FMQS: Sturgeon lays out road map to independence taking blistering swipe at Boris

NICOLA STURGEON outlined her plans for a second Scottish independence referendum during FMQs on Thursday, whilst also taking a brutal swipe at Boris Johnson.

Nicola Sturgeon branded a 'power mad Covid queen'

The First Minister stated that she still plans to hold a second referendum to take place before the end of 2023. She said independence would provide an alternative to being governed "by parties at Westminster that we don't vote for and right now that is by a disreputable, discredited government and a Prime Minister, frankly, with no integrity, no shame and no moral compass." The Prime Minister has come under fire in recent weeks for allegations of lockdown breaching parties at Downing Street. 


FMQ’s LIVE: Nicola Sturgeon to face the music after latest ‘power grab’ with restrictions

FMQs LIVE: 'Infantile' Sturgeon slammed over 'basic' covid plans as MSPs demand evidence (Image: Getty)

Sturgeon lays out road map to independence taking blistering swipe at Boris

Nicola Sturgeon outlined her plans for a second Scottish independence referendum during FMQs on Thursday, whilst also taking a brutal swipe at Boris Johnson.

The First Minister stated that she still plans to hold a second referendum to take place before the end of 2023. She said independence would provide an alternative to being governed "by parties at Westminster that we don't vote for and right now that is by a disreputable, discredited government and a Prime Minister, frankly, with no integrity, no shame and no moral compass." The Prime Minister has come under fire in recent weeks for allegations of lockdown breaching parties at Downing Street. 

SNP MSP calls Douglas Ross 'embarrasing'

An SNP MSP has branded Scottish Tory leader Douglas Ross "embarrassing" for questioning Nicola Sturgeon on "chopping off doors". 

The MP for Perth and North Perthshire tweeted: "Watching #FMQs and unbelievably listening to Douglas Ross asking questions about 'chopping the bottom of doors'. This is seriously embarrassing."

Stephen Kerr says that Sturgeon's arguments better suited to primary schools

Cheif Scottish Tory Whip Stephen Kerr has accused Sturgeon's method to accuse other parties of being afraid of independence as being better suited to primary school. 

He said: "The "what are you, chicken?" argument to try and generate another Indyref is an interesting one from Nicola Sturgeon- although it's perhaps better suited to the Primary School classroom (with or without complete doors) than Holyrood. #FMQs"

Sturgeon says ferries will not be privatised

Nicola Sturgeon said that ferries will not be privatised and the government will continue to invest in them. 

Preparatory work underway for second referendum

Ms Sturgeon said that preparatory work is underway so that a referendum can take place within the first place of the SNPs parliamentary term. 

Ms Sturgeon said every promise made by the "no" campaign in 2014 has been broken, including the promise to remain in the EU. 

She said the alternative is to be governed by a Prime Minister with no shame and no moral compass. 

She said that Scotland can do better. 

Brian Whittle accuses the SNP of only caring about beating the rest of the UK

Brian Whittle has accused the SNP of trying the beat the rest of the UK. 

He said that a UK wide deposit scheme would be better than the rushed SNP scheme.

Ms Sturgeon said the scheme is the most ambitious in Europe and that the UK government is a shambles. 

Sarwar accuses government of choosing politics over helping with the cost of living

Anas Sarwar said the government prefers playing politics over helping with the cost of living. 

Ms Sturgeon said the Scottish government has acted ahead of other governments to help tackle the rising cost of living. 

She said the SNP does far more than any other government to tackle the cost of living. 

Sarwar asks Sturgeon to increase winter fuel payment

Sturgeon says the government has established a £41 million support fund that is helping people to heat their homes. 

Sturgeon says SNP believes in fair taxation

Sturgeon says the SNP believes that the countries that make the most profits should pay more tax. 

She said Westminster has seen the north of Scotland as a "cash cow". 

Ross says schools have fallen down list of government's priorities

Douglas Ross asks whether all the serious ventilation measures will be in place by the end of half term. 

Ms Sturgeon said the government has provided local authorities with money and is their responsibility to make sure the appropriate measures are in place. 

She added that face coverings are important for the safety of staff and students. 

Ross says air filters are a better approach

Mr Ross said that air filters are a better measure for ventilation and asked the First Minister how many filters have been administered in schools. 

Ms Sturgeon said a £5 million ventilation fund has been set up so local authorities can take measures they deem appropriate in schools. 

'Only thing that's been chopped off his Ross' legs at the knees'

Nicola Sturgeon stated that the SNP is not requiring schools to chop off doors and that the only thing that's being chopped off is Douglas Ross' legs. 

Mr Ross responded by stating that he would like to hear a "First Minister's answer" during First Minister's questions. 

Ross asks about fire hazards of chopping off doors

Ms Sturgeon said that Ross' line of questioning is "absurd". 

She said the government is not requiring every school to chop off doors. 

She accused the Scottish Conservatives of an "infantile approach". 

Ms Sturgeon said most classrooms will not need to chop off doors to help with ventilation. 

Ross asks why one of SNPs ideas to protect children is to chop off classroom doors

Sturgeon says schools are safe for use and the Scottish government continues to take a range of measures to make sure children and staff are safe. 

She added that chopping off doors helps with ventilation. 

She said the government have given money to schools to help with ventilation. 

She said if Douglas Ross wants to have a decision about this it should be a "grown up" matter. 

FMQs is about to start

FMQs will begin in a few moments time. 

What questions will Ms Sturgeon be asked in today's FMQs?

In today's FMQ's Nicola Sturgeon will be asked questions by party leaders such as Scottish Conservative leader Douglas Ross and Scottish Labour leader Anas Sarwar. 

She will be asked what the Scottish Government’s response is to recently reported criticisms of plans for a Deposit Return Scheme.

She will also be asked to provide an update on the Scottish Government's plans to hold a second independence referendum. 

What time is FMQs?

First Minister's Questions (FMQs) will begin at 12pm on Thursday.

It can be watched on Scottish Parliament Tv or on BBC Scotland. 

Follow this blog for the latest updates.

Nicola Sturgeon to face the music after latest ‘power grab’ with restrictions

Nicola Sturgeon will face a grilling during FMQs this afternoon after her Covid recovery plan was accused of being a "power grab".

Last week, the First Minister unveiled the Coronavirus (Recovery and Reform) (Scotland) Bill which would make some Covid measures permanent, such as giving ministers the ability to impose lockdowns and close schools in case of an emergency. However, Scottish Labour deputy leader Jackie Baillie described the move as a “power grab”. She said: "These emergency powers were a necessary response to an unprecedented crisis, not a free pass for ministers to hoard new powers. "This Bill would give ministers permanent powers to shut down schools and confine people to their homes at the drop of a hat.“There is simply no excuse for bypassing Parliament when Holyrood has shown time and time again that it can respond with the urgency needed.”

Good morning

Good morning, I'm Olivia Stringer and I’ll be bringing you all the latest developments on FMQs, for the next eight hours. Please feel free to get in touch with me as I work if you have a story or tips to share! Your thoughts are always welcome.

Email: [email protected] 

Twitter: @Livstringer_

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