sajid Javid announced the same measure for Children living in England. 

81 percent of people over 16 in the UK double vaccinated

Sajid Javid tells MPs that 81 percent of people over the age of 16 have now had two doses of the Covid vaccine.

The statistic was announced after the health secretary announced those between 12 and 15 were also now eligible for the jab.

He said: "I have accepted the unanimous recommendation from the UK Chief Medical Officers to offer vaccination to those aged 12 to 15.

"This will protect young people from catching COVID-19, reduce transmission in schools and help keep pupils in the classroom."

Winter 'increasingly unlikely to reach the peak of the January 2021 wave', says SAGE

After recording less deaths and hospital patients over the summer than expected, SAGE has said "the [Covid] future trajectory is increasingly unlikely to reach the peak of the January 2021 wave".

However, the group of scientists did admit that Britain was now entering a "period of uncertainty" as it has been impossible to test how much immunity decreases over time. 

The return of schools is also a risk factor to be considered. 

It will take "several weeks" to see the full impact of these variables, according to SAGE. 

'We must not be complacent', says Prime Minister

In the latest cabinet meeting, Boris Johnson thanked ministers for their messages of condolence following the death of his mother

The Prime Minister praised the progress that has been made since restrictions were lifted in July.

He said he hoped to bolster the vaccination programme as the UK's first line of defence. 

But warned his cabinet that "we must not be complacent as we approach what could be a challenging autumn and winter". 

What is in the winter 'plan B'?

The public will be asked to be more cautious concerning Covid.

Mandatory vaccine passports will be implemented in certain settings.

Compulsory mask wearing will be implemented in certain settings.

Work from home if you can could return for a period.

However, Mr Javid said the UK should be able to handle another wave of COVID-19 without lockdowns.

What is in the winter 'plan A'?

Strengthening uptake of COVID vaccines, as some six million people remain unvaccinated.

Continuing test and trace and self-isolation, with PCR tests still offered freely throughout winter.

Maintaining support to the NHS and social care in England Giving advice on how people can protect themselves from COVID, including hand washing and mask wearing.

Managing risks at the border and pursuing an "international approach" to vaccination.

'No concrete plan' accuses Labour

Labour has accused the Conservative Government of not putting forward a "concrete plan" to deal with Covid as we move into the winter months. 

Emma Lewell-Buck told the health secretary that there was "no real clarity" on thresholds for future lockdowns or details of which "draconian powers" in the Coronavirus Act he plans to hold on to.

Mr Javid snapped back that she should read the plan before she comments on it.

Javid 'confident' schools will not close again this winter

Munira Wilson, MP and Liberal Democrat social justice spokesperson, said that children have paid a "high price" throughout he pandemic despite being the least at risk group.

She accused the government of treating them as an "afterthought" and asked for a "cast iron guarantee" that schools would not be closed again in the winter.

Mr Javid said he believes with the measures set out today, Britain can be "confident" that children will not have to experience the disruption they've recently seen again.

Convincing minorities to take the Covid vaccine remains a priority, insists Javid

Part of the health secretary's announcement focused on vaccinations, promising "[renewed] efforts to maximise uptake".

Labour MP Diane Abbot pointed out that some ethnic groups have a much lower uptake in vaccines than their white counterparts.

She asked whether the government was doing anything to boost this.

Mr Javid replied by saying there had been outreach efforts in communities in London and insisted there has been a "significant uptake" in minority groups but promised it would continue to be a priority.

Two day PCR test rule under review, promises Javid

Sajid Javid has insisted the two day PCR test rule was under review after being grilled on the measure by a fellow Conservative MP.

Graham Brady, Tory MP for Altrincham and Sale West, pointed out that people returning from abroad have recorded less Covid cases than those who remained in the UK.

Could these statistics provide a case for getting rid of the day two PCR test, Mr Brady questioned. 

Mr Javid said "there is a reason" why travel rules are constantly under review and claimed changes will be made "very soon".

Repair NHS rather than plunge Britain back into lockdown, argues Conservative MP

Speaking in the House of Commons, Conservative MP Esther McVey told the health secretary that the number of hospital beds have fallen by 6,000 over the course of the pandemic. 

Ms McVey called on the Government to build back capacity "rather than resorting to hugely damaging lockdowns and restrictions".

Sajid Javid assured Ms McVey that NHS was keeping the matter "under review".

PCR and lateral flow Covid tests will continue to be available free of charge, says health secretary

The health secretary has confirmed Covid tests will continue to be offered free of charge as we move into next year. 

Jonathan Ashworth raised the question on whether people would be expected to pay for PCR testing next spring and summer.

The health secretary says PCR tests will continue to be available free of charge, as will symptom-free lateral flow tests.

He notes that they identify "a quarter of all cases".

Mr Javid says the government "are not going ahead with any plans" related to vaccine passports - but "keeping it in reserve is the right thing to do".

Labour demands clarity on vaccine passports

Labour has demanded clarification on the position of the government on vaccine passports.

"Rather than zig-zagging all over the place on vaccine passports, can we please have clarity?" he said.

Last week, Scottish parliament voted to introduce vaccine passports to some venues, including nightclubs. 

The Scottish vaccine passports will come into effect from October 1. 

The Conservative government backtracked on the controversial measures after a hostile reception to the suggestion. 

Ashworth questions Javid's flu strategy

The shadow health secretary has asked Sajid Javid if he would look at "multiplex testing" which would diagnose flu alongside COVID-19.

Mr Javid responded by saying that flu poses a "highly significant risk this year".

The flu vaccine "has less efficacy as normal", he admitted, but encourages people to take up the offer of the jab.

Jonathan Ashworth grills Sajid Javid on 'plan B' Covid restrictions

Shadow health secretary Jonathan Ashworth has grilled Sajid Javid over his announcement of a 'plan B' for Covid restrictions as we head into the winter months. 

Mr Ashworth questioned what level of infection would trigger the change in restrictions. 

Mr Javid responded by saying the tighter restrictions would come into force if the "pressures" on the NHS became "unsustainable".

The health secretary said: "It is really important to emphasise the importance of vaccines".

He pointed out that in the first half of this year 99 percent of the people who died with Covid were not double vaccinated.

Sajid Javid confirms vaccinations for 12 - 15 year olds

The health secretary said: "I have accepted the unanimous recommendation from the UK Chief Medical Officers to offer vaccination to those aged 12 to 15.

"This will protect young people from catching COVID-19, reduce transmission in schools and help keep pupils in the classroom."

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