'Provocative' Sefcovic blasted as EU drags Truss into 'trench warfare'

THE EU has been accused of dragging Liz Truss into "trench warfare" over Brexit negotiations - following a "provocative" statement by Maros Sefcovic.

Brexit: Poots orders halt to checks at Northern Ireland ports

The European Commission Vice President suggested hard borders could return to protect the EU single market. 

One source told the Telegraph: "Their intervention risks taking us back to trench welfare."

British officials considered Mr Sefcovic's statement as "provocative".

It comes after Ireland's agricultural minister Edwin Poots attempted to unilateral halt checks on goods entering Northern Ireland. 

Earlier today Belfast's High Court ruled that the post-Brexit checks should continue. 


Brexit LIVE: 'Provocative' Sefcovic blasted as EU drags Truss into 'trench warfare'

Brexit LIVE: 'Provocative' Sefcovic blasted as EU drags Truss into 'trench warfare' (Image: GETTY)


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EU slammed for dragging talks into ‘trench warfare’ over hated Brexit deal

The EU has been slammed for dragging Brexit talks into "trench warfare". 

British officals have been frustrated by the bloc's unwillingness to consider new ideas to end the hated Northern Ireland Protocal deadlock.  

A government source told The Telegraph:“Their intervention risks taking us back to trench warfare.”

The EU and it's chief negotiator  Maros Sefocvic.have been blasted by government sources.

Maros Sefocvic. (Image: Getty Images)

Chaos ensues over hated Brexit deal after major ruling 'Now he's shot'

Chaos has erupted over a hated Brexit agreement after High Court judge Mr Justice Colton issued an interim order suspending the decision by Minister for Agriculture Edwin Poots to direct a stop to Brexit agri-food checks.

Brexiteer and former MP Kate Hoey replied: "All I will say [is] that if this had been a [Sinn Féin] Minister being challenged it would be highly unlikely that a judge would have granted a temporary injunction against the minister.

"Very, very unusual for a remedy to be issued which supports the applicant before the full hearing."

Brits erupt at Brexit failures and demand Boris gets it done

Boris Johnson has come under scathing attacks over the UK's failures on Brexit. 

Several issues still persist, namely the furious row with Brussels over the implementation of the Northern Ireland Protocol and the possible triggering of the Article 16 safeguard mechanism.

Earlier this week, author Tony Parsons caused a huge stir by claiming Britons have been cheated after winning freedom from the EU.

He said: "I can’t think of one Brexit promise that has been kept. Not one.

"Slashing taxes? No. Reducing energy bills? No. Taking back control of borders? No."

Britons have sided with Mr Parsons by turning on Mr Johnson and accusing him of broken promises over Brexit.

DUP should have waiting outcome of negotiations, says Irish Premier

Irish premier Micheal Martin said "no one party should have a veto" over the future of Stormont. 

His comments come after DUP leader Sir Jeffrey Donaldson said his party would have difficulty reforming a Stormont executive after the upcoming Assembly election if issues with the Northern Ireland Protocol were not resolved.

Mr Martin said the DUP should have awaited the outcome of UK-EU negotiations on the protocol, and that people in Northern Ireland want to see elected representatives take their seats.

He said the decision "is very damaging to politics" and to people's "trust in politics". 

Micheal Martin speaking to the media in Dublin

Micheal Martin speaking to the media in Dublin (Image: PA)

'There shouldn't be any confusion'- High Courts decision on NI border checks

Earlier today Belfast's High Court ruled that post-Brexit checks on goods entering Northern Ireland from the UK must continue. 

On the ruling, Mr Justice Colton said: "There shouldn't be any doubt or confusion hanging over those civil servants who have to comply with the law.

"I propose to make an order, suspending the order or instruction given by the Minister for Agriculture until further order of this court or completion of these proceedings."

The decision came after agriculture minister Edwin Poots acted unilaterally to halt the checks that are required under the Northern Ireland Protocol. 

Jeremy Vine fed up of people arguing over Brexit debate

Jeremy Vine has erupted at Owen Jones and Ann Widdecombe as they argued over the Northern Ireland Protocol. 

Former Brexit Party MEP Ann Widdecombe insisted there was one while commentator Owen Jones slammed down her claims.

Mr Vine interjected the argument saying; "We're heading for the sixth anniversary of this argument.

"We still haven't worked it out because we had a land border with the EU. We're in a big political crisis in all points; north, south, east, and west."

'DUP are still a part of the Assembly going forward'

Naomi Long said she hoped a meeting of Stormont party leaders would be held on Friday to discuss the resignation of the First Minister.

The Justice Minister and Alliance Party leader said the DUP "are still going to be a part of the Assemble" and would need to be invited adding that it wouldn't be helpful to have meetings without them. 

Ms Long said: "I am happy to have the discussion but I do think we need to invite Jeffrey (Donaldson), whether or not he decides to turn up, of course, is a different matter."

She added that the priority is "trying to pick up the prices" and deliver "what we can for Northern Ireland in what is left of this mandate".

DUP First Minister Paul Givan resigned on Thursday. 

Good afternoon

Good afternoon I'm Francesca Edwards, I’ll be bringing you all the latest developments on Brexit for the next eight hours.

Please feel free to get in touch with me as I work if you have a story or tips to share. Your thoughts are always welcome.

Email: [email protected]

Twitter: @FrankieLEdwards

Liz Truss to meet Maros Sefcovic next week but warns: 'We need urgent progress'

The UK's Foreign Secretary will continue talks with her EU counterpart in London next week as they desperately try to agree on a solution to post-Brexit trading arrangements in Northern Ireland.

Ms Truss wrote on Twitter on Thursday: "Good discussion with @MarosSefcovic on Northern Ireland Protocol.

"My priority remains maintaining peace and stability in NI.

"We need urgent progress.

"Look forward to seeing him next week in London.

"Our teams will continue intensive talks."

Boris makes stunning admission over EU deal on Northern Ireland

Boris Johnson has conceded there is less than a 30 percent chance of striking a new Brexit deal with the European Union this month.

DUP leader Sir Jeffrey Donaldson said the Prime Minister made the stunning admission during a private meeting last week.

He told BBC Radio Ulster’s Good Morning Ulster: “I met with the Prime Minister last week. I asked the Prime Minister two straight questions.

"I asked him what he thought were the prospects of agreement being reached with the EU on the protocol within the next few weeks.

“His answer was ‘20 to 30 percent chance of agreement’.

“I then asked the Prime Minister for a clear commitment that in the absence of an agreement with the EU, the UK government would do what they said in their command paper last July, and take unilateral action.

"The Prime Minister could not give me that commitment in those circumstances.”

brexit boris johnson

Brexit LIVE: The PM has admitted doubts over a deal for NI with the EU being finalised this month (Image: GETTY)

Furious row explodes as court suspends new halt on border checks

Brexit customs checks in Northern Ireland must continue to take place, according to a new riling by the Hiugh Court.

This overrides an order made earlier this week by the DUP's agriculture minister Edwin Poots.

The interim injunction that has been put in place halts his order to halt agri-food checks at Northern Ireland ports.

It means bureaucratic EU paperwork must continue to be completed for all crossings from Britain to the province.


DUP leader tells UK Government and EU to 'step up to the mark' over protocol

Sir Jeffrey Donaldson told BBC Radio Ulster: "I've withdrawn the First Minister on the basis that the protocol issues have not been addressed despite clear commitments and promises given by the Prime Minister that they would be addressed.

"Clearly if the protocol issues are not resolved by the time of the election then, of course, it is difficult for us to form a government because of the instability that the protocol creates.

"I have made my position clear - I think there is now an opportunity for the Government and the EU to step up.

"The EU said consistently that the purpose of the protocol was to protect the political institutions, political stability and the Good Friday Agreement.

"Well, we know that isn't happening because unionists do not consent to the protocol. There is no consensus for the protocol.

"There is now an opportunity for the UK Government and the EU to step up to the mark and to deliver an agreement that resolves these issues that can be done quickly."

brexit jeffrey donaldson

Brexit LIVE: DUP leader Sir Jeffrey Donaldson (Image: GETTY)

Resignations 'inevitable' as EU refuses to budge on despised Brexit deal

Former Labour MP Kate Hoey has warned the resignation of Northern Ireland's First Minister Paul Givan is an inevitable consequence of the Government's failure to invoke Article 16 and suspend the protocol.

The resignation from Mr Givan is part of the DUP's escalating protest strategy against the Protocol.

It also automatically removed Sinn Fein deputy First Minister Michelle O'Neill from her position.

Ms Hoey, a committed Unionist who stood down as an MP in 2019, told Express.co.uk: “This was inevitable as there has been no sign of serious changes to the Protocol by the EU.

“Pro-Union people in Northern Ireland feel absolutely abandoned and fed up with Article 16 not being invoked.”


Brexit customs checks savaged - 'Can check out but can never leave!'

Arlene Foster has launched a furious attack against the Northern Ireland Protocol by branding it a "complete turkey".

The former DUP leader spoke out after Northern Ireland's Agricultural Minister Edwin Poots ordered officials to end the checks on agri-food required under the EU rules.

She compared the protocol to the song "Hotel California" from the US rock band The Eagles, which includes the lyric: "You can check out but you can never leave."


Northern Ireland protocol is a 'complete turkey' says Foster

Simon Coveney lashes out at Northern Ireland First Minister's resignation

Ireland's Foreign Affairs Minister has warned the resignation of Paul Givan is "very unwelcome" and means politics in the region cannot now function "as it should and needs to".

Mr Coveney told RTE radio: "People are working night and day to respond to legitimate unionist concerns and anxieties.

"We are listening to unionism."

He said that, while the move was unwelcome, it "doesn't change much, actually, in the context of the negotiations".

The Irish foreign minister insisted officials in the Department of Agriculture are continuing with post-Brexit checks on goods arriving from Great Britain - despite an order made by DUP Agriculture Minister Edwin Poots earlier this week.

brexit ireland

Brexit LIVE: Simon Coveney has spoken out on the resignation of Paul Givan (Image: GETTY)

Stormont Executive folds after Northern Ireland First Minister's resignation

The Northern Ireland Executive has formally been shorn of governing powers after Paul Givan quit the administration on Thursday.

The resignation, which has now come into effect, automatically removed Sinn Fein deputy First Minister Michelle O'Neill from her position.

Remaining Stormont ministers can remain in their positions but the Executive can no longer meet and is unable to take significant policy decisions.

brexit timeline

Brexit LIVE: Five key moments that led to Brexit (Image: GETTY)

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